Chereads / DILEmma / Chapter 67 - Come back

Chapter 67 - Come back

Emperor Tyran had wrapped up things with his group and gone to assist king Jamek and Cadul.

As he stood at the foot of a tree with two knights at his side his eyes searched through the part of the forest Infront of him for a golden armour,one only Gerald wore.

His group had captured three hundred savages in total locked in cages and teleported them to join king Jamek and Cadul's group.

Emperor Tyran had found it difficult to concentrate as he fought.

Something worried him,it wasn't just the fact he couldn't find his knight,he felt a strange odd feeling he couldn't decipher,it didn't let him concentrate,it bothered him.

He had tried reaching Gerald through telepathy but his link was blocked and unlike General Rengyotsu,Gerald had never blocked his telepathic link during a battle,he seldom did block it at all knowing he could call for him anytime.

Something wasn't right.

Tyran couldn't bring himself to be angry with him for disobeying his orders,he just wanted to find his Knight.

Before the hunt, Tyran recalled Gerald tried speaking with him about something but he had been too busy with the hunt's preparations and royal duties.

Gerald had probably decided not to bother him further till after the hunt.

Tyran asked King Jamek and Cadul through a telepathic link if they had seen him but the response he got only aggravated his fear.

Something was going on he knew nothing about.

Chief Zero wasn't even back yet,he wondered if he had been killed by the Alpha,not that he cared.

Tyran tried reaching King Maxmillian and Zemah farther south but they were too far away,out of his telepathic range.

Asking his generals,he got the same response.

How would they know anyway when they had been with him all along.

Tyran decided to go in search of him.

His eyes scanned the forest surrounding him Wondering where he would begin his search.

The forest surrounding the human walls comprised of more than fifteen nations put together which were once human nations before the ancient war.

It was vast and massive and even with all the essences he had absorbed, flying through it would take almost a month and searching it,forever.

Tyran notified king Jamek and Cadul through telepathy that he would be back in a while.

He took six generals and some knights with him before teleporting back to the area they had fought earlier in the east with his men.

Still no sign of Gerald.

He ordered two of his generals with ten knights to wait behind Incase Gerald returned back to area before teleporting with the rest to begin his search.


The Sun rays emerging from the window reflected rays from the metal Queen Aries held into her eyes and immediately Mia figured what the Queen was trying to do but she made no move to raise her head.

As the knife reached for her abdomen,she dodged at the last second only managing to escape a deeper glaze of the sharp metal that cut her.

Now standing by the queen's side,Mia moved swiftly to grip the queen's hand where she held the knife and they both struggled with it, their hands raising and dropping in attempt to free the knife from each other's grip.

Queen Aries managed to land a kick on Mia's abdomen making her stagger away to grip the spot and giving her a chance to find her way inside the room.

Her eyes quickly fell on the bed at the edge of the rectangular shaped room where the baby lay and a smile carved on her red lips.

"Found you!_Aaarrrggghhhhh!!"

She screamed from the pull on her hear,she reopened her eyes and felt a hand wrapped around her neck tightly squeezing on it.

"What are you?.... you're not.... a... maid"Queen Aries stammered gripping the arm as she tried to catch her breath.

"Why don't you find out"

"Enough...of playing petty games with you....Stillenfis!!!"Queen Aries commanded and Mia froze.

She slowly pulled her hand away from her neck freeing her self before turning to look at her,her face wearing a wide grin.

"Look at you now....I could just kill you right now but you're not what I want".she said pushing Mia's forehead with her index finger before turning to walk towards Ramses.

"Who needs a knife when I have got my hands to snap your little neck!"

Queen Aries got to the bad and reached for Ramses's neck.

A blue light glowed in his eyes and in an instant sharp golden object dashed past her hands almost cutting them had she not withdrawn it in time.

She turned her head to see a golden blade standing vertically in air some distance away from her.

Her jaw dropped in surprise.

She had heard of the legend of a family with the blood line gift to to morph weapons clad with golden flames but it was just a myth,so everyone thought.

Which means....

She turned to look at the direction she shad frozen Mia's time but he was gone.

"Where did you go?"

"Over here"Came Mia's voice from the opposite side.

Before Queen Aries could speak Mia had planted a fit in her abdomen, knocking her unconscious.

"Oh my goodness!"she exclaimed as the Queen fell to the ground,her crown rolling off her head to stop a few paces away.

"Oh my goodness....did I just hit a Queen!...Oh my goodness I am dead....dead! dead!! now.....I thought I was out of magic yet how did I do that?"Mia gasped and turned to Ramses who now sat giggling as he sucked on his hand.

"You! did something didn't you?...whu...what are you? can you use magic at this age?..a magic against ti...time?"

Ramses stopped sucking and crawled to the edge of the bed.

He jumped off the bed and walked towards the queen's crown.

Mia shut the door and turned to see him,a loud gasp escaped her lips as she covered them again.

" can you walk at this age?...she rubbed on her eyes and looked again.

Ramses had began sucking on he crown and was still standing.

Mia gripped the edge of her bed to prevent her from falling unable to take in what she had just seen.

She slapped her face multiple times looking at Ramses each time she did but there he was,still standing on his two tiny feet.

"Ramses!"Came a voice from outside the door.

Mia turned towards the door then glaced over at the unconscious queen before turning to look at the baby.

"Could my day get any worse?"She sighed as she tightly shut her eyes swearing never to open the door for anyone else.

She reopened her eyes to see Ramses walking towards the door with a lit face as saliva drooled from his mouth.

"Ca....caaruru...."he mumbled.

When he reached the door he hit it severally, unable to open it.

Having given up,he sat down and stared at Mia,his mouth pouting as if about to let out a bout of tears.

"What? want me to open it?"

Ramses nodded.