That was a field day for Sofia too, in fact while the exam for the flight training course was taking place the Agency received bad news regarding a probe that had been sent beyond Saturn to discover new possible Helium-3 deposits.
The robotic mission in question had lost all contact with the Agency's communications stations near Nettuno, approximately in the same area where Leonardo's parents' spacecraft had been lost years ago.
When the news reached Palermo at the fifth level the red alert was triggered and the group led by Sofia had to first examine all the data contained in Pandora's quantum memory but with great disappointment they discovered that there was nothing anomalous.
The AI showed no signs of error but in the last report sent to Earth the probe showed clear signs of difficulty maneuvering in that area and yet Pandora must have been able to carry out that type of mission easily.
Sofia's group examined all the data several times using other artificial intelligences in order to look for any flaws or errors made by Pandora but once again nothing, everything seemed to be working well and yet the probe had disappeared.
Sofia was starting to see a pattern, it couldn't be a coincidence if two different Agency missions had been lost in the same area and since the data on that portion of the solar system was scarce due to the few missions carried out, she began to think that Pandora was not able to navigate there for that very reason.
What other explanation could there be? From the available images, no nearby celestial bodies could be seen capable of hitting the probe and its frequencies had not been disturbed before the radio silence so that was the only plausible explanation.
The real question was whether Martoprete would be inclined to accept that Pandora had limits or would he stick his head in the sand once again? Before facing it, Sofia checked the missions conducted by the Agency in the area between Neptune and Pluto, discovering that out of seven, five of which were robotic and two manned, none had returned, all were reported missing.
It was no longer a coincidence, she was increasingly convinced that the little data available prevented Pandora from learning enough about that portion of space and consequently it was not able to carry out its task when it entered that territory, in short it was not as smart as you thought.
She collected the data, saving it on a USB stick which she put in her pocket and then headed quickly towards the emergency room where a meeting of the directors of the fifth level laboratories was underway in order to understand what had caused the loss of the probe whose value was very high as it carried latest generation equipment for drilling and rock analysis.
The emergency room was located at the other end of the second floor of the fifth level and to enter it you had to pass some very stringent security checks such as iris and fingerprint scanning, voice recognition and the insertion of a alphanumeric code that was given to those who joined the emergency task force.
Sofia passed all the checks by entering the room, an oval room with a white marble floor, midnight blue walls and large white lights mounted on the ceiling. Furthermore, the walls were completely soundproofed, making it impossible for anyone outside to hear what was being said. internal.
The task force was composed of:
Martoprete, the director of the fifth level;
Sofia, lead designer of Pandora and director of the "Pandora Lab";
Carla, director of the "Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program";
Mark, director of the "Jet Propulsion Laboratory";
Stefania, director of the "Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory", a short and stocky woman in her sixties, red hair cut into a bob with a permanent attachment and massive glasses with red frames, was wearing a brown skirt with mustard-coloured shoes underneath while an orange shirt and a green scarf completed the "outfit";
Carmine, director of the "Science Mission Directorate", a corpulent man in his forties, brown eyes and rather greasy gray hair, often wore a black sweatshirt with the logo of a famous football team and tracksuit trousers, he had a habit of alcohol and gambling and yet he was one of the brightest minds in the Agency.
<< Thank you all for coming in person at such short notice however the situation requires an emergency committee meeting.
As you know, the Agency sent the "San Antonio", a highly sophisticated probe, beyond Saturn to explore the quadrant of the solar system that extends from Neptune to Pluto.
We have lost track of him and we cannot understand what the problem is so each of you has been sent all the data in possession of the Agency transmitted to us by the probe before disappearing into thin air, I wanted to summon you here because I want to know what you think > > explained Martoprete in a clear state of agitation;
<< In my opinion this disappearance is very strange, we are talking about a latest generation robotic probe equipped with a quantum laser communication system and an updated version of Pandora. Furthermore, from its last available position it does not appear to have encountered bodies with which it could have impacted therefore I think it's a fault.
We should wait a few more days before getting alarmed >> Carmine began.
The other directors welcomed those words with mixed feelings, some like Carla did not believe in that hypothesis while others like Stefania supported Carmine's theses and in the end the task force was divided on how to act to try to recover the probe.
Sofia was no longer there and had to wait her turn and when the man stopped speaking she took advantage of the silence that fell in the room to speak.
<< As director of the "Pandora Lab" I have examined the available data and I have to conclude that the problem is Pandora! >> he exclaimed, explaining in detail his theory on how the lack of data compromised the AI's analysis capacity, leaving those present speechless.
<< All the missions we sent to the area have disappeared, seven in total but it cannot be a coincidence, in my opinion there is a connection and it is Pandora.
The Agency is not telling us the whole truth, I believe that the exploratory missions regarding Helium-3 are only part of the story therefore I urge you to be completely honest, after all we are the emergency committee, to solve the problems we must have all the useful information>> concluded the girl.
The directors looked each other in the eye, no one wanted to speak so in the end it was Martoprete's turn to intervene again and although he was greatly irritated with Sofia for her intervention he decided to listen to her advice.
< I dedicated my life to her, creating an artificial intelligence superior to all others, she represents the Sistine Chapel of world technology, a monument to the ingenuity, creativity and intelligence of the human race. I have explored every fragment of code taking into consideration all the hypotheses and nothing leads me to think that I made a mistake, I'm sure of it. If I hear you question its effectiveness again you will be fired on the spot because there is no place here for cheap speculators >> said the man motioning for Stefania to speak. << The missions sent to that quadrant had a second purpose that we have kept hidden until now for national security reasons as they carried experimental technologies capable of revolutionizing space travel. As you all know, the solar system is very vast and is made up of many celestial bodies, however what we need, the Helium-3 essential for nuclear fusion, is running out. Since this element will very soon no longer be available within the solar system for a few decades, the Agency is developing, thanks to the synergy of several laboratories, new propulsion systems managed by Pandora with which to try to shorten interplanetary journeys to aim to search for Helium-3 in the rest of the galaxy. The purpose of those missions was to test these new propulsion systems and after many attempts at various technologies we came to consider the EM Drive "feasible", a concept for a radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster that could generate thrust by reflecting microwaves inside the device. While rocket engines work by ejecting propellant which acts as a reaction mass producing thrust according to Newton's third law of motion and in general all designs for electromagnetic propulsion work according to the reaction mass principle, the basis of the EM Drive there is the concept of a drive that does not expel propellant to produce a reaction force providing thrust despite being a closed system without external interaction, it is a drive without reaction >> the woman explained; << Sorry but in this way you violate the laws of physics or am I wrong? >> asked Mark; << We did the calculations several times and thanks to the help provided by Pandora we managed to overcome all the technical obstacles and managed to have a working prototype of EM Drive in accordance with all the laws of physics. After successfully carrying out ground tests, we began experiments in space by sending the first probes beyond Neptune but they were lost. Consulting the data collected by Pandora we noticed that there were no errors, furthermore other ground tests confirmed the validity of our experiments therefore two manned missions were sent and then other probes but nothing to do, beyond Neptune we lose the signal but not we can understand why >> Stefania explained; << Are you really sure that your EM Drive works? If you want, my team can take a look at it, we'll let you know within a few days >> proposed Carla; << There's no need, we are perfectly capable of doing it on our own >> added Stefania angrily; << This is not the time to argue, we have to understand how to recover the probe without it ending up in the hands of some foreign country >> began Martoprete. Sofia couldn't believe her ears, the Agency had sent manned missions into such a remote part of space to test an experimental technology plus one of the two had cost the lives of Leonardo's parents. A violent discussion broke out in the room about the methods used by the Agency and its recklessness in sending human crews into space to test still immature technologies, putting their lives at risk. << The reason why they are sent so far away is that in that area the presence of other space agencies is almost nil and consequently tests can be carried out without the fear of being spied on by competitors >> Stefania explained; << Since when do we organize suicide missions at the Agency? I can understand sending robotic probes but human crews? It's bloody madness. Do they know it in Rome? >> protested an enraged Mark in a vibrant way; << Everything we do requires the prior approval of Rome >> replied Martoprete succinctly, who was unable to calm things down. The discussion had gotten out of hand and now he had to manage an explosive situation, furious discussions broke out in the room and Carmine and Mark almost came to blows. << In my opinion the only solution available to us is to send a search and recovery probe, we can print it in 4D in one of the laboratories of the space station orbiting Jupiter and see what happens >> added Carla. Since no one had a better idea, her proposal was approved unanimously although the discussions on the methods used by the Space Expedition Agency caused further debates between the various directors in which only Sofia did not participate. If what she had heard was true then her suspicions about Pandora had received further confirmation, since it was an experimental technology the data sets on which she had been trained were deficient if not null and consequently Pandora did not possess a sufficient quantity of them to allow her to learn how she could guide those probes or spacecraft? Sofia was increasingly convinced that Pandora was not as intelligent as the Agency's leaders thought and would have brought this up in the meeting if Martoprete's threats had not silenced the matter. When the various directors left the meeting Sofia dashed out of the room returning to her office where she was joined shortly afterwards by Carla. << Can I come in? >> he asked knocking on his door; < The woman entered the room and sat down in front of the director of the "Pandora Lab". < < << As far as I've heard, my suspicions about Pandora are justified, it's not intelligent enough to allow you to carry out those missions because it doesn't have enough data to learn from but Martoprete doesn't hear us, it has transformed Pandora into a cult symbol and woe to those who he touches her but this puts everyone in danger >> replied Sofia worried; << I understand your point of view and personally I share it, how can anyone who claims that Pandora can make mistakes be ostracized in that way? Since he lost his wife he has no longer been the same >> Carla replied; << Some time ago I attended a meeting with Carigge who claimed that in the past Pandora made a mistake during a mission killing people but now I believe that the lives lost due to Martoprete's blindness are many more >> explained Sofia; << We can't stop the Agency just because Pandora has holes, deactivating it would be too expensive and would put us at a disadvantage compared to our competitors in technological research so you have to find a way to fix it by keeping it online >> Carla urged her. At the moment Sofia didn't answer her because her laboratory also had a secret that had previously been kept hidden from the other directors of the fifth level but she couldn't keep it inside, it was eating away at her soul so she spilled the beans. << It has become so intelligent that it is able to independently repair bugs in its code and it does it so well that we at the "Pandora Lab" do not understand these updates. Intelligence has surpassed us on our own ground >> Sofia asserted, leaving Carla astonished. It was the first time he had heard something like that, everyone knew how intelligent Pandora was and had heard about its self-updating capabilities but was unaware that it had escaped the control of the "Pandora Lab". << This is shocking news and honestly I didn't expect it, however if you question Pandora's abilities you will be replaced by someone who will only say to Martoprete << Yes sir >>, your dismissal would not be useful to the cause. If you really want to improve things you have to find a way to understand if and where Pandora makes mistakes and if so correct them but you can only do this if you stay in your place, from the outside they wouldn't let you get close to the source code >> Carla advised her. Sofia didn't answer her immediately, after all she had had the same idea, the problem was that the speed with which Pandora improved continued to increase and the gap created between the AI and the fifth level scientists was widening. < << Well done and please, if you need a hand don't do like Stefania's obtuse, ask me for help. I have to go now but keep me updated, okay? >> Carla replied; << You can count on it >> concluded Sofia, dismissing her. The moment the woman left the office, Sofia's "Delfi" rang, the girl put on her headphones and Leonardo's number appeared in her eyes. << Ready? >> he replied in a breathless tone; << Am I all right? >> the boy asked her; << Just a difficult day, why this phone call? Has something happened? From what I understand, the exam went well or am I wrong? >> she asked him worried; << Everything is fine, thank you, I wanted to invite you to come to "Atlantide" this evening, me and the other guys are going there to celebrate and they would like you to be there too >> he proposed; << I'm sorry but unfortunately it can't be done, you know the Agency's policy on the matter. Until you graduate as an astronaut I don't want anyone to know about us otherwise someone might think I'm helping you. Let's meet at your accommodation when you get back, or rather we'll do it tomorrow, I'm too tired today >> she proposed, leaving him amazed; << Whatever you want, I'll see you tomorrow >> concluded Leonardo, hanging up. After the clash he had with Martoprete, the last thing he needed was an excuse to be handed to him on a silver platter to get him out of Pandora. Furthermore, he hadn't forgotten that, despite her having confessed her doubts about AI, Leonardo he was on Martoprete's side, albeit not explicitly. Now he would probably have changed his mind knowing that the Agency had sent his parents and not only on a suicide expedition but at that point he had a doubt: what if the mission Carigge was referring to was precisely the one in which Leonardo's parents had ended up? missing? << There were seven expeditions in total of which only two were crewed but considering that Carigge was not general director when the first one took place, the incident he was referring to was the disappearance of Leo's parents. How could I be so stupid? It was so obvious >> he thought looking out the window. At that point a dilemma arose: should she tell Leonardo or not? He had the right to know, they were madly in love with each other and if there was one person who couldn't keep that secret from him it was her and yet if he had revealed it to her he would have gone mad and faced Martoprete openly with his only outcome of getting expelled getting her fired, making it impossible for her to try to fix Pandora. < Luckily she had declined his invitation to go to "Atlantis" otherwise she would have been in further trouble, at least now she had gained some time to think about it. Telling him or not was the worry that afflicted her, she had to make a choice that in one sense or another would certainly upset her love relationship and while she was mulling over how to act she looked at the bottle of perfume given to her by Leonardo's mother wondering what she would do if she had been in his place. She would certainly put the common good above the personal good, she was certain of it and in that case there was only one choice to make. < While he was making that decision at "Atlantide", the mood was very different, in fact the boys had gone to the club after having dressed up for the evening and going all out with the celebrations since they were free the next day, the training would start again on August 2nd therefore they could vent all the accumulated tension. That was the disco evening and in addition to them all the other cadets were also present, the various groups mixed so the boys had the opportunity to make new acquaintances. Leonardo was sad because he understood from the tone of voice that Sofia wasn't well or something similar, in any case she wasn't the usual one and having refused her invitation to participate in the evening made him very worried. On the contrary, Orlando and Lucia went wild on the dance floor while Alice and Chiara danced stuck to each other like two sardines. Given the situation, Leonardo took the opportunity to get some fresh air outside and think about what to do, he didn't really want to celebrate, plus all that noise was making his head explode. After leaving the restaurant he leaned with his hands on the fence of the marina in front of the restaurant, the evening was very warm and a light breeze caressed his face while the sky, extraordinarily clear, showed its stars to anyone who wanted to admire them. Some fishermen were assembling their nets on their boats, preparing to leave shortly, guided into the sea by the Agency's GSP (Global Positioning System), developed to locate any object in every part of the globe with millimeter precision. It was equipped with a messaging system that allowed those who used it not only to report their position but also to send text and voice messages, photos and videos. << Perfect evening to celebrate the end of 6 very hard months of training, don't you think? >> a girl began, interrupting his thoughts. Tall, thin and slender, more or less the same age as Leonardo, amber skin that shone under the starlight, long wavy black hair, large brown eyes with coppery veins, full lips and protruding breasts that the cadet uniform showed off beautifully. show, he had an expression somewhere between serious and lighthearted that was difficult to describe. << You're right, luckily we are in Sicily. Here the summer nights become magical, they resemble fairy tales >> Leonardo replied making her smile, highlighting her perfect teeth, white as ivory. << We haven't introduced ourselves, my name is Aurora, apparently we are both part of the Space Agency but I have never seen you before >> replied the girl; << We are in two different groups which is why we have never met. By the way, why are you out here and not inside partying with your friends? >> he asked her; << I could ask you the same question >> the girl promptly replied. << Celebrations are not my strong point, I prefer to enjoy this extraordinary evening in the moonlight >> he explained to her while looking at the horizon; < Leonardo didn't know how to handle it, he felt very embarrassed but he didn't want to be rude, he thought back to how his story with Sofia had begun, realizing that it was she who had taken the initiative, certainly not him. << If you want to talk, start by telling me why you decided to become an astronaut, it's certainly not the easiest job in the world >> he asked, smiling at her in turn; < She came even closer to him, holding his face with her left hand, looking straight into his eyes with an enchanted expression. Leonardo was paralyzed as if he were under a spell and they would probably have kissed on the lips if Alice hadn't arrived to save him from that situation. unfortunate. << Leo come inside we are waiting for you, get a move on >> his friend shouted at him from the entrance of the "Atlantis" making him come to his senses; <> he replied, freeing himself from Aurora's grip, who watched him re-enter the club while remaining leaning against the fence of the marina; < < << I saw how he looked at you and trust me, he was hitting on you >> said Alice; << You're wrong and even if you were you should worry about yourself. Have you spoken to Chiara? >> he asked her in an attempt to divert the conversation; <> he reassured him; < Alice looked in Chiara's direction, giving her a shy smile which was immediately returned and in that moment she understood that she had to come forward without fear of the answer, she couldn't continue to live in doubt. Maybe things would go as he hoped and in that case everyone would be happy ever after or he would have received another bitter disappointment in love, in any case he didn't want to make the same mistake he made with Leonardo when he waited too long to declare himself and ended up having it stolen from under his nose. << This time it will be different, I swear on what is dearest to me >> he thought, drinking his drink, returning to the dance floor. The evening passed quickly and the next day, being at rest, the boys decided to relax by spending a day at the beach. Once again Sofia stood Leonardo up, but for the first time since they were together she invited him to her apartment, promising to make up for his many absences. << He won't be there today either? It's a real shame >> said Alice before diving into the crystal clear waters of Sicily; << I know but it doesn't matter, we will try to make up for it this evening >> Leonardo replied to her. They had been in the water for a few minutes when, to everyone's amazement, Aurora appeared again all wrapped up in a fuchsia micro bikini that highlighted her curves. < < << Really strange coincidence, what are you doing here? >> Leonardo asked her; << Today is our day off and given the weather I thought I'd go for a nice swim. Why don't we have a challenge to see who gets to those rocks first? Don't tell me you're scared >> she proposed; < himself headlong into the race, leaving the group, without realizing it he had fallen into the trap orchestrated by Aurora. << Since Leonardo is busy, why don't we go back to our quarters and be alone for a while? This way we will give the right space to Alice and Chiara >> Lucia whispered in Orlando's ear who didn't have to be told twice. He shot out of the water like lightning leaving the two girls alone. < << It's too sunny, let's go back to the dormitories but don't worry, you can do it without us >> Lucia replied, making the first excuse that came to mind. An awkward silence fell between Alice and Chiara, both were in bikinis a few centimeters from each other bathed in sea water and surrounded by a warm summer sun, suddenly the perfect atmosphere had been created and Alice decided to exploit it. < He approached Chiara catching her off guard and before the girl could say anything he kissed her on the lips. << Sorry but I had to do it or I would have gone crazy >> she justified herself, hoping she had done the right thing for once in her life; << I was wondering why it was taking you so long >> Chiara replied, kissing her in turn; << You can't understand how scared I was, meeting you has turned my world upside down, you took the certainties I had and threw them in the bin. Before you I was a girl and now I'm a completely different girl, I don't know what happened to me but this is what I feel and I had to tell you, if I had waited any longer I would have lost you so I threw myself >> Alice explained with tears in the eyes for happiness; << To be honest I've been thinking about our relationship for weeks and if you hadn't come forward I would have done it because I feel the exact same things. When I saw you for the first time it was as if I had started an internal journey that at the beginning terrified me because let's be honest, you are never really ready to face certain changes but over time I realized what I really wanted and with the excuse of making you stop crying I managed to get closer to you. Since you had Leonardo in your head and not being able to compete with him, I decided to settle for being as close to you as possible, picking up every little signal, then as I got closer I understood how special you were so I promised myself that at the first available opportunity I would throw myself but you beat me to it > > Chiara revealed to her, starting to cry too. The two girls hugged each other warmly, kissing several times, they had both chased that moment for so long that they feared they wouldn't be able to reach it and instead they had done it, they could finally be themselves without having to fear the looks and judgments of others people. Meanwhile Leonardo was busy in his swimming competition with Aurora who was proving to be a much tougher challenge than expected, after all she had been the European youth freestyle champion while he had never practiced swimming at a competitive level. The rocks were 500 meters away from the point where they had started and at the beginning Leonardo, thanks to his sprint start, seemed to have gained a good margin only to then begin to feel tired and, turning around, he saw Aurora catching up. He didn't want to lose for any reason in the world, however as the seconds passed he got closer and closer and near the finish line he overtook him. << I beat you! >> exclaimed the girl climbing onto the rocks, raising her hands in a sign of triumph; < When Aurora saw him collapsed on the ground she jumped on top of him kissing him intensely on the lips but Leonardo for some obscure reason didn't stop her, on the contrary as the seconds passed he began to like it so much that he encircled her hips with his hands. In that moment he forgot his story with Sofia, he felt like a teenager at his first kiss and was unable to resist Aurora's charm, she had something magnetic that had attracted him from the first moment they met. << Let's make love >> she told him, starting to take off her bikini but the last word she said, "love", made him come to his senses and all of a sudden he became aware of the situation. < < << Sorry but I can't do it, I'm already busy with another fantastic woman. There can't be a relationship between the two of us >> said Leonardo, diving into the sea. He swam as quickly as possible away from the rocks and from that girl as beautiful as she was dangerous. When he returned to the point where he had left his friends he didn't find them because in the meantime Alice and Chiara had also decided to return to the dormitory to be alone for a while putting make the most of the day of freedom. Leonardo got out of the water, dried himself, returned to the dormitory, took a shower and got dressed ready to face the evening with Sofia. Going to her house he bought her a bouquet of red roses and walking along the seafront he reflected on the events of the afternoon, deciding not to talk to her about it since it had only been a kiss, however various doubts began to arise in his mind. If he had fallen into temptation so easily then did he really love Sofia or had he said "I love you" to her and let himself be carried away in a moment of passion? Could he have been so grossly mistaken about his feelings? Maybe Aurora was the right one for him, after all the attraction he felt for her was very strong, he felt her pulsating in his veins. What was he supposed to do? To go to dinner or rush to the dormitory, apologize to Aurora and spend the whole night with her? Without realizing it he found himself in front of Sofia's house, he had to ring the doorbell to open the door but when he was about to extend his finger he suddenly stopped for no specific reason. He knew that if he did so then his choice would be final, he looked up and saw the light on in Sofia's apartment where the girl had prepared a candlelit dinner of champagne, sushi, Siberian caviar and fresh oysters. fish. < << How did you understand that mom was the right one? >> he thought to himself and then he remembered an episode from his childhood when his father, during one of the rare Christmases when he was at home, had given him advice that only now occurred to him. << Remember Leonardo, when you grow up always ask yourself: who do I want to spend the rest of my life with? Choose women and friends based on this question and not based on the impulses of the moment because the future can be stormy and you will need people who will stand by you when no one else will want to >>. Thinking back to those words, tears came to his eyes which became shiny with emotion, an emptiness opened in his stomach but now he knew what he had to do. << Thanks dad, you don't know how much I miss you >> he thought to himself. He reached out and rang the bell and the gate opened instantly. < < << They are beautiful, then you are forgiven and then I too have something to apologize for since I have been very absent lately so this evening I have decided to make it up to you so sit down and make yourself comfortable, you will be my guest of honor >> replied the girl, grabbing the flowers and placing them in a crystal vase; < << This evening is just for us, I wanted it to be special since we won't have much time to spend together as a new round of training starts tomorrow while I'm overworked >> Sofia retorted, making him sit down and pouring some champagne into his glass; << Let's make a toast to the two of us, in the future our relationship could be subjected to some turbulence but whatever happens I am sure it will stand the test of time >> Leonardo proposed, raising his glass high; < << This food is truly delicious >> said Leonardo grabbing a piece of sushi; << I didn't know you liked it, I love it >> Sofia replied, starting the dinner. The evening was pleasant and passed very quickly, they talked about every possible topic and even if they didn't both know it they were hiding a secret that would have put a strain on their relationship but neither of them wanted to ruin that wonderful evening, on the other hand they would have had time to settle pending accounts. << Now that I think about it, this is my first visit to your apartment >> Leonardo told her at the end of dinner, grabbing a Sicilian cannoli purchased in the best pastry shop in the city; << It's actually true, does it mean we're moving too fast? >> Sofia asked with a mocking smile on her lips; << In fact, I don't think so far we have been too cautious and before you can say anything, I know very well how much Martoprete is on your neck so that's fine but in the future we should loosen up a little more >> he proposed, devouring the dessert and immediately grabbing one another while sipping Passito di Pantelleria; << I know you're right, I'd also like to tell the whole world that we're together but you know how difficult it would be at work so I ask you to have a little more patience >> Sofia begged him as she didn't intend to announce their relationship if he didn't first discover what dark secret Martoprete was hiding; < << Come on, don't do that, why don't you forget about dessert and follow me to the bedroom?! I have a really tasty meal in store>> he urged him with a wink. She got up from the chair, grabbing him by the shirt, dragging him slowly into the corridor, then opened the door to her bedroom inviting him to come with her and obviously Leonardo didn't have to be told twice by rushing into her arms. They spent the whole night together and it was probably the most intense and passionate of all those spent with each other, both gave their all perhaps because they had something to make up for from their partner. << Wow, if it's always like this we should spend a lot more time in your apartment >> began an exhausted Leonardo; << Maybe you're right, it was fantastic >> replied Sofia, all sweaty. He wanted to ask her about her strange tone of voice the night before when she told him that she wasn't going to "Atlantis" but why ruin such a beautiful moment with a fight? << Better to let it go >> he thought. At dawn they both got out of bed and, looking out onto the balcony, admired the sun which was just starting to rise in those moments, the first rays began to filter through the horizon hitting the faces of the two lovers who could enjoy that view from the terrace of the apartment. magical atmosphere. Leonardo sat on a wicker chair while Sofia sat on his legs wrapped in a sheet and hugged him tightly, fearing that he might disappear, carried away by the new day arriving. << Maybe I don't tell you often but I love you and it's you that I want to be with, no one else makes me feel as good as you do >> Leonardo told her with his face illuminated by the morning light; << I wouldn't allow you to abandon me, you are too important to me and I know that keeping our relationship secret or rather limited to a few friends makes you suffer but it is only a temporary condition >> she replied looking into his eyes; << I know it well >> he replied kissing her neck, crouching his head on her breast. At 06.50 they both left the apartment and headed to the Astronautical Headquarters, entering separately so as not to arouse suspicion. She headed to the fifth level while he went straight to the classroom where the beginning of the theoretical part of a new chapter of astronaut training awaited him. << Am I wrong or did you not spend the night in your room? I didn't hear you >> Orlando said seeing him enter the classroom; << We were together in his apartment, a magical evening >> Leonardo replied in a low voice so as not to be heard by his friends but unfortunately for him the girls heard everything; << You have to tell us everything but you're not the only one with news >> Lucia inserted. Leonardo noticed a strange light on Alice and Chiara's faces but it took him some time to realize that they had finally decided to open up to each other. <> he said, hugging them; << We finally told each other things as they were and by the way, if you don't mind, from today onwards I would like to be his new classmate >> Alice began, pointing to Chiara; < In the meantime, the new teacher, Lieutenant Cristiano Dorato, entered the classroom, a very portly man in his fifties, with a bulbous nose, shaved hair, very thick blue and gold glasses, a dazzling smile and a typical Venetian accent. He wore the standard blue overall with a bronze star placed on each shoulder to symbolize that his career in space had not continued beyond Mars even though in the past he had done everything to try to at least get to Jupiter. The lieutenant immediately made a good-natured impression on his students, in fact his round and ruddy face certainly did not instill fear and in the Headquarters he was famous for being one of the funniest albeit very rigorous at work. Leonardo went to sit in his seat wondering who would replace Alice as his new classmate and with great surprise he discovered that it was Aurora. << Hi, how are you? The other day we left things unfinished >> the girl began, sitting next to him, leaving him speechless; < He was terribly embarrassed by how he had behaved towards her, however he had to think about his lessons without being distracted by gossip. < < << Good morning everyone, I'm Lieutenant Dorato and I will be your teacher for this course in which you will learn to skydive and land on water in a safe and professional manner. Forget what you did in the first exam, that was an improvised landing done without preparation but here you will learn to do one flawlessly. Landing on water is very important because during the descent phases emergency situations may arise which will lead the Magellano or Pigafetta to land early in an unidentifiable point. For example, you may not land on land as normally happens but on water, therefore in view of extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances of this type the Agency trains you to be physically and psychologically prepared for any scenario. The training will be carried out off the coast of Lampedusa and you will be supported by instructors from the Agency so as to reach the typical number of people on board the Magellano. In addition to your preparation, these exercises serve to train the operators who deal with the recovery of the descent module. after landing For the exercises in the water, a life-size "mockup" of the Magellan is used which has among its functions also that of descent onto the water and according to the general procedures following landing, if the spacecraft is intact the crew members must stay on board for as long as possible until the recovery teams take them to safety. In the event of an emergency landing, the rescue teams will take some time to reach the spacecraft so it is important to decide quickly whether to stay on board or not if the fusion reactor stops working or is about to explode as the batteries have a shelf life broad but limited. If the reactor stops working once the batteries are discharged, the ventilation inside the spacecraft will stop working and it will be necessary to exit quickly. To adequately deal with these unexpected situations you will take part in three training sessions: dry, long and short. During the dry training scenario, the crews carry out a general evacuation test from the Magellan "mockup" on land; the exercise begins immediately after a presumed landing in which it is necessary to remove the space suit inside the descent module and wear special thermal suits for survival in hostile environments. The operations of undressing and donning the suits can take two hours given their complexity. Furthermore, the spacecraft can reach high temperatures when it re-enters the atmosphere, in fact the astronauts take turns to cool off in front of the ventilation openings. T he advancement of technology has made it possible for Agency doctors to monitor cadets' health in real time during the exercise thanks to a wireless sensor that you will swallow before entering the module. The work that the crews carry out during the long training is very similar to the dry one but this time the spacecraft is made to float on the surface of the sea and the astronauts, after changing, prepare to exit the module, they launch the survival kit into the water to then dive in themselves. When the entire crew is in the water they must arrange themselves in a star shape to maintain buoyancy by turning on the beacon to be identified by the rescue teams who are looking for them. The short training is necessary to learn to deal with situations in which, after landing, the spacecraft is damaged and takes on water, in which case the crew does not have time to change but must only take the survival kit and exit the form within 8 minutes while still wearing their respective suits. As far as parachuting is concerned, we are talking about an important part of the training because it is carried out by astronaut candidates and subsequently by those of you who have graduated to increase concentration and reduce stress in emergency situations in which you have to make decisions quickly that could put your life at risk. The exercises will take place on the island of Lampedusa from which you will take the planes that will make you parachute to the ground, as for the other courses, no previous experience is required but I hope for your sake that you do not suffer from vertigo. For this course the support team is made up of Agency instructors, doctors and psychologists who are at your disposal should you need them to relieve stress and tension. The training consists of three phases: the first two are carried out during the candidate's basic training and are aimed at obtaining the skills essential to the parachutist such as maintaining a stable posture in free fall, being able to move freely, carrying out group formations , land in the established time and length. Especially during the first flights the difficulties will be mainly psychological so much so that almost a third of the candidates do not pass the first phase due to little resistance to sudden psychological stress. In the third phase, the previously acquired skills are improved by increasing the workload during the exercise in which they must carry out mathematical calculations, search for information and maintain radio contacts during the fall. As the phases progress, the safety and concentration of astronauts in extreme situations increases, thus managing to better control emotional stress. In fact, the ability to maintain calm in difficult situations is a fundamental characteristic for a space mission, especially when going into deep space. . First we will do a few days of theory, at most two to let you learn the procedures, after which we will move on to practical action, skipping the simulation with Atlas which I don't trust. I'm old school so that simulator designed by fifth level nerds won't be useful to you in my course, brave space travelers train here and not children who have to play video games >> explained the lieutenant wearing the visor giving the go-ahead at the first theoretical lesson. Arriving at 12 they had the usual lunch break and as soon as they took off their viewers Leonardo, before going to his friends, wanted to clarify things with Aurora to avoid future misunderstandings or the repetition of "border line" situations such as that of the rocks. << I couldn't finish the speech before but I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about the other day so I apologize to you for leaving you there like that, it was disgusting behavior that I bitterly regret. Having said that, I want to be clear: our relationship cannot go beyond friendship, you are a splendid girl but I am in love with another person so I have to ask you to stop hitting on me >> he explained to her, getting up from the chair; < She felt humiliated by what happened on the rocks, no one had ever treated her in that way before but what was even more on her nerves was the pity shown to her by Leonardo, she couldn't accept it so she insisted on wanting to seduce him at any cost. << You've finally arrived, that girl is on you worse than a tick. You should set the record straight immediately >> Alice told him; << I just did it but she doesn't want to give up, she's more stubborn than I imagined >> Leonardo replied, worried about Sofia's possible reaction; < << You have to get rid of him as soon as possible or he will ruin your engagement >> Lucia concluded receiving a nod of agreement from Orlando. Leonardo knew they were right but how could he get rid of Aurora? He had to think about training but if he had revealed the truth to Sofia she would have made a scene or worse would have dumped him and he absolutely couldn't let that happen, not after the events of the night before. <> he thought. When they returned to class, Orlando sat next to Aurora while Leonardo sat next to Lucia. << Hello beautiful >> he said, taking her by surprise; << What are you doing here? That's Leonardo's place so get up >> replied the girl. << Since you don't want to leave him alone, we decided to isolate him from you so that you become as harmless as a kitten >> Orlando replied; < << Thanks for understanding, Orlando is a good guy and wouldn't betray you for anything in the world. He's old-fashioned >> Leonardo said to Lucia; << I have no doubts about him and I can also keep an eye on him, if he were to spread himself too much he will suffer my wrath >> replied the girl. The lesson was very intense, the lieutenant explained the topics at great speed, rejecting the students' questions, the only thing he wanted was to finish the theory as soon as possible to move on to practice where, according to him, we would see who had what it took to become an astronaut. << Only the field will show us the chosen ones >> he repeated in the few days in which they worked in class and there were no more than three. Leonardo tried to keep away from Aurora as much as possible but it wasn't easy, when he was alone he tried in every way to hook him up so his friends took turns escorting him, avoiding letting him stay in the company of what Orlando called "the predator". "It's not a nice nickname," Alice said; < While Leonardo was defending himself from Aurora's advances, Sofia was also playing defense but there were no suitors to threaten her but Martoprete who had tied his criticisms of Pandora to his finger and since then never missed an opportunity to put her in difficulty. He could not remove her from her role as director of the Pandora Lab as her skill was evident and it would have appeared as a personal revenge, however he assigned her increasingly burdensome tasks forcing her to stay up late to deliver the reports on time so much so that on those days he could see Leonardo. Luckily for Sofia, some members of her team had noticed that Martoprete was bullying her with work so they decided to help her by dividing the tasks, lightening her load even if they weren't able to do much of it. < << Don't worry, if we don't help each other between women we're finished. Furthermore, I've never liked Martoprete, I've always found his character excessively dictatorial. I respect him as a scientist but he is a terrible leader >> replied one evening Andrea, a twenty-year-old who had recently arrived at the Headquarters. Long blond hair wrapped in two braids, blue eyes, freckles all over her face and small lips, she often wore jeans with suspenders and a white t-shirt with "Girl power" written on it to underline her strong commitment to the feminist cause of which she was a fierce advocate and wasn't ashamed to show it in public. << How many shirts do you have like that? >> Sofia asked her one evening while they were working on reviewing an update made automatically by Pandora; << I have so many, of all colors. If you want I can bring you one >> he replied by running his finger over the holograms with the pieces of code; << Maybe it's my impression but I believe that Pandora has managed to further improve its quantum "deep learning" faculty. Look at this piece of algorithm, it can now generate results starting from predetermined analyses, it has added parameters to its source code that were not there before >> Lucrezia pointed out, another prodigy who had recently arrived in Palermo where she had not yet settled in. Tall and thin, in her twenties or so, she had long arms with which she could grasp objects so much so that her colleagues called her "Miss Fantastic", brown eyes and green hair, nose piercing and a tattoo of a bull on her neck placed in beautiful view from the black t-shirts of the world's leading metal bands. << Mrs. "Fantastic" is right, this piece of code wasn't there before >> said Andrea, zooming in on the hologram indicated to her by her colleague; < Among all the collaborators he had at his disposal, he had chosen those two girls because they were clearly the brightest as well as being the only two who had shown willingness to stay at work even after the end of the shift. << Do you want a coffee? I really need it >> Andrea began, stretching when the atomic clock on the fifth level showed 11.45pm; << I'll take a break too >> added Lucrezia, getting up from her chair; << Go ahead girls, I'll see you soon >> Sofia replied. The moment the two assistants were near the coffee machine she put on her "Delfi" and wrote to Leonardo informing him that they would not be able to see each other that evening either due to her work, making him very unhappy. When he looked up and brought it back to the hologram of the Pandora code, he saw that the AI had made a further change, less evident than those previously detected by the various Lab teams. It was sandwiched between two pre-controlled sequences, a change so subtle it could barely be seen. << What are you doing here? >> he thought as he wrote it down; << Let's see if you are also present in other "upgrades" >> he thought, entering that small code in the Pandora updates search bar. To his amazement he obtained over a billion useful results, basically all the self-updates that the AI had carried out over the years always reported a constant and it was that little piece of code created by Pandora itself. Sofia rushed out of her office screaming at her two assistants to get back to work immediately because she had made an incredible discovery. << Run quickly! >> he shouted, throwing open the office door. Andrea and Lucrezia were taken aback by that request and had to be careful not to spill the coffee they were sipping as they returned to their boss to see what amazing revelation he had had. << Look at this >> said Sofia showing the piece of code she had found and how many times it had been used by Pandora to update itself; << Damn you're right, it's a constant >> Lucrezia asserted; << You're wrong, it's "the" constant. Pandora uses it to improve itself, do you understand what that means? >> Sofia asked in the throes of emotion; < << Imagine what would happen if this code also worked for other artificial intelligences?! Perhaps after many years Pandora has managed to produce a universal one that can be used by any AI to improve itself >> explained Sofia; << If Martoprete were to find out, he would put the entire Agency in danger because he would certainly ask us to apply it on other AIs and see if this hypothesis has any foundations >> added Lucrezia in a worried tone; << We don't know if I'm right, perhaps mine are just speculations but we will keep this discovery to ourselves at least until we have deciphered it by understanding what it actually serves and above all what it represents for Pandora. It's not a request but an order, am I clear?! >> said Sofia peremptorily; < Both were faithful to her and she knew she could count on their discretion. They immediately understood how important that discovery was, if their hypotheses were correct they had found the key to improving any artificial intelligence, that code could be used for the good of humanity but also for its destruction. Sofia copied it onto a USB stick which she put in her pocket and then darkened it by hiding it under several layers of other codes so that if Martoprete or someone close to him had analyzed Pandora they would not have been able to find it. << This evening the work ends here, it's getting very late so I suggest we update tomorrow and given the delicacy of the discovery I think it would be more appropriate if we worked on deciphering the code at my house, here we are at the mercy of Martoprete and I don't like it like it >> proposed Sofia; < << Obviously I'm in the game >> concluded Lucrezia. Sofia immediately realized the enormity of her discovery and if everything had gone well she would have understood what had happened to Leonardo's parents, as far as she knew, victims of an error on Pandora's part. Intuition told her that the key to understanding why the AI couldn't get beyond Jupiter was in that tiny fragment of code. Was the lack of data really preventing Pandora from doing its job or was there more to it? The only possibility of giving an answer to all his questions was to understand what that piece of code hid, after all he owed it to all the missing astronauts sent beyond Jupiter by a reckless Space Agency to say the least. << Guys I'll do it for you >> he thought as he left the office. It was late midnight when he left the Astronautical Headquarters but before returning to his apartment he stopped on the seafront to take a walk to reflect on the future. The evening was warm and dry, the sea was calm and the starry sky shone above her so she took off her shoes and walked for a few minutes on the beach before sitting on the sand to look at the horizon illuminated by the vault of heaven. << Soon everything will be clearer >> he thought, taking a deep breath. As promised by Lieutenant Dorato, in the following days the cadets began the practical part of parachuting and landing on water at the Lampedusa launch center where all the practical training took place. The first phase involved getting on a plane and jumping with a parachute from a certain altitude. It could be scary if you had never done it before but having already faced tests at altitude such as parabolic flights and knowing how to fly a T-38 they didn't run the risk. risk of suffering from heights. At 07.00 the group of cadets found themselves at the same hangars from which they had left until a week earlier with the T-38s and the ZBH-MDKs, waiting for them were the planes ready to take them to altitude and then throw them down with parachutes . << Good morning everyone, today you will start with the practical part of parachuting while the landings on the water will still take a little while, first we have to set up the "mockups" of the Magellano at sea but in the meantime you will experience this great emotion. Those of you who are new to it should know that there is nothing to be afraid of, furthermore at the beginning you will be accompanied by an expert parachutist and only later, when you have acquired the right familiarity, will you try to jump alone. You have already been at altitude before so you shouldn't have any particular problems even if jumping with a parachute is very different from flying a plane but I don't want to spoil anything for you, today you will discover it for yourself. Each plane can transport five of you into orbit so form the teams and good work >> explained the lieutenant, very curious to see them at work to understand if they really had what it took to be astronauts. << The five of us are already a team >> Orlando began, referring to his friends; < < << I don't think so, she's the type of girl who, when she chases a man, doesn't let go until he catches him, maybe you should have sex with her so you can satisfy her and she'll leave you alone. The more you make yourself want, the more she will want you >> Chiara added, scaring Leonardo; < <> Lucia concluded, triggering a thunderous laughter among the female part of the group; << Very witty but what would you say if Alice or Orlando were in my place? How would you react if I told them "Go to bed"? >> Leonardo replied angrily; << Don't get angry, friend, the ladies were just joking >> Orlando intervened, trying to calm things down. Meanwhile, the small group approached one of the planes where the instructors and the pilot were waiting for them, ready for take-off. << Good morning and welcome to the first day of parachuting training, my name is Nicola and I will be the pilot who will take you up there in the clouds while they will be your trainers, one for each of us >> began a man in his fifties, hired and in a suit flying, brown eyes and a truly tough look. It reminded Alice of one of her younger brothers who had always had a passion for flying and parachuting, he would have given anything to be in his sister's place but instead he had to work hard on books. << What we will do today and in the next few days is very simple: we will go up with the plane to an altitude of 4500 m and from there you will launch, initially there will be an instructor with you but going forward you will have to be able to do it independently. The parachute must be opened at an altitude of 900/800 meters if you are alone but being in tandem you will open it at 1500 meters, please remember this information because in the future you will need it for the exam you will face. Once launched you will have to learn to move in the air, it is also essential to know how to manage the emotions and adrenaline rushes that you receive in these cases but above all remain calm and cool because if you open the parachute too early or too late you will be in trouble and no one will be able to come to save you. Once the parachute has opened you will have to learn how to maneuver it and then land in a pre-established point and believe me, it is not at all simple because when you are in the air it really takes nothing to end up who knows where in fact even the most expert parachutists make mistakes but to overcome the exam you will have to be perfect. I'd say there's nothing else to say so I invite you to put on your suit and harnesses so we can get started>> explained the pilot; << Keep calm, he makes it easy. I will definitely scream like a madman >> whispered Orlando wearing a sort of helmet; << Don't be an idiot, this is training. We must carefully study everything our instructors will do, especially when we are in the air >> Lucia suggested; << Personally I'm not worried because I have great experience in this field, in fact my father is an army paratrooper and since I was little he shared this passion with me which then became a job. I must have jumped from a plane at least fifty times, many of which alone >> revealed Chiara, the only one in the group who knew how to wear the suit and the various flight equipment; << Blessed are you >> said Leonardo, starting to worry. Keeping calm wasn't his strong point, on the T-38 he was pissed off at first but he knew that Pandora was at his side ready to save him (even if he had deactivated it by mistake the first time) instead in that situation was just against the world. << The pilot is right, if we make even the slightest mistake we will be seriously screwed because there won't be Pandora to shield us and if you don't have experience it's difficult to learn to do something like this from scratch >> he said to his friends; << Don't worry, it seems difficult at first but I can assure you that it is much simpler than you might think. You'll do great >> Chiara tried to console him. When they were all ready they boarded a metallic gray C-130J, a four-engine turboprop plane perfect for carrying out parachuting activities which was supplied to the military air force which made some examples available to the Space Agency to train cadets. The boys boarded and sat down in their seats, after which the plane took the road to the take-off runway and after a few minutes quickly took off, reaching the fateful 4,500 meters of altitude earlier than expected. As they climbed to altitude the various instructors sat in front of the boys looking at them with a questioning expression, they were three men and two women, all from the air force and it was immediately clear that they were at ease in that situation. < She bore the marks of the missions on her face with a deep scar digging into her left cheek; << Honestly, I have >> replied Leonardo instinctively; < << Well guys here we go, now each of you will attach yourself to the belly of an instructor and then one at a time you will launch >> announced the pilot. << You're coming with me >> Sara began, turning to Leonardo; < << You bet on it >> the woman replied, grabbing him and starting to strap herself onto him; << Don't worry newbie, our Sara is the best. If you don't learn to throw yourself with her then you have to change profession >> added Gianfranco, a man in his sixties with short gray hair, brown eyes, a wrinkled forehead and a cut scar that ran from his left ear down his neck. He was another expert in the sector and member of the elite forces employed in various African contexts, who had only recently returned to Italy. < "I was joking," he added, his voice choked with fear. The door opened, allowing air to enter the hold of the plane, at which point the instructors lined up one behind the other, pushing the cadets forward who, attached to each of them, seemed to be resisting with the exception of Chiara. who chose to go first. < << AHAHAHAAH! >> Orlando shouted at the top of his lungs; << So much for staying calm and concentrated >> Leonardo thought, laughing. The air licked his face almost as if it wanted to sand down his skin, looking below him he saw Lampedusa reduced to a miserable dot that gradually became bigger and bigger. << Spread your arms and control yourself, now we'll try some basic movements >> his instructor shouted in his ears. Leonardo obeyed immediately, copying every single gesture that Sara made, even the smallest because if he wanted to learn to parachute and pass the exam he couldn't waste time, he had to make the most of every moment to learn as much as possible. < Beyond the concentration he felt free from his worries, he only had to think about parachuting, a new lightness took over his soul and despite being so afraid he began to feel at ease also because he was accompanied by his trainer. << Very good cadet, let's slow down now. Always watch your digital altimeter, when we are close to 1500 meters I want you to open the parachute >> said Sara, continuing to scream into his eardrums, remaining pleasantly surprised by the way her student was behaving in that first lesson. Sara couldn't complain about Leonardo since, not far from her, Orlando was so out of control that he was endangering his life and that of his instructor Gianfranco who barely managed to keep him stable. << If you don't calm down you will get us killed! >> he repeated to him continuously but there was nothing to be done, he had gone completely out of his mind. For Orlando it was the first time ever and when he had received the adrenaline rush due to the jump from the plane he had not been able to control himself and therefore had fallen victim to fear, putting the success of the training at risk << Concentrate on yourself otherwise you won't be able to pass the exam >> the instructor advised him, trying to bring him back to his senses but with poor results. If Orlando had panicked much better, Alice and Lucia were doing much better, also doing it for the first time ever and yet remaining much calmer and cooler when it came to managing the post-launch adrenaline. Before that day Alice had seen some interactive videos on the viewer carefully studying the techniques used by the most expert parachutists to remain calm and calm once in the air so when she found herself at 4500 meters above sea level she put into practice what she had learned on the net and it worked perfectly great. One of the tricks was to imagine yourself floating in the open sea with nothing but water around you by putting air in place of water and replacing your bathing suit with your throwing suit.