Chereads / My Infatuation With Death / Chapter 80 - Stupid World

Chapter 80 - Stupid World

Perspective : Lucius Sinclair

"Violence" is the term ingrained in human nature. I will go as far as to say that's what defines our very being, our stupid self serving ignorant being.

Violence is an act often used as a means of last resort, when all our efforts to get through them are useless, that's when violence is utilised and yet it's funny that, it's not used that way, it's never used that way.

How utterly stupid, well that's humans I guess, an organism who puts their feelings above all else, an stupid organism who thinks the best way to exist is by becoming a "Cog" in a self serving machine.

And yet they forgot to account for the fact that a "Cog" is nary a significant nor a remotely crucial component of a system, well not much crucial when there are so much to go around, how utterly stupid. They forget or simply ignore the fact that they are replaceable, and there are so many of them that replacing isn't even an issue, forget about having spares, it's one thing to have spares and that's a totally different thing to have so much of them around that you can sprinkle them down the drain and even then have much to use what's needed and do it all over again. It's like they are asking to be exploited.

And truth be told they deserve to be exploited. They can't even distinguish between assets and liabilities. Their emotions, their feelings such as empathy, kindness those are liabilities and they think that's their best qualities.

I think they know that deep down, and yet choose to remain in a state of disbelief. All these religions, faiths and spiritual shit they follow, when it all boils down to that, it just says " Do good be good", a load of shit if you ask me, it's like they are desperately trying to hide the true nature of the world where it dictates "Survival of the fittest". After all when you take away one's cover they need somewhere else to hide, something else to cling to, something else to rely on and put their faith on, what's better then a fake realisation that feeds on one's security giving them a notion where they are shown how vast the things besides them are, and how insignificant they are in the face of something as vast as the "Universe" or the "Whole world" at that matter.

But my question is if we are that small, then why does it matter, why does it matter what we do, why does it matter if I do bad shit or good shit, If it doesn't effect shit then why do I have to hold myself back from truely expressing myself, it's so utterly stupid, so stupid infact when you realise it, when you break the code, the whole world around you starts to look small, and the intrest you had in people around you diminishes drastically.

Everything becomes predictable, to their actions, to their reactions, how to break them, it becomes so easy that the world becomes devoid of any enjoyment.

How utterly stupid!.

And how to escape such conundrum? I guess that is to not care about any of that, being resolute, following what you believe, despite the truth it entails or what anybody else does or thinks for that matter. Then the world will always appear unpredictable, never ending. And that is something which I should have done before I figured everything out, before I cracked the code, and now nothing could be done, that way I could have stayed true to myself and the world didn't need to become such a mundane place.

Like him, I could have made the best of it, enjoyed my freedom like I should have, like him I should have kept to myself, now I couldn't help but spot all the regularities, because it's all so predictable.

Do you know what's not predictable, is a person like him, he is like a colourful rainbow to a person like me, in this otherwise ashen world, where everything is either black or white. Where every person does things based on certain principles or ideals which everyone around them follows, and those fools think it's their own choice of life or what they would call it 'lifestyle', like heck it is.

If that were the case people around them wouldn't be doing the same thing.

And yet they are unaware, how stupid.

It's really a breath of fresh air when once in a while you see folks that don't fall in those categories, and those are mostly adventurers or merchants.

That's why I love to come here in the City Of Ustrax, whenever I can, set up my shop in the heart of the market meeting people that don't follow the common norms.

Because they know that being bad isn't that bad.

And the person I was talking about is one such adventurer. Or rather has become an adventurer. Unfortunately, Now he is away on an expedition on some uncharted forest.

His origins are rather Mysterious to be honest, and the same goes for the woman that hangs around him.

I think it was about almost 2 months ago that we had that chance encounter, I never believed in fate, so, let me call it a coincidence no, probability. Because when it comes to it, and I dwell much, it's a very plausible encounter saying that I was in Capramore, a city near the frontiers of the border between "The Sovereign of Fasnijan" and "The Kingdom of Alkatash". It was only natural that I would encounter some refuges during my stay at that city.

It was a rainy day, I was having my breakfast in this local inn called the "Succubus's ale", with my trusted butler Percival Ravenoff.

We had been together since I was, since forever I guess, I can't remember the moment when I first met him or he wasn't serving me. But I do recall him saying me, how my mother adopted him from a orphanage, so well that's that I presume.

So, I was having my breakfast, with Percival standing by my side, precariously watching me eat, even though he had been by my side for as long as I remember, I could never get used to getting watched while I eat.

Talk about all the stomach aches I could get from it.

My hunger was relentless, intensified by the fact that the previous night I arrived in Capramore under the cloak of darkness. The inn had offered food , albeit cold and tasteless, as the whole town was sleeping. With drowsiness weighing heavy on my eyelids at that moment, the details of that meal still escapes my memories.

Well, that was going to be my first meal in the town of Capramore in a quite while.

Things had changed since I last visited, I had heard a lot about the food from this town through fellow travellers and passerbys.

My anticipations were off the roof.

Percival reached for a bottle of ale, carefully placing a glass beside my meal, tempting me with its presence. His voice broke the silence,

"Would you like to try some ale, My Lord? I've heard it's a delicacy around these parts."

His offer was met with a polite decline,

"No, I am good."

Yet, the aroma wafting from the plate before me proved irresistible. Hunger and tantalizing scents mingled, captivating my senses. A muffled sound escaped my lips,


Percival, ever observant, remarked,

"Exquisite, isn't it?"

In agreement,

I responded,

"Quite so."

Percival added, his tone filled with pride,

"These are the finest in the city."

That man, I don't Know what motivates him, but he gives it all while serving me, doing things that were absolutely unnecessary, that I didn't ask for and excels at it.

I bet that before our trip he wasted quite a bit of time planning and organizing my schedule to the finest little detail.

He is the best, and the reason I was eating that meal, at that restaurant wasn't coz something he suggested on the go, he planned for it.

Afterall it's his company that keeps things from being utterly mundane, keeps my life a bit entertaining even if its in small things like the meal I was having.

I was always thankful to it and against it,

I commented,

"You have done your homework before you bought me here".

"Didn't you?".

And, he admitted it,

"Making sure you have a memorable experience is one of my many duties as your butler".

I believed that it was pointless but I couldn't deny the fact that I was great ful nonetheless. I wanted him to have a taste of the food of his own labour,

I insisted,

"Why are you just standing there?".

"Take a plate and try these out for yourself".

I asked him to try it out even though it was futile, so kept it as professional as I can, with a commanding voice I added,

"But please do keep your distance though, you know better then to sit with your master".

I knew he understood my intentions but as I initially mentioned it was futile, In his mind I couldn't catch him dead slacking off before me, it would go against the very code he lives by.

He responded,

"Thank you for your most generous offer but I humbly decline".

Albeit professional and on point, I always enjoyed the conversations we had together. It was as if we had an unspoken agreement, he understood me at every point, my intentions and even my gags.

I jokingly remarked,

"Ohh wait!

you have already tried it ..... didn't you?".

I knew he couldn't have tried it, but it is nice to keep an illusion, even if everything is mundane the heart needs it's daily dosage of amusement, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to live for.

Because everything is predictable and the only way It couldn't be If I pretend it isn't.

I know, How very stupid of me, but I couldn't help it , I was trying to have fun.

He accordingly replied,

"Ever so perceptive master".

"I couldn't expect anything less".

There was nothing to talk about so I quietly began consuming my meal.

When I was about to finish it.

Percival, his gaze distant and contemplative, peered out of the window and remarked,

"It's raining hard."

Just then, the silent atmosphere in the inn shattered as the inn door swung open with a forceful crash. The intrusion disrupted the lingering discomfort of the silence. Two figures, their identities concealed by cloaks, entered. The man carried a sword that caught the eye with its unusual design, while the woman beside him exuded an aura of a wizard or a mage, her attire clinging to her form, drenched from the rain.

Their soggy clothes formed rivulets of water upon the floor as they stood before the receptionist. Ignoring their soaked appearance, the man forcefully slammed six silver coins onto the receptionist's table,

"Room for one, please," he demanded.

Unfazed by the suddenness of the encounter, the receptionist coolly responded,

"It's eight silver."

It was really funny, as though he attempted to act cool but failed horribly because he couldn't intimidate the receptionist.

I couldn't help but watch the whole thing unfold.

I just cannot tear my eyes away from their appearance.

That woman stood beside him, her unique blue hair flowing down from beneath her cloak, catching my attention.

In a feeble attempt to assert an air of intimidation, he desperately slammed two additional silver coins onto the receptionist's table, hoping to reinforce his presence.


The first thing was that if he wanted to intimidate her, he shouldn't have adhered to her demands. Acting intimidating after doing what she asked is just stupid.

Unfazed by his display, the receptionist seized the opportunity to extend an offer of hospitality.

"Would you like to have supper with us?"

She questioned.

Without even pausing to consider the offer, he swiftly replied,


It was like he didn't even hear it correctly.

Taken aback by his hasty refusal, the receptionist hesitated for a moment, slightly startled, before eventually replying with a cautious,


Just then, a flicker of tension arose between the man and the woman accompanying him. She grabbed his cloak firmly and forcefully pushed him aside.

"Step aside."

Naturally, he couldn't help but react, his tone laced with a mix of exasperation.

"Regina," he muttered,

She then continued to do the most stupidest thing one can ever do while booking a room in an inn.

She asked,

"We would like to have a room, possibly with a nice view please".

Who asks that, possibly with a view, to this day I couldn't quite fathom what she meant, what did she wanted, did she wanted the receptionist lady to magically conjure up a view out of thin air, or she wanted to know whether her room had a window or not or so ask that directly.

It's so stupid just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

Naturally the receptionist lady was a bit weirded out, a bit is an understatement, a lot actually.

She responded after a brief moment, after taking all in what she heard,

"O .. Okay".

Then again, she was a business women, witnessing two absolute bafoons before her, I think she couldn't quite control herself from scamming them, I would too, it was just that tempting.

She added,

"That's 9 silver".

As if it's perfectly natural to charge for a window in a room, the women whom the guy called Regina surprisingly agreed, she added another silver coin in the table.

"Will that do".

Even the receptionist looked surprised.

That was the most stupidest transaction I had ever seen. It was as if those two had never booked an inn before.