Chereads / My Infatuation With Death / Chapter 64 - Echoes of deceit

Chapter 64 - Echoes of deceit

Perspective : Regina Clement

Everything was on track. We reUnited with our lost friends, I still don't know who that lady was.

But as long as everyone's safe, no one cares. She might as well be divine intervention.

I have observed Conrad, at times I have seen him staring at his blade intently and parting lips, as If he was talking to someone.

I understand him like no other, people think that he has no soul. I know he cares about me and everyone else here, even if he might not show it let alone believe it. From the first day of the expedition, I have seen, everyone's been on edge around him. They behave and act in a way as to not provoke him, which was ultimately secluding him from others. Even if he reacts insane, everyone was doing their best to ignore his actions, and I appreciated that.

However, they too couldn't deny the fact, that the reason we all were still breathing, Conrad had a huge part in it. Just like everyone else.

I wished, I could explain his condition to everyone, but doing so will only result in people further excluding him. But these past few hours had been different, because we had been traveling in a small group along with our real party, Everyone even Kyle was acting normal with him.

But now that we were United once again, I wondered if that would change again.

"I hope not".

Soon, Emilia and the others regained their consciousness. Initially they were shocked, but after we explained them what happened, they came around. Still they found it hard to believe.

I wouldn't blame them, If I were in their boots, I wouldn't believe either.

Now, It came to the part were, Kyle apologised to others and end that debate, once and for all.

At first it went smoothly, but soon it started going downhill. Keira and the others were still skeptical about his allegiance.

Kyle expressed

"I know all of you feel betrayed because of me".

"I shouldn't have hide that fact from anyone".

"I beg you, Please regroup with them once again".

Keira responded,

"It's easy for you to say".

"While you decided to exploit us, acquire those treasures and get rid of us".

With a pause he said,

"We trusted you".

Kyle insisted,

"keira ... I swear on my sister, I wasn't going to....".

Interrupting, Keira stated firmly,

"I don't believe you".

Keira asserted,

"You were the one who threatened us".

Kyle stayed silent, seemingly incapable of offering a response.

Thor Gild chimed in,

"He did saved us".

"Look at him, he learnt.".

"Isn't that more than enough to earn our trust".

Keira responded skeptically,

"You want us to trust this man, who has a death spell on us".

"Are you sure?".

"Once he is done having his way with us".

"What makes you think, he won't backstab us again".

Thor Gild replied,

"Surely he wouldn't".

Keira questioned further,

"Are you certain, my friend".

Elkdrack and Patrick stood quietly as Kyle was being questioned. I distinctly recall that we had made a promise to vouch for him. I hadn't forgotten that.

So, I intervened and stated,

"I can vouch for him".

"That he do no such thing".

"For the time he has been with us, he had been kind and nice to everyone".

"He helped, he acted like a real leader, like he had always been".

(We shouldn't forget the fact that he also used his precious healing potions on us).

Keira sternly responded,

"Please don't provoke me".

"I really appreciate if I won't have to hit a lady today".

Thor Gild responded by just uttering his name,

anger evident in his tone,


Then he paused and quietly gestured for me to remain silent. He addressed me, saying,

"Please, Regina."


Keira expressed, not missing a beat,

"And what do you know about him?".

He let out a sigh and shared,

"I thought I knew".

Reflecting on his decision, he revealed,

"I decided to join this expedition because I trusted him".

Looking around, he added,

"All these new faces, at least I could count on him".

With a touch of nostalgia, Keira admitted,

"I trusted him, because we were good pals".

Keira pressed on, his voice tinged with frustration,

"But the instant he revealed that death spell".

His words trailed off as he confided,

"My trust in him shattered".

He paused, struggling to contain his emotions, before admitting,

"Now all there is anger... immense anger... and I don't know what I will do to him, If he hung around me".

In a reflective tone, Keira remarked,

"I don't know him anymore".

His voice carried a sense of detachment, then he gestured for Kyle to go.

The weight of his emotions was evident on his saddened tone, his eyes widened and filled with seriousness, even threatening to well up with tears.

(He isn't wrong)

(I don't know what to say).

(But still)

Kyle, addressing Keira directly, spoke with a solemn tone,


"I am sorry".

He acknowledged the gravity of his actions, admitting,

"I know the thing I did can't be forgiven".

He paused, wanting to unburden himself, and continued,

"But I just want to lay it off my chest before, I depart".

Thor Gild, surprised by Kyle's mention of departure, questioned,


Keira remained silent, as Kyle further explained,

"You guys won't have to worry about a backstabber being among you anymore".

He forced a smile and concluded,

"Now you guys can be at ease or what not".

As Kyle made his exit, Emilia stepped forward to halt him.

All this time during the discussion, Everyone stood silent, specially Emilia, I expected her to speak up, yet she observed quietly.

Kyle acknowledged the situation, saying,

"Now if you excuse me ... I will see myself out".

Emilia offered a potential resolution, stating,

"Just undo the spell and you can stay".

Thor Gild chimed in, supporting Emilia's suggestion,

"Yes, you don't have to leave just undo the spell".

Sheela also voiced her agreement, adding,

"Undo the spell".

However, Kyle firmly responded,

"No ... I can't".

Thor Gild questioned,

"Why though?".

Sheela, seizing the opportunity, remarked,

"See, he still can't be trusted".

Kyle, resolute, responded,

"I have my reasons".

Frustrated by Kyle's response, Thor Gild angrily grabbed Kyle's armor and forcefully bashed their heads together, demanding,

"Just Undo the spell and this will all be over.".

"You won't have to leave".

Kyle pushed Thor Gild aside, stating firmly,

"I can't".

"I just can't".

"I will leave".

Thor Gild expressed his concern, asking,

"What could be more important to you than your life?".

Urging Kyle to take action, he implored,

"Just undo the spell already".

I had never seen Thor Gild, being angry like that. He is usually so calm and collected.

Kyle responded, asserting,

"I can't .... okay... I can't".

Explaining further, he added,

"If I do that, a spell in my body activates that instantly kills me".

Sheela, frustrated with the situation, dismissed Kyle's explanation, stating,

"Can't with this nonsense anymore".

"He is full of shit".

That's when Conrad interrupted, his cold eyes piercing with an unchanging expression. In that moment, I knew what he was about to do

Conrad then spoke, saying,

"What's with you fools?".

"It's like you are begging to be betrayed".

Thor Gild, visibly frustrated, replied,

"Conrad.... why you....".

But Conrad swiftly interrupted, calmly stating,

"If you don't want to be betrayed".

"It's simple".

"Don't trust anyone to began with".

Conrad remarked,

"You should have been cautious from the start".

"You let your guards down, to whom?".

After a brief pause he said,


"We are practically strangers to eachother".

Continuing, Conrad questioned,

"What If he undo's the spell?".

"Do you believe that he won't cast it again?".

Then, Conrad concluded,

"For getting betrayed ... you have no one but yourselves to be blamed".

Keira inquired,

"What's your point?".

Conrad, with a gentle touch, placed his hand on Kyle while chanting,

"From my hand to his neck, I cast my will, A collar bound, its power instilled. Let loyalty be their guiding light, As turn they may, execution be imminent.... enchant".

Conrad's body once again became surrounded by a faint green hue, while his hands emitted a blue aura. Suddenly, a black strip mark appeared on Kyle's neck.

Intrigued and frustrated by Conrad's spell, Thor Gild questioned,

"What did you do?".

Conrad stated firmly,

"I have enchanted that collar so whenever, he tries to pull anything... against any of us, his head will pop like a bubble".

"Don't thank me ... I did it for me and Regina".

Kyle, appearing surprised, turned to Conrad and asked,

"Why would you?".

Conrad responded,


"What you thought?".

"I was being nice to you meant I trusted you?".


"It was a pretense".

"I did that to keep, Regina and me safe".

(No ... Conrad no ... that way, you will make enemies of everyone)

Kyle accepted, saying,

"Very well... I deserve it".

Fuming with anger and frustration, Keira approached Conrad, confronting him directly.

He exclaimed,

"What right do you have?"

But I stepped in, and stopped everyone from harming my Conrad, they would never know him.

Only I do.

Firmly, I declared,

"Everyone lay off him".

"No one dare touch him".

I could see the disgust in everyone's face. It was evident that they all hated him now, and also me.

They surely hated me too for defending him.

But I would do it over and over again, If it meant staying by his side.

Even if the whole world turned against him, I would defend him.

Conrad held his head in pain and exclaimed,

"Achkkk ... my head".

Sensing his distress, I embraced him and gently pressed his head against my bosom. Comfortingly, I whispered,

"Calm down Conrad".

"Calm down".

"I know what you did".

"They might not appreciate it?".

"But I do and I am proud of you".

(For I have sworn to be by your side.

Even if you don't.....)

"I am proud of you Conrad".

"I am proud of you".

Upon my response, he replied,

"It's not like that".

His voice reverberating through my very being, as I held him tightly.

Understanding his sentiment, I comforted him by softly saying,

"Shhhh ... shhh ...I know ... I know".