Chereads / The Unicorn's Forest / Chapter 186 - Chapter 52 part 2

Chapter 186 - Chapter 52 part 2

Jenn couldn't say that she knew what was going on as they wagon continued on along the winding road in the fading light at the end of the day. The wagons started moving before the sun was up and continued moving until well after the sun was down. While she was given enough water, and didn't have to drink from a trough, sitting in the caged wagon was draining in and of itself. She kept Cithis and Haln by her side, to ensure that the were able to get their food, though she got the sense that no one else in this wagon would try to steal any of the food they were allotted.

The days were hot and the nights cool, but Jenn was more worried about what else might come from this world. Even after they started going through what she was able to ascertain was the Forest of the Lost during the second day of travel, with the giant sequoia trees that she occasionally heard referred to as 'blackwood trees.'

Jenn wasn't sure if that meant these trees weren't quite the same as the sequoia and redwood trees from Earth or if there was some other fundamental difference from them. She could only acknowledge what she heard around her.

From when she was collected by her 'buyer' at the auction, she had pretty much been on the road since then. If she counted the end of that day as a full day, then she'd been travelling for nearly four full days. Sometimes she wondered what her friends might be doing and what progress they'd made on finding that griffin canyon, but she also couldn't be sure that it was going to be something they'd be able to do on their own. Not with how things seemed to be in this world.

While she would like to see the sky under the trees, she couldn't help but feel relieved that they didn't have to ride directly under the searing heat of the sun during the days while they were under that mist. She wasn't sure where they were in this forest, but something told her that she knew the area they were travelling through. She couldn't understand how, but she was very confident that behind the tree to her right was a rock that was bluish in color and was at the base of a rise that his a bush of berries similar to raspberries.

{Glad to see you again. We were worried when you were taken.}

Jenn turned her attention back to her two kids as they leaned against her. It wasn't like there was anything for them to do, so much of the time, they just rested against each other.

{You're unusually quiet. Did something happen while you were gone, Charlie?}

Jenn looked around, not sure what it was she was hearing. At first she thought it was someone talking to someone else outside the caged wagon, but she hadn't heard anyone use the name 'Charlie' around, so she could only assume whoever was talking was referring to her.

{I see, you sealed your voice. Why'd you do that? Although, you could still use your magic to talk to us. Why don't you do that? We could take you away from your troubles and have you help use clear out the forest from more unsettled emotions.}

While she hadn't a clue as to who or what was talking to her, she did catch the point that they were aware of her magic and with what that last statement said, she knew she could use her magic to talk to them.

Still, she did her best to not move, so she wouldn't draw attention to herself while she did that. As far as she knew, this might be the opportunity she had to escape she'd been looking for. She wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly was something that she hadn't expected to encounter at all.

–I'm sorry, but I really don't remember you. Who are you?–

Jenn felt like whoever was talking to her sighed. {It's always the same with you humans. When you leave, you always forget about us. Why is that? Is it because you can't handle dealing with those emotions? I mean, we understand that most can only handle so much of it before it starts to harm them, but you've been able to handle more than anyone we've met in a long time. Can't you help us out for just a little longer?}

–Uh, I really have no idea why I can't remember.– Jenn replied, not sure how else to put it. –All I remember from before I was made into a slave was that I was with my friends when we first came to this world. I have some other memories that don't make sense to me, some feel like they were a dream or something, but I can't say that I know who you are.–

As she finished her statement, she felt like she could kick herself. She knew she hadn't phrased it the way she really wanted, but at the same time, she couldn't think of how else to have put it. Aside from the fact that she couldn't exactly 'unsay' what she'd said with her magic.

{Hmmm. Interesting. We really had no idea that we had that effect on humans. Did you really enter into a state where you weren't awake? Even the others who lived with us didn't share that information with us.}

Jenn felt like they were heading down the wrong track with the conversation. While whoever or whatever this was found that bit of information fascinating, it wasn't really explaining things to her or really helping her out at all. Although, as she recalled the dream-like memory she had about swimming in a river with a large dorsal fin of a shark next to her, she felt a chill go through her to know that wasn't a dream. That she had essentially been swimming with death without having been aware of it.

{What's wrong? Your body suddenly changed its heartbeat and your temperature has changed. We don't detect any significant changes in your surroundings. Did something happen we didn't notice?}

Jenn couldn't help but sigh, aware that doing so drew curious looks from her kids. In response, she merely kissed the top of their heads. She didn't want to make them worry. At least not right then. She wasn't sure if anything would come of this, but she was feeling more and more hopeful by the moment.

–Don't worry about it. I just recall one of the memories I had, I guess during the time I was with you.–

{What happened then? We don't recall you having any trouble when you were helping us before.}

–Don't worry about it.– Jenn answered, not sure she really wanted to, though she suddenly got the feeling that whoever she was talking to wasn't just one individual. That there was multiple… whatever they were. Although, she couldn't say why it took her so long to realize that. –Though, I understand you would like some help, but I'm kind of in a bit of a tight spot. I was made a slave while I was sleeping and I'm not exactly at liberty to leave whenever I want.–

{What's a 'slave?' We don't understand.}

–It's hard to explain. Just think of it as that I can't leave if I wanted to because they consider me their property. Kind of like the wagon I'm riding in.–

{Others have mentioned this concept before. Property. What is that? We really don't understand.}

Jenn felt at a loss for how to respond. While it might be difficult for these creatures to understand, it was also rather difficult for her to explain. It was a concept that was easier to just understand than to explain.

–I'll try to explain it, but it's not something I really know how to do exactly.– Jenn replied, feeling like she might be stepping off into a quagmire of words that probably weren't going to fit well together.

{We understand. No one before you were able to explain it either. We don't really expect you to manage to help us understand, either.}

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jenn thought to herself, feeling more annoyed than anything at that remark.

–Anyway, think of it as this. You belong to yourself. You are your own possession.– As Jenn spoke, she couldn't help but feel like she was paraphrasing the song 'I belong to me' by Jessica Simpson. One of the songs that Alex had had her listen to. –Essentially that no one should get to decide what's good for you just because they think differently than you.–

Jenn felt like she'd completely botched the explanation. While it started off rather well, even if she was using the lyrics from a song as a guideline, at the end, it spiraled out of control before it crashed and burned.

{We… really don't understand, but like we said, no one has been able to explain it to us before you, either. So, it's not like we're surprised.}

For some reason that merely made Jenn feel worse about the matter. She knew she shouldn't be that put out about it, but she still felt like she should have been able to at least make it understandable for herself, if nothing else.

{So, would you be willing to help us again? We promise to only send you to two more people this time. We're really grateful for what you've already been able to do. We know we're already asking too much of you with these two more, but it's been so long since we had all the unsettled emotions.}

A thought suddenly came to Jenn. It wasn't the way she had initially pictured escaping, but she was confident that this would at least help her save not only herself, but her kids as well as the other slaves with her. At least if things go as she expects them to. Assuming certain elements were possible from these creatures as well. Which she was becoming fairly certain were what others had been referring to as 'The Lost.' Although, she wasn't sure why it took her that long to realize that.

–Actually, I think there might be something that you could help me with.– she said, feeling like the pieces of a plan were falling into place as she spoke. –But first, are you able to talk to others? I mean even if they're not like me?–

Jenn wasn't sure what it was about her that made her special to these creatures, but she wasn't going to argue. She was pretty sure that they weren't malicious.

{…We can, but we don't like to. It hurt us as well as those we then talk to.}

–I understand.– Jenn said, feeling sympathy for these creatures. –Though, does it just hurt, or could it possibly kill you?–

{We don't know if it could kill us… or them, but it's not pleasant.}

–It won't be for long, but I promise I won't ask you to do that again if you'll do it this one time for me.– Jenn got the feeling her request was more unreasonable than she had thought when she'd first brought it up, but it wasn't like she could think of what else to say. If she used her magic, she was confident that these people wouldn't believe her once they realized that magic could be detected.

{…Very well. What is it that you have in mind?}

Jenn quickly explained her idea, though she had to acknowledge that 'hurting' the people in the caravan seemed to be the least of the problems with her idea. Since she expected that she would be just 'let go' and have the matter end at that. Instead, she suspected that these people would have to end up being killed. If only to ensure that they weren't going to essentially put her back in this cage again.

When she finished explaining things to the Lost, she waited patiently for them to respond. She wasn't under any illusions that they liked any of what she had suggested, but she was at least grateful that they weren't rejecting the idea right away.

{…We'll help. Just after, we ask that you agree to help us resolve the unsettled emotions of four more people.}

–No problem.– Jenn said, feeling more than a little excited about this. –Though, would I also be able to trouble you to bring me back to this location after you're done with my help?–

Jenn expected them to give a prompt response, as even when they hesitated with their answers, they hadn't taken this long to respond. She was starting to wonder if she'd crossed some line that she wasn't even aware of, though she didn't plan on letting that make her back down. She was aware the Forest of the Lost was rather expansive, and so she really didn't want to end up somewhere a good distance from here. As she couldn't be sure that she'd be able to find her way back to this location to begin with.

{Alright. We'll do that, though it might take a little longer before you'll be… uh… awake again? We still don't understand why you would have such two states of mind.}

Jen couldn't help but smile at that response. –Don't worry about it. As long as you understand it's there, that'll be enough.–

With that said, Jenn was ready to start this. Ready to end her time of captivity and to break free of this cage.

She stood up, pulling Cithis and Haln with her. She'd prefer to pick them up, but with how big they already were, she doubted it would work out so well. Instead, she held them close to her and walked towards the cage door.

"Mother? What're you doing?" Cithis asked.

"You know they don't like us going by the door," Haln added, referring to a time when the day before when one of the others in the caged wagon with them fell to their side while they were sleeping and got beaten simply because they were too close to the door.

Jenn, however, just gently shushed them while holding her embrace around them. She wasn't worried about getting beaten right then. She was confident that her plan would work. Though, she had a feeling she shouldn't use her magic to talk to her kids just yet. While she had to use her magic to talk to the Lost, she didn't want to risk any of the people in the caravan noticing her using magic.

Plus, she was confident that it would take a good amount of explaining to her kids about what was going on and how she was able to talk with them. Not only that, but they'd probably be asking questions out loud, which would draw attention. Attention she really didn't want just yet. Not in regards to what her plan was. Aside from the fact she couldn't be sure that they'd accidentally give anything away of her plan.

As she neared the door, it popped open on its own, startling the slaves around it, all of which moved away from it, aside from Cithis and Haln who were held tightly by Jenn. The people outside the caged wagon didn't move. They didn't have a clue as to what was going on, but when they saw Jenn step through the door, they started to move to stop her.

Yet, when she started floating in the air, they stopped. Several looked towards another person who, when she noticed how many were looking at her, shook her head.

"She's not using magic. I don't know what's going on!" she cried in horror.

So far so good, Jenn thought to herself as she floated over the ground with the assistance of the Lost. She could feel Cithis and Haln shifting to look around them, clearly in awe about what was happening.

{Thank you for returning me.} the lost called out to the people outside the cages wagons. {I was taken out, but now I have been returned to the Lost.}

"Hey! You're a slave! You're not going anywhere!" one of the people who seemed to be in charge protested.

"How is she not using magic? She's talking clearly into my mind without moving her mouth," another person asked amid a whole lot of chatter about what was happening. "Are you sure she's not using magic?"

Jenn merely looed at them as if his statements saddened her. {I have been returned to the other Lost and I will not be taken again.}

Jenn could feel the strain the Lost were having on making these people hear her, but she could feel the effect it was having around her. Most of the people were looking like they were about to run and not look back. In fact, Jenn had to admit that it was going better than she had expected.

"You'll leave over our dead bodies!" the same woman called out, her face turning red from anger.

{You may try to stop me, but you will merely end up being killed. As I said, I will not be taken again.}

Jenn hadn't really thought what would happen if they tried to force the issue, mostly because she wasn't sure the best way to respond in that case. She didn't like the idea of killing anyone, but she also couldn't be sure if it wouldn't be necessary for her to get out of this.

The woman pulled a barbed leather whip from her belt, ran close to Jenn and swung it towards her. However, while it looked like it was going to hit, it stopped mere inches from Jenn before dropping to the ground.

Jenn merely looked at the woman who was now staring in disbelief. {Are you going to try again? The other Lost are coming to aid me. If you continue your efforts, they will not be so kind to you as I have been.}

Jenn was starting to feel like things were getting out of control. While things had started out better than she had expected, everyone around here was starting to get less frightened of her and were pulling out whips of their own.

Jenn wasn't sure how to handle this, but she was pretty sure that she was screwed. She wasn't sure what to do about this turn of events, but she could see that there wasn't much else she could do right then. Other than hope that the Lost would be able to protect her and her two adopted kids, whom really shouldn't be in danger since she was the one who had come up with this idea. She only had wanted them to come with her because she couldn't be sure that she wouldn't actually have been allowed to leave freely.

She'd considered it an extremely low possibility, but she felt that it was there regardless.

"The duchess paid good coin for you. There's no way we're letting you leave here," another woman called out, one who Jenn was pretty sure was the one who was at the top of the pecking order in this caravan. "I don't care what tricks you're pulling. You can't keep this up forever."