"Ichigo, if I come in your room and find you playing those useless video games you are done !!!"
"Mom, please I beg let me finish this boss, please. Wait, wait a second you just opened the cable it's not how you should turn off the computer."
( Well, my mom used to turn off the computer always in that way, now that I have aged I also started to do the same. I guess when we get aged we become frustrated of following rules and doing same thing over and over again. So, we stop caring such small stuffs. )
"Well, if you know so much why don't you go outside and play with other kids like a normal kid ?"
"I really don't like to play outside, those kids just bully me. Also, how can I make you believe I'm not good at cricket or football !"
"I don't want to hear a single word, go outside quick quick quick !"
( 25 minutes later I was standing under the tree in search of anyone who would team up with me and let me be in his team. But, I knew no one was going to take me in their team. That's the moment when I first saw her she was in another team. She was definitely new in our area I could tell easily. I never saw her before in my area.
I wonder what she was wearing that day !!!
I wonder what was the color of her dress !!!
I can't recall how many kids were there but, I can still recall one thing my heart was pumping so fast.
I never saw anyone so charming till that point of my life! )
"Hey, you wanna play with us? We are playing hide and seek! I'm new here but, it's my team and you must follow my order huhhhhhhhhh."
"Uhhhhhhhhhm !"
"What do you mean uhhhhhhhm ?"
"You wanna play in our team or not ?"
( I can't recall what was my immediate response to her !!!
Well, wait wait I remember, I ran away. Ha ha ha ha, I started to run so fast, I tried my best not show my face to her.
What was I supposed to do at the age of six ? Sing a romantic song to her and propose ?
Later that day, there was a sudden bell at our house, her parents were there at our door. They came to introduce their family. Just as I predicted, they were new in our area of the town. Her father got transferred due to the nature of his government job. )
"Sister, we are new in this part of area we just moved two days ago !!! I wanted to meet with everyone early. But, you know due to shifting everything in here, there were a lot of works so we couldn't meet !!!"
"Oh no no, that's totally fine !!! We don't mind on this stuffs. Please come inside."
( If I recall that day, my parents had a wonderful conversation with them. Also, my mom gave them coffee. There was a special kind of coffee my mom imported from outside. She loved that coffee so much. I can't recall it's name now that I'm trying to think. But, I can remember it was so bad and bitter. I also remember that I was standing outside of the living room and I was looking at her. She was so pretty and cheerful. )
"Hey, Ichigo come here it's your new aunt say hi to her !!!"
"Son, I think you met my daughter, she is Mizuyuri, she is in your same grade and she will be attending same class with you."
( Back in that time my mom was asking me to talk and say something !!! I had no idea what to say !!! So, I said ... )
"Uhmmmmm, when we get old, will you marry me? I think we are meant to be together."
( Yes, you heard me right. That's the thing came right from my mouth. I don't know why and how my brain suggested me to say that. But, I said it right in front of everyone !!! But, I believe it was never counted as a propose !!!
Because, her mother was laughing so much there were tears in here eyes I could see that and everyone was laughing except my mom.
Also later that day, when they left I was smacked so hard in my butt, it really hurts now that I recall it.
But, now why can't I remember what was her response !!! Why !? Why !?
Well, I remember now what she said back in that time!!!
She said ... )
"No, I will marry Brad Pitt."