Chereads / Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi / Chapter 86 - Courage of a Hero!

Chapter 86 - Courage of a Hero!

Somewhere beyond the curtains of imagination and the unseen worlds lay a desolate, lonely mountain that extended infinitely. This mountain was the prison realm of Kehkashaan, a desolate hell from which no creature had ever escaped—except one: Shahrukh.

Roop visibly shuddered from the frosting cold that enveloped the whole realm and snapped open her eyes, her powers had long become null and void. Several days had passed since she had been imprisoned,

Her skin immediately cracked further from the edges as blood seeped out, slithering its way through her loose white fabrics and painting them in shades of glittery red.

The concept of time was different in the realm, it simply didn't exist the way it should and Roop felt as if the entire mountain had been slowly devouring and feasting upon her powers ever since she was thrown here, rendering her thoughts sluggish and her powers null.

She hissed as her breath condensed, leaving the loosened fabrics in ripples, then with all the strength she had, struck the back of her head against the mountain

"CURSE YOU!" she mumbled,

The pain that followed was awful, immediately throwing her back to the time before transcendence, before the contract of sovereignty, before anything... when...

something snapped in her mind.

'When Shahrukh fought Kehkashaan for his siblings' she thought to herself and shivered.

And an ideas as fresh as the most blessed dawns slowly clarified her jumbled mind, she had heard of the legend, of how Shahrukh had broken through abyss itself, she wondered if she could do the same.

With the newfound burning motivation, Roop gathered all her strength and pulled upon the brace but it did not budge at all, not even a millimeter.

Her motivation dimmed upon that,

She pulled on it again, this time almost slicing off her wrist from the root, at this the mountain behind shuddered and she fainted, a few words jumbled words left her mouth just before she resignedly threw her head down.


Roop found herself in a disturbing dream, it was depicting the events that had led to her imprisonment. She saw a city of stones, laid bare and cracked with smoldering magma that gushed out of it, a revolting black sphere, and a horrible plea for help.

"all i wanted... was for us.. to.. be .. one, like them" she slurred in a state of deep sleep,


Rohaan, the high prince of Luminaaras, was one of the finest warriors that was ever produced by the entire Sehra and his perfectionist swordsplay complimented his beauty, he was the pure definition of regality and honor, made of light itself with pale yellow skin, floating ethereal hair and an unbreakable golden armor gifted by the Empress herself, Rohaan stood tall.

Facing a sea of executioners and mercenaries that had slowly accumulated to attack, he stood valiantly on a tall rock, his light shining upon his soldiers behind, Not a shred of fear or hesitance Rohaan had in his heart.

His force were three thousand strong rebels from the seven poorest countries of Shargh who were fool or valiant enough to embark on this suicide mission, today was also the day they had been told to lay down their lives for their planet,

Rohaan unsheathed a longsword out of a majestic scabbard, then spun it in his hands, the light danced around it dazing thousands of creatures infront, there were dragons, there were demons straight from the deepest depths of the sehra, all of them had their gazes fixated on him.

"Just long enough until that bastard arrives," Rohaan mumbled to himself, then took his stance. It immediately instilled fear in the rear ranks of the enemy forces, they hurdled and fell ontop of eachother.

In the middle of the black swarm of weapons and fangs, of bloodlust and cowards, opposed to Rohaan, stood an enemy general that towered the entire army, reaching upto some twenty metres in height.

A demon of the lowest depth of Sehray-e-shargh, a depth that was forbidden to even approach, made into a rule in the accords by the great Kaairvan himself.

The demon held a great black spear with violent looking flames dancing ontop of it, such was its presence that the aura of malice could be felt to miles outside the radius of the battleground, creatures had long abandoned the neighboring villages.

But Rohaan remained unbothered, he raised his longsword aiming it directly at the chest of the enemy general, Behind him thousands of archers took aim and followed the movement of the sword by their bows.

a tactic he had learned from the commandress herself.

Upon this, the abomination let out a howl, a defiant challenge to the entire force, it did not move even a muscle.

Rohaan swung the sword downwards and a second later, the demon's entire body was struck with arrows– some arrows spat fire trailing a violent lining of deep orange glow behind them, while others struck like invisible wind.

The attack was a sight to behold and even pushed the giant to take a step back, then it let out a demonic roar, the awful sound reverberated through the souls itself.

It raised its fist, . "GET READY TO BRACE!" Rohaan shouted as a thousand shields struck the ground in sync behind him. They expected a retaliation of the same scale, both sides were being vary of the other one. They had already fought once against each other during the capture of Lakeer.

But to their astonishment, out of the entire ranks of the enemy, only one creature walked forward. Others cleared its way.

The creature was also a demon, smaller and lankier in stature, but emitted an aura of dread, like that of a cold, calculated murderer.

Its features resembled an overly bulky bat with a protruded forward head resembling a weasel. It knocked a plain black arrow against a long wooden bow.

The towering abomination gave the signal, and a second later, a lonely streak of black hissed toward Rohaan. Such was its speed that it tore the air open. Rohaan was only a millisecond late as it completely passed through his eye, tearing open his skull and striking with force behind him. A blast shook the entire battlefield as a bulk of creatures died instantly.

Rohaan stumbled and took a step back, then changed into light and flew up. His entire army was befuddled by the sheer scale of destruction, but short was the respite of confusion.

Rohaan materialized high above into the air. "READY YOURSELVES."

They left their dead at their feet and clenched their swords and axes, lances and arrows, scythes and glaives.

"ATTACK!" Rohaan shouted; his left eye had restored itself as he plummeted right into the middle of the battlefield, landing just a few inches before the general, his stance was purely offensive, he had come to kill the general at all cost and as quick as possible.