Chapter 38 - Hero Entry

"And how exactly were you two going to save Qatan? if I may ask. You geniuses did not think for a second that a whole day had passed and that he may have been captured or moved on?" said #212

"We didn't think it that far; we thought of improvising once we got um... Hira.... on our team" Khadija said as she turned red with embarrassment.

"So, how are you feeling now, #212?" She masterfully tried to change the direction of the conversation again.

and it worked yet again.

"Fine, thankyou.. It still feels weird to move my right leg; I had gotten used to having one leg only." #212 said, noticing Isra's lips curl up in a devious smile.

He sighed and continued.

"But really, Khadija, you two need to be careful. Time moves slowly here in comparison to the earth, so in a few days, help will be here and the gateway will be reexamined. You two will be out of this mess. Until then, try to wreak as little havoc as possible, and also don't worry about Qatan. He's gone through worse and lived."

"What can we do meanwhile, then?" Khadija asked innocently.

"Well, since you're here, some training wouldn't hurt. I'll have the builders build some training weapons for you; they'll be ready by tonight."

"What about until then?" Isra asked

#212 sighed again.

"Well, do you girls want a sight-seeing tour?"

"Yes, please," they both said at the same time.


Twilight Grove was a breathtaking place; it was home to hundreds of different species that ranged from tiny fox-like creatures that zoomed from tree to tree to what looked like a gentle mushroom giant sitting by a pond blowing bubbles all day.

There were tiny birds that would absorb sunlight and then glow in the dark to find small creatures to hunt. The creatures, in turn, would become hard like stones and would agitate the birds away. And the never-ending cycle would go on.

Countless such phenomena occurred everywhere they went. The girls were speechless; they had not anticipated such a profound world, completely unheard of, and by witnessing it all and being part of it, it made them completely silent as they kept on following #212, who was trying extra hard to be a good guide.

#212 was not leaving their side for even a moment, and he would jump in whenever the girls would sit by to watch and observe a critter. He would then try to explain and joke, but they'd mostly remain silent at his jokes.

After some failed tries, Khadija noticed his change in behavior and physically nudged Isra to laugh next time.

"#212, can I ask you something?" She said

"Sure, go on."

"Are you okay?" Khadija's question caught him off guard.

He was silent for a few moments and then turned his head down towards the ground. He was not okay. #212 was completely broken, and he was trying his best to feel okay after what happened by staying close to the girls. But the truth was, he felt as if they were getting tired of him. Also, his mind was playing tricks on him as well. On more than one occasion, he had heard someone calling his name from the bushes. However, there would be no one.

"#212, thank you. You're a good friend." Isra said, pulling him out of his dark train of thought.

"And thank you for saving us," Khadija continued.

That made his tiny heart glow up a bit, his team commending him for bravely saving them made him feel relieved.

And just like that, a small band aid was applied to a deep cut he had received on his soul.

"Ofcourse pfft, no big deal. Let's move on. There's much more to show."


They walked on and soon reached a dense patch of woods. Khadija and Isra carefully walked in to see beyond, while #212 stayed behind, looking at the still water that bordered the woods.


He heard a sound and sharply turned to his right; there was nothing.

"Come here"

#212 flinched back and then slowly flew to the source of the sound. There was, again, nothing in view.

"Look down"

#212 looked down toward the ground and saw a small piece of white fluff smiling with wide teeth at him.

"Hehe, I thought you'd never notice," Qatan said.

"Well, here goes my mental health back into the drain," #212 mumbled to himself.

"Took you long enough, you lazy giant piece of cotton candy," #212 said.

"Oh, well, I got free right after you guys reached the grove." Qatan calmly replied.

"Wow.. Why didn't you appear sooner, you maniac? I told Queen Golden everything, and she will be here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to personally go and save you... Bringing three more squadrons with her..." said #212.

To this, Qatan looked at him aloof and said

"Well... i wanted to do a hero entry.. "

#212 physically twitched on this.

'this guy...' he thought to himself.

"Anyways, #212, come here, come closer."

"No, i wont"



"Okay, come here for 5 seconds and then fly off."

#212 gave up and resignedly flew down to him.

"I have a plan. First, hide me in a small tub, and then call the girls for honey soup. When they open the lid, I will be inside, waiting, and then they will see me and panic and start sobbing. Then I will fly out and give them a big speech of valor, and then they will be forever inspired and make me their hero."

Isra walked out of the trees and saw Qatan.