Chirp... chirp... chirp... It continue to sound out of the balcony as the young hand did start to do a symphonic work on his so called modernized armchair. He is clearly using a technological advancement that allows him to create hundreds and hundreds of words in just an hour and a day. Such hands are never to be seen in a week, a month or a year. On the smart armchairs screen there lies a word, "Ammendment of 1987 constitution.". Then he added it with preamble and other things. Then he started adding articles on it. Article one, Sovereign National Identity and Territory. The guy then stood up from his smart armchair and he went for an open veranda, then he says "This country is off no longer a home for any Filipino people. This country exist now as a home for different native tongues, foreigners and other folks. Just like usual, this place called as philippines now needs to have its new constitution. What a shame that the old heroes of the native philippines did sacrifice their life only to be trampled by the passage of time. What a cruel life, time will always tell that life of the civilians is ever changing.". He then started to write some mandates and practices on his article one called as " Article One Sovereign Nationality and Territory.
"Section 1. The philippines as a country have existed as a home for any Filipino people from entire and across the globe. As reference to the 1987 constitution created by the Marcos Government, and until to the present year which is 2030, the government of the philippines will still remain as a government for the Filipino people and not for any foreign country.
Section 2. The Territory of the philippines be mountain and be territorial waters and air still belongs to the Filipino people and any of those country who will try to disrespect such mandate will be considered as an enemy of the philippines.
Section 3. ", then the guy stood up and he thought of it for a while. Then he said "writing things up is entirely a whole new world for me. A difficult thing to do."
Section 3. "Any other non natural born Filipino who wants to live in a paradise and tropical country like philippines will have to go for several screening and process to verify its intent for living in the philippines. If his heart and soul do have its intent to forsake his later nationality then he will be considered as one of the Filipino citizen.
Section 4. Those who try to claim that the Sovereign archipelago of the philippines belong to other non natural born filipino citizen will have to face the act of war as a result of treachery."
The guy then gave out a loud sigh and he said "Thats 4 section for the first article of the new constitution." Then he said "If by chance my kids this day will have to learn what constitution is.Then I guess he will take it as a personal point of view from a single natural born Filipino in this country. Afterall we are now at modern age which is, none of the person living in this place are ignorant of what life is."
Then he starts to type on his smart armchair once more. "The article one which is called as Soverign National Identity and Territory is a mandate which tells the identity of our homeland and its classification which differs us to the other country. By stating such mandate, we declare that the archipelago is of not for any other foreign country but only for Filipino people.". Then the hands did start to type on his smart armchair. "The second section on article one states merely that the Territory of the Sovereign philippines be land, water and air belongs to the Filipino people and not for any alienated tongues. ". The third section on article one clearly states that any other nation who try to be a Filipino citizen will have to go for several screening and investigation, that way they will be considered as a Filipino citizen. The fourth section states that any of the those foreign country who will claim that the philippines is their province or theirs will be considered as an enemy and will have to face the act of war.