Knowing and observing that Arduous' sex life is active, Elizabeth wasn't surprised when Arduous moved for another round after their dinner that ended up almost before midnight. Thankfully, when she said it was starting to become painful for her, he stopped and cuddled with her on the California King bed of the master's bedroom of her suite. And for some reason, cuddling with Arduous woke something inside her. Something that she couldn't explain.
Admittedly, it was her first time cuddling with someone. Although she had been with her ex boyfriend for years, she never once experienced cuddling. Daniel wouldn't let her go on overnight trips with friends and she was so afraid of breaking rules that she didn't try even when everyone else in her batch way back in college were sneaking a few hours to check in on hotels and do some nasty things there. There was even one time when her close friend, Brooklyn, gave her a pack of condom which she advised to put on her wallet.