Chereads / Gangster's Love / Chapter 25 - Inviting The Guests

Chapter 25 - Inviting The Guests

Pearl and Daria were nabbed at a street market. Pearl with her usual curiosity was dragging them through the stalls. Looking at this and that, buying knickknacks that they did not need. She had just picked up an awful looking bird thing.

"Should I buy th-"When a man walked right behind her and she instantly shut up, her eyes wide.

"Daria wha—" Whatever Pearl was about to say was cut off when she felt something press against her back.

"Alright ladies, easy does it, let's take a walk," They were not restrained, not even when they were put in the back of a car. But it was so dark in there they could not even see their own fingers.

"Pearl, what it this?" Daria whispered, plastering herself against Phoenix.

Having nothing to say, Pearl kept quiet, rubbing soothing circles over her friend's back.

In her hurry that morning, she had left her pepper spray at home. She would not be making that mistake ever again.

Celeste on the other hand had not left her pepper spray at home. It was in her pocket and the moment Celeste had felt a presence at her back, she had reached for it. She'd managed to get the guy right in the face before taking off. What she had not counted on was two more guys jumping out from the shadows. One of them had grabbed her hand and she had dropped her spray. He'd held her back by the elbows, but she had managed to land a solid kick to his friend's balls…small victories…before the men had forced her into the back of a car.

Kicking at the locked doors she had regretted leaving her pistol and her knife at home.

An hour later, after going in circles until she could no longer map the route, the car stopped.

She was led, kicking and screaming into a small building behind an old church. Her captors opened the doors and pushed her inside, where she stood for a moment…dumbfounded.

 She was not alone. The other ladies from the club were there as well. Only they were not tied up or in any distress given what 

Elle, dressed only in her underwear, was clinging to the chandelier. Her body curled up, Daria and Pearl beneath her, jumping up and down as they tried to slap her.

Clearly she was missing something here "What is going on here?" She asked, hands on her waist.

"Were you abducted too?" She nodded to Daria's question, suppressing a sigh as Phoenix nearly tripped and fell in another failed attempt to smack Lady E.

"Turns out it was this one," She pointed up at Elle.

"Elle here thought kidnapping was better than a simple wedding invite,"


"When exactly is the wedding?"

"It's today. I can't go to my wedding with a bruised butt. If you guys let me come down you can take as much booze and silverware as you want!" Elle yelled out, her whole body shaking with the effort of holding on. But thanks to countless nights spent on the pole, she held firm.

Her offer should have been turned down. They had been kidnapped, that was a big deal.

They did not turn down Elle's offer. 

It was absolutely heart-breaking how easily bought they were.

They went from trying to beat Elle up to helping her down. Then the three of them in between glasses of wine and tiny plates of food. Took turns giving relationship advice that was supposed to be shared at the bachelorette party. But given that Elle had decided to spring the wedding on them, they might as well have a mini bachelorette party on the fly.

"Never let your man go hungry, be it up here or down there ," Pearl pointed to her mouth and then her groin, giggling like a school girl. All of them joined in, with Elle doubled over as she fought to contain her laughter. Once she could breathe properly and was wiping tears from her eyes, Celeste had to admit it was solid advice.

"Never go to bed angry at each other. Argue till dawn if you have to," That was Daria's advice as she drained and refilled her glass.

"What you did to get Gio. Continue doing the same in order to keep him. The man likes you, do not turn into society's prescribed housewife after marriage. Gio did not marry a cookie cutter woman, he married you," Given the number of men who started visiting club M because they were bored of the person their wife had become after marriage. Elle nodding vigorously was a good sign, she would definitely be keeping the advice close to heart and following it religiously. 

More advice followed after that, and Elle listened to all of it. Most of it she would heed, but some, given the way Celeste saw her subtly roll her eyes, she would most definitely not be following. Celeste's idea of a threesome to spice up the bedroom was firmly in the never happening category. 

With the food and wine gone the ladies got up, they handled one last important piece…choosing the maid of honor. 

"Ready?" Elle asked, hand on the now empty bottle. The trio nodded and then they all watched the bottle do a slow spin.

No one was more shocked than Celeste when the bottle landed on her, choosing her for the position. After a bit of squealing, more hugs and kisses it was back to business.

Their focus now on another vital part of the wedding ceremony. Getting the ready. From the hair to the makeup, the ladies handled it all. Blow drying, steaming, curling, and pinning, not stopping until Elle's hair was styled to perfection. They applied the same dedication to her face, but rather than go for the over the top look that was a must on stage. They stuck to a more subdued palette, letting Elle's natural beauty shine through.

After that, they got her into her wedding dress. 

Out of all things, Elle was not cruel. She had not chosen a garish colour for the bridesmaids dresses, going for soft light blue strapless dresses. The outfits not clashing with her own simple white outfit, the dress flowing around her body like it had been made with her wearing it.

"Oh, Elle, you look gorgeous," Daria said, wiping a few tears and Celeste rolled her eyes. If she was crying at just the sight of a dress. The girl would no doubt be crying buckets when the ceremony started.

As though reading her mind there was knock on the door.

"It's time," An unrecognizable voice called through the thick wood. Elle slipped her hand into Celeste's squeezing tight. 

"It is alright, Lady E, go out there and marry your man," Phoenix said, bumping Elle lightly with her fist. With that last vote of confidence they made their way out the other two flanking them as they headed for the door.