Chereads / Kingdom and Clans King's Destiny (Book 1) / Chapter 3 - Ch 3 Mighty King

Chapter 3 - Ch 3 Mighty King

Mighty King

As weeks passed, just as Elohim had predicted to Zarda, his eyes slowly started to open. For several days, they were barely more than narrow slits, enough to allow harsh light to seep in uninvited. It would take time to acclimate to this newfound sense. Out of all his senses, why did this one cause him the greatest discomfort?

Each day, their mother Saharrah lovingly bathed her cubs, cradling them in her strong embrace. With tender licks, she removed the film that had kept their eyelids shut for the past two long weeks. After receiving so much care, the cubs soon opened their eyes wide and began to scamper around her weary form. Queen Saharrah was no stranger to motherhood; this wasn't her second or even third litter, but rather her fourth.

Her first litter never survived the sweltering months of the Savannah climate. The absence of rain and scarce food led to widespread starvation among many animal clans. If not for the migration and the subsequent thunderstorm that brought much-needed relief, they would have faced even greater hardship.

The pride remained resilient in perilous times. It appeared that only the elderly and newborns bore the brunt of life's harsh realities. Meanwhile, King Ezekiel and his teenage sons flourished, along with the lioness pride under his care.

The pack hunted to the best of their abilities, relying on the limited food sources accessible to them. More often than not, they feasted on dead carcasses of zebras or gazelles that succumbed to starvation. The meager nourishment was just sufficient to sustain them through their toughest days. The fat reserves their bodies had stored came from earlier, more plentiful seasons, helping to compensate for the scarcity they now faced.

Fortunately for Zarda and his siblings, they were spared such a fate. The land was abundant and teeming with wild game. King Ezekiel reclined on a sizable rock beneath the mesmerizing Savannah sunset. He kept a watchful eye on his lioness pride and his growing sons, who would soon venture off to form their own bachelor pride when the time came. For now, he needed to ensure that his sons wouldn't compete with him for supremacy. Not until the rightful prince was prepared to take his place would he relinquish the throne. Until that time, he would continue to reign. Ezekiel was a formidable king, renowned far and wide. He maintained a respected reputation, contrasting sharply with the disreputable pride of the three outcast tribes. Those who knew him both feared and revered his greatness. While the lions had few adversaries, they faced a small number of nearby rivals: the Beta Tribe, the Kafinga Tribe, and the Black mane Tribe.

The King also faced competition from the hyenas of the southern regions, as well as the cheetahs and leopards in the western territories, not to mention the obstinate crocodiles lurking in the rivers. However, the most serious danger to him and his family came from rival lion clans. It wouldn't take much for them to stealthily approach on a lethargic day like this and make off with the cubs and lionesses. Unfortunately, the cubs would meet their demise, while the lionesses would be forced to become a new kings bride.

King Ezekiel was ever watchful, guarding what was rightfully his. His greatest delight was in protecting his realm. With a new era marked by a king's reign, he faced the daunting challenge of ensuring the survival of his young cub, Zarda, by any means necessary. In doing so, he also secured a brighter future for the rest of his offspring. His striking golden eyes gleamed with pride as he observed his children frolicking and playfully sparring beneath him. The lionesses lounged nearby, grooming some of their young while playfully swatting at others. As the sun began to set, hungry growls echoed throughout the pride, signaling that it was time for a late evening hunt. Zarda and his siblings had become accustomed to the nighttime hunts along with the various experiences that had filled their young knowledgeable minds. They learned the importance of hiding for their safety and discovered the risks of playing with an African porcupine.

They discovered through observation what constituted good food and what did not, even while still nursing from their mother. "Meat!" resonated in Zarda's mind as he recalled the words of the great creator. He remembered being told that one day he would transition from milk to meat. He could only dream of that moment arriving, and before long, it did.

Time had passed swiftly, and the cubs were now three months old. Zarda and his siblings were on the verge of tasting meat for the first time, thanks to the evening hunt. A thrill of anticipation coursed through him at the idea of finally discovering what the fuss was about regarding this seemingly unappealing food. He would often steal glances at his mother while she ate. Saharrah, the queen, was the first among the lionesses to select the choicest cuts of meat. Meanwhile, Zarda continued to savor the warm milk, observing as his mother tore into a slippery, crimson morsel. The smell of the meat filled the air with a repellent scent of iron that brought back memories of his brother Meeku from the day they first met.

Fortunately, Meeku no longer carried that unpleasant odor. Nowadays, he had a more earthy fragrance. This was likely because they often played and wrestled in the soft dirt, which always emitted a rich and soothing scent. Zarda adored the aroma that filled the air after a heavy thunderstorm. Everything seemed to smell different after the rain, carrying a fresh and invigorating essence. Initially, the thunderstorms frightened Zarda and his siblings, but in time, they came to embrace the sight and sound of the storm. Zarda smiled, reveling in the clarity of his surroundings. The vibrant colors and distinct shapes that adorned objects, which he had previously only been able to touch or hear, were now a wondrous new experience.

His absolute favorite among all his finds was when he spotted a large, armored, plated creature that he called a " hoppy thing-a-ma-jig." This hoppy creature, which his mother identified as a locust, was the largest of its kind in all of Africa, while they may not have been particularly tasty, they sure were a blast to chase and use to scare his sisters. Sister Zaza and Teek were far too refined for their age, becoming more like their mother's regal persona. The thrill of rolling in the dirt no longer appealed to them. Instead, they aligned themselves with the lioness pack, pretending to emulate Queen Saharrah, their mother.

They perched gracefully with their paws crossed and heads held high. The sisters boasted stunning diamond-blue eyes and velvety golden fur, embellished with delicate brown freckles along their backs. They were fully aware of their worth and reveled in it, a lesson imparted by their father, Ezekiel. He frequently licked and nuzzled his daughters during their visits, showering them with affection. Every day, he reminded them that as long as he was there, they had nothing to fear. In contrast, the boys were utterly indifferent. Meeku shared the same golden hue as his sisters, but he was slightly darker and had fewer spots. He also possessed the same vibrant blue colored eyes. The distinguishing feature of Meeku was a small tuft of dark fur on top of his head, styled like a Mohawk. Zarda, however, was entirely different. He took after his father, sporting pure white fur adorned with small gray spots on his rear. Unlike his siblings and mother, Zarda had strikingly bright emerald eyes.

One day, those emerald eyes would shimmer with a golden hue, perhaps like Ezekiel's. He was undeniably the most handsome cub, and he was well aware of it. Unlike their sisters, he and Meeku didn't indulge in any cutesy antics. There were times when the pack could hardly tell that Zarda was even white. He and his brother frequently rolled around in the mud, or the elephant dung scattered nearby. Some of the younger lioness cubs, born around the same time, would join them in their smelly escapades. Their antics turned into a full-blown stink fest as the little boys played in the muck all day long. Everyone was aware when they returned. They frequently required thorough cleanings, and the smell was overwhelming. The sisters often fled to their father for solace. The King would scrunch up his large nose at the foul odor but couldn't help chuckling at his sons' antics. Such behavior was typical of young male cubs. He fondly remembered his own days of rolling around in warm elephant dung during his youth. Though he was no longer a cub but a mature, royal King, he still envied their carefree play.

Being a king was no easy task. He raised his children with the wisdom he possessed, pouring boundless love into all members of his tribe. White mane was the most magnificent of all lion prides, a fact apparent to anyone who laid eyes upon them. The pale visitors, as the lions referred to them, traveled from distant lands to capture photos and observe from their oversized vehicles. Ezekiel found it amusing how effortlessly he could pull a pale person out of such a pointless contraption. Instead, he lifted his head in pride, showcasing his beauty like a star at a glamorous award ceremony. He reveled in the glory he had earned. It wasn't handed to the King; he was born into a challenging time, at the onset of the dry season in the Savannah. He faced numerous hardships and emerged victorious time and again, shaping him into the formidable Lion he is today. Along the way, he collected battle scars, wives, and children, each a testament to his achievements. King Ezekiel took pride in his legacy, and rightfully so.

                                     One to Rule

As dusk descended, the lionesses ventured into the darkness for the hunt. Each had received their designated roles beforehand and respected one another's positions, wary of the consequences of stepping out of line. The King and his young male lions trailed behind, ready to catch any stragglers that the lionesses might overlook. At the front of the group was a designated spotter, typically assigned to Queen Saharrah's younger sister, Raya. Renowned for her keen eyesight, she crouched low, making her an ideal leader for the hunt.

Queen Saharrah would naturally take on the role of the lead hunter, accompanied by her friend Keeku. The rest of the pride was tasked with driving out the weakest member of the herd, waiting for Raya's signal to begin. Back at the lions' den, two lionesses remained with all the cubs while the hunters set off into the night. The excitement of the hunt was an exhilarating experience that Zarda and his siblings had yet to experience. There was always a thrill in watching how the hunt would unfold for the pride, whether it would bring them triumph or disappointment. However, for Queen Saharrah, the outcome of their hunts rarely ended in disappointment.

Her team was highly skilled and lethal in their pursuits. Raya paused for a moment, catching sight of a nearby herd of gazelles grazing in the lush green grass of the Savannah. Every so often, she spotted scouts from the gazelle group raising their heads to survey the area for any signs of danger. If they detected a threat, they would quickly alert the others and flee. However, they stood no chance against Raya. Her ability to blend into the environment was so remarkable that even her own pack occasionally struggled to spot her or interpret her signals. Once she deemed them ready for an ambush, the dark tip of her tail would flicker above the grass. That simple gesture was all it took for the others to spring into action. Following her lead, they targeted an old, weak gazelle—one that had witnessed many cycles of life on the Savannah. They surrounded the frail creature, driving it away from the safety of its herd. Understanding its fate was sealed, the gazelle resigned itself to destiny. Queen Saharrah lunged forcefully toward its back, landing precisely on top of the gazelle. Her claws sank into its spine. The gazelle's cries echoed loudly, but they were not enough to deter the lioness's pack. Soon, the rest of the pack joined the Queen in bringing the creature to the ground. It was Keeku who seized the opportunity, biting down on the gazelle's jugular and draining it of its life.

Another lion hastened the kill by positioning its mouth over the animal's snout, gradually suffocating it. While the method seemed brutal, it was arguably more humane to end its life swiftly rather than allowing it to suffer. The tactic proved effective, and the old creature was gone, its spirit departing from its weakened form. The lionesses, weary from the hunt, settled on the cool earth, panting heavily. Queen Saharrah gasped for fresh air, trying to quell the burning sensation in her lungs. Her legs still tingled from the chase as she collapsed against the hindquarters of the gazelle and began to work on its rear. This was her favorite part of any game animal, offering the most meat and the sweetest juices from the blood-filled arteries.

She growled and glared at her sister and friend, warning them not to touch her first choice. They shot back sneers of their own but wisely kept their distance, ears flattened in submission. After a moment, she managed to tear off her portion, allowing the others to take their share. They moved swiftly, aware that once King Ezekiel arrived, he would dominate the scene and claim the whole animal for himself.

This gazelle wasn't enough to sustain the entire pack, and they were all aware of that. The young males trailed closely behind the King, realizing that it was now their responsibility to find a different prey if they hoped to eat. They growled in frustration as their hungry father drove them away, knowing to give him his space as they set off in search of another target. Having finished their portion, the females decided to assist the male warriors in their pursuit of more food.

As always, Raya signaled the start of the hunt. The pursuit began. This time, they had the power of the males on their side to assist in the kill. Their target wasn't a gazelle, but a plump young female zebra. She wasn't injured or sick; it was simply her ripe, rounded form that made the lions salivate with eagerness. They swiftly tracked her down, relishing every moment until the very end of her life. Before long, the pride was satisfied. However, the sound of nearby hyenas laughing echoed unsettlingly, causing them to become alert.

The hyenas appeared to be nearby, though not fully visible. The lion pride assembled and made their way home before crossing paths with their rivals. In a show of generosity, they left behind some leftovers for the scavengers. As she departed, Saharrah picked up a leg piece for her cub's first taste of meat. With bellies full, the lions were in no rush, ambling home at a leisurely pace this time.

Their bellies hung low to the ground, a sign that the night was bound to be fruitful. One of the other lionesses picked up a substantial piece of meat to share with the two lioness mothers who had remained behind. With a thriving tribe like theirs, they never went hungry. Whenever they stayed back, the lionesses would rotate for the next day's hunt, an arrangement that benefited the entire pack. Meanwhile, Queen Saharrah found her cubs and set a leg portion on a stone beside them. The cubs glanced at each other before turning their attention back to the fresh meat.

Zarda felt a sense of uncertainty, much like his siblings. The familiar, unsettling feeling that accompanied his birth had resurfaced. This time, however, he craved "Meat"! He moistened his lips and stealthily approached the leg as if he were hunting. The scent was irresistible, and without thinking, he sank his teeth into the bloody flesh. The taste was divine, far superior to milk. Now, he grasped why they adored it so much. It was difficult to describe, but the meat melted in his mouth like rich butter, and the juices were even more delightful as they slid down his throat.

He began to growl at his approaching siblings. When they realized how much Zarda enjoyed it. His little growl was adorable but had such authority. It was just the beginning, as a warning to the others of who was to become the boss.

They jumped on occasion at the fear of him and kept their ears pinned back. Soon, they too would be biting off pieces of meat and lapping up the dripping blood. The pride was a well working group, and the members made sure to help each other as one. No one would go hungry, as long as Ezekiel had anything to do with it. And so, He was the one to rule and rule he did indeed.