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The Invaders' Chronicles; Awakening

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Synopsis;           It had seemed unreal and false when a wormhole was discovered in the Solar system between Mars and Jupiter. NASA and other space agencies made wild speculations on the cause and significance of the wormhole. Predictions and opinions were given by the scientific community, political groups, and even civilians had something to say. Many believed that it was the beginning of the end of the Solar System, while religious ones tagged it as the 'Armaggedon'. Science fanatics declared a dawn of a new age. Indeed, it was a new age. An age of alien tyranny and dictatorship. It's been twelve years since they came. Twelve years since they took everything from us. Our home... Our culture... Our sports... Our religions... Our currencies... Our arts... Our loved ones... Our rights... Our freedom... Our leadership... Our identity... Our planet... Our hope... It's time we fight back!

Chapter 1 - Prologue: The Meeting

Royal Chambers, Imperial Palace,

Cruger city, Eastern region of Epixon-2,

Torumato System. 

 Glancing at the holographic screen again, Commander Agemon drummed his fingers on the table, dreading his boredom. He didn't like meetings like this because they tend to take all day. 

He had already watched the Fink's report privately, and sitting to watch the six-hour video didn't appeal to him. The meeting held was meant to take place few days ago, but couldn't hold because most of the attendees were delayed by spatial transportation, travelling from distant planets. Arriving earlier, he had gotten access to the reports using his status and some threats.

 Emperor Grumm had called for the meeting a week ago, stressing of its importance and confidentiality. Those invited were all the Lords of the houses that made up the Crugi Empire and all the military commanders. The Emperor requested all participants to attend in person rather than to Holo-ference. The subject of the meeting was the fate of a planet and the unique species inhabiting it. That planet was Earth.

 The discovery of this new planet and its system was a result of the probes and signals sent into space by the 'Earthlings'. This got the attention of the Crugi and begun the quest for further investigations. The interest in the planet and its beings grew, with the knowledge of the advancement in technology and also the anatomical similarities of the Earthlings. 

After a decade of painstaking research,the Crugi finks had full information on Earth and the human race. The information gathered included population, languages,countries and continents, weapons systems,average lifespan, birth and death rates, scientific projects, sports and cultures, the planet's climates and even the anatomies of all the species. In the end, it was decided that the human race should not be allowed to continue with their pace of technological advancement, which was the fastest the Crugi had ever seen in all of their years of galactic conquest. The planet was to be invaded.

 The projected screen played records and showed aerial footage of the planet, its structures, monuments, and impossible persons while a background narrative explained each place, thing or person displayed. Agemon turned to look at the Emperor and found him transfixed to the screen. The same could be said about the other commanders and the heads of the houses. They were visibly awed by the feats of the earthlings, a race quite similar yet inferior to them.

Their development was astounding and remarkable but the planet itself was being corrupted by its inhabitants and its resources were gradually depleting.

 The Emperor sat at a huge table flanked by two Imperial guards, armed with long lances and sabers. The commanders sat to his left while the Lords of the seven Houses sat on the opposite side. 

For centuries, the houses had always been at feud with one another, until the years of the conquest, when the seven houses had to leave their differences aside and unite together in the quest to conquer the multiverse, but age-long conflicts were still evident among the houses. The Houses of Suzon , Tevsol , and Hasizu  bonded with each other while the houses of Vizem, Fuspi  and Mevopis , Agemon's house, cleft together. The royal house, Cessa  were neutral in the conflicts and became the judging house. Agemon hoped that verdict would be in his favour. 

Another reason the Emperor requested all participants to attend in person was to decide which of the commanders would lead the conquest against Earth.

Agemon joined the Crugi military thirty years back, honouring the legacy of his forefathers who were all soldiers of the cause. He had served the empire in various positions and planets like Torogo , Ratatus , Abyla Wosp , and Nitava , rising to the rank of a commander, like his forbears. He was then sent to Domeran  to lead the war against the Xentans  in the Hexonis  System.

 Originally, the System had been their home, until they were exiled for spatial crimes by the Hexonis Council. After migrating from Hexonis and thriving in Torumato , the Crugi wanted revenge on the other Hexonis races and hence, military commanders were sent to attack the System. Agemon's orders were to assault Domeran, one of the Xentan planets, but he disliked the planets. Filled with rocky plains and hills, and with a treacherous climate, the planet was a nightmare. He longed to leave the planet for new conquests but his proposal was always turned down. The discovery of Earth seemed to be an fulfilment of his wishes.

The only one who stood in his path to this conquest was Commander Sorah Dammi of house Tevsol, his rival and only competition.

Turning to his left, he saw the tall Crugi glaring at him with black beady eyes, two seats away.

 Sorah, like himself, was the son of a retired commander. Both had studied and trained together in the military academy, trying to outdo the other, inheriting the grudge their fathers bore towards each other. While he was transferred to Torogo, Sorah was sent to Stowein , Øcetal , and finally Jötun  where he was currently in charge. He was very cunny and proved to be a fierce rival to Agemon. It was no secret that both had eyes on the 'Grand Commander' or the Hesidunesi  rank, the highest rank in the military. This was a position Ser Tydin, Agemon's father, had beaten Ser Dammi, to earn during their prime. Both sons dreamed of earning the position not only for themselves, but for their fathers, and houses. Agemon knew that whoever was given the conquest of Earth had an advantage and a big boost in the race to the rank.

  "We have seen and heard it all. All the known facts about the Earthlings are right before us. Now, how do you propose we conquer these Earthlings? I need your suggestions on how to tackle this advanced species," The Emperor spoke up in Hexoni, the native tongue of the Crugi people. 

The screen was blank, signifying the end of the presentations and illustrations. The long wait was finally over. It was his time to shine.

A born orator, Agemon knew when to strike and this was one of those moments. Standing up, he addressed the gathering.

 "Your Grace, Lords of the seven great houses of Crugi, and my fellow brothers-in-arms, my greetings. I have been to several planets in my years of service to the imperial cause and encountered many strange species, but, none of them are as unique and so similar to us like the Earthlings. Civilized, yes, but they are not invulnerable. Judging from these reports, the Earthlings have fought countless wars amongst themselves but, none have been fought against an external enemy. Strike them with everything we have and they will melt like Wospi  wax before heat. I propose that the Myrixs and Arcanes  should be used in this conquest. These Earthlings are easily terrified by things they can't fathom and as such, won't be able to withstand the fighting skills of the Myrixs and the deadly nature of the Arcanes. That, combined with our superior technology and warships should bring them to their knees," He spoke slowly and bluntly, allowing his words to impact on the minds of his audience. Some nodded in approval while others listened.

 "No, I disagree," A voice objected. Commander Sorah stood up quickly. Agemon let out an inaudible sigh and sat down, as custom demanded.

"The Earthlings maybe inferior to us, now, but it doesn't mean that they are weaklings. I see them as beings capable of adapting themselves to suit their situation, as records have shown. They may quake at first sight of the Myrixs, but after years, they would probably get over the scare and revolt. We need to get a hold on these species physically and psychologically. Make them believe that they can never win."

 "So, what do you suggest?" The head of the house of Fuspi asked.

 "I suggest we invade Earth, not with the Myrixs, but with our troops and machines. Show them how advanced we are in every aspect and they will submit to us, eagerly. Using the Myrixs in our wars shows cowardice on our part and....."

 "Keep our troops alive! It shows power and sovereignty!" Agemon was back on his feet, interrupting Sorah. It was a known fact that House Tevsol and its allied Houses discriminated against the Myrixs, calling their usage in battle as barbaric and crude. They however, depended on Crubots, an artificial intelligence race of machines, designed to kill and destroy. 

"Using our subjects shows our domination of other worlds and species. Besides, the Myrixs swore an allegiance to fight our wars and die for the imperial cause, if need be. That was the fealty they pledged when they surrendered. Is it better for our sons to die or let the Myrixs do so for the empire? Their purpose in battle is to ensure that the lives of Crugi soldiers won't be wasted unnecessarily," He pointed out.

 "A soldier who is afraid to die has no business being in the battlefront," Sorah sneered at him.

 "Why die, when others can die for you?" Agemon refuted him, grinning.

 "Your ancestral father gave the Myrixs his word of protection and you stand here to tell me they are nothing but mere subjects of sacrifice?" Sorah asked him.

 "My ancestral father saw the Myrixs as a source for fresh available troops not a specie we should pamper and call 'brothers'. Check your histories well, my friend. Besides, when did you start developing affections for the Myrixs? Planning on mating with one?"

 "Why, you....."

 "Your Grace!" The head of House Cessa called on the Emperor to caution them, interrupting Sorah's outburst.

 "That's enough! Both of you!" The Emperor spoke.

 Agemon quickly bowed his head and sat down, not wishing to infuriate the Emperor, any further.

 "We have heard the suggestions provided and we will deliberate on them. A brief meeting will be held immediately with the Jidets, to determine if Earth should be spared and if not, who to lead the conquest," Emperor Grumm said and rose from his seat. Accompanied by the two guards and the heads of the Houses, he went into an inner chamber.