๐ŸŒทCan't help falling ๐ŸŒน

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost ๐Ÿ™

โœˆ๏ธCHAPTER 9


They open the website and check the status and what they saw made them so happy.

They were both admitted into the school and this brought smile to their faces.

Later in the night they told their parents about it and they were happy for them.

They celebrated their admission.


Ricardo got back to his house and he went up to his room and then he called his son to know how he is fairing.

After the call he took his laptop and started working on it.

His wife call came in and he picked it up and speak to her.

After the conversation he cut off the call and continue his work.


Spider is in his room making some findings about his parents killer. He vow to revenge his parents death.

He started making some findings connecting somethings together.


Everyone were working well and work was going smoothly in the company without any problem.

A new worker was just employed and he is being taken round the company by a staff and after the tour he was shown his office and he settled down and began working immediately.


The next day, Evelyn and Tiffany started preparing for college, they bought things to be taken, new clothes and all other stuffs they will take along.

They arranged their things in one place and ready to go to college.

After few days they are ready to go to college.

They pack their things in the car and the driver drove them to the college.

After one hour they got to college and they pack their things out then they were shown their hostel and they packed their things into their rooms.

They both decided to share one room since it is big enough for the both of them.

They pack their things into the room and arrange everything well.

They got out together to check the school environment when a girl approach them.

"Hi, I am Chloe" she said to them.

"I am Tiffany and she is Evelyn" Tiffany said to her.

"Can I be your friend?"

"Sure" they both said.

Then the three of them began walking around discussing.

They got to a place and they all sat there and began talking.

Both Tiffany and Chloe were in the same department while Evelyn was in a different department.

After a lot of discussion they all went to their room and they ate and play some games which they enjoy.

The next day, they both woke up early and dress up for the first lecture and after dressing up they got out and part ways and went for their first lecture.

Tiffany got to the lecture hall and met Chloe then she introduced her to some of their mates.

The lecturer is not yet in class so they all began discussing among themselves making fun.

After a while the lecturer came in and they all stop shouting then the lecture begin.

The lecture lasted for two hours.

After few lectures again, they all disperse and went to their various rooms.

Chloe,Tiffany and Evelyn went out and have some fun,they went to different places and they had so much fun and they all resume back to their rooms.


The next day Ricardo woke up and went to work as usual and when he got to the company he began working as usual.

Suddenly he received a call that the goods he is expecting sink into the water and this shocked him and made him sad a lot, he has loose a lot of money.

He felt sad throughout that day and he get angry at his employees at any slight mistake.

After he left work that day he went to the clan and told Spider to hack into the camera and show him the video of how the goods sink and he did so and then he saw that it was some people on other ship that cause the ship carrying his goods to sink and he decided to make investigations and make those involved in this pay for what they did.

He watch the video again and he captured their faces then he searched for them on the internet and got their names and from there he got their locations and then he went there with some of his gangs and they took the guys to their clan.

Then Ricardo torture them in anger and they were in such pain, their body was on fire.

TBC ๐Ÿ””

Sorry it is short, I don't know what to write I just have to put down this small so as not to keep you all waiting, expect a longer chapter tomorrow.

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