Chereads / WORLD TRAIN / Chapter 63 - Eye of the storm

Chapter 63 - Eye of the storm

Kinsha takes several slow steps to the right. She now wore a simple black shirt and pants as she dragged a mop bucket. In complete silence mopping the floor, making it sparkle completely like a mirror. 'I wonder how Sir Yuma, Miss Cani, and sir Boombox are doing… I hope they're okay…' Kinsha continues mopping and exhales. Stepping back a little bit and stopping when she hears two superiors talking.

"Why do we have to do this!?" The other officer sighs.

"Sir Ikati told us we had to… not like we have a choice unless we wanna die… probably a staff problem" The first guy is shocked.

"Shh… keep it down, we don't want Demon Lord Ikati hearing us-" Suddenly Kinsha turns the corner, still holding a soaking wet mop.

"Don't talk bad about the master!" The two men laugh as Kinsha is shocked herself. Her ears droop down and her tail falls, but she stands her ground. 'If I DON'T say this, I'll get in trouble for not reporting it… Even though I hate the Demon Lord guy' The officers choke on their laughter.

"You're funny, chore girl… We're gonna tell Demon Lord Ikati that you spoke out of turn-" Kinsha shouts.

"Me yelling out of turn is as bad as you talking behind the Demon Lords back!" the hallways go silent.

"Fine… let's keep this little chat silent… but for our sake, we're gonna force more work onto you just for speaking out of turn" Kinsha exhales. 'That coulda been way worse' The officer grabs Kinsha's arm and drags her down the hallway.


The cell door slowly opened. The room was small and pure metal, only a small window looking outside at the blue sky. The officer's guide Kinsha into the room. Kinsha's eyes widened as she looked down at the boy.

He couldn't have been more than ten. He was small and fragile. Sitting on the floor with his knees drawn to his chest. A worn or small piece of cloth clutched to his small, pale fingers. His messy brown hair fell over his eyes, almost completely obscuring them. His eyes were dry and had bags under them. Despite the dirt smudged across his face, his bruises and scratches stood out like sore thumbs.

"H-Hi?" The boy lifted his head to Kinsha. His thin eyes locking onto hers–a striking shade of silver. His lips trembled as though he wanted to speak, but he hesitated. The officers shout.

"Your next assignment is to train this boy how to clean the house as well as you do"


The waves rampage, tearing like a sandstorm along both sides of the hull. The masts swing like tree branches, barely held on by the ropes holding them down. The rain violently batters against the wood of the boat as everyone sits inside the small, cramped room. Moon exhales.

"We need a plan-" The ship violently flies into the air. Everyone rushes to grab something as the boat hits the water, quickly struggling, almost capsizing. The wood of the boat struggles to hold together. Cani exhales.

"He's right… we can't go full guns blazing upon reaching the shore… we'd be goners for sure." The boat shakes as it crescendos another wave. The wind rampaging against the side of the boat. They could barely hear themselves think. Yuma shouting over the violently pouring rain.

"I think we should sneak in, hide our boat on the opposite side of the island from the harbor and sneak in" The boat violently shifts again as thunder booms around them. The boat crescendos again as they float weightless for a few brief seconds. Violently slamming into calm water. Ika was shocked.

"What the- it's calm?" The wind had a slight cool breeze. The waves had completely subsided and the rain was no more. Only the distant sound of crackling thunder remained. Ika rushed to look out the windows, followed by Yuma and Cani.

"We made it…" They floated in perfectly calm blue water. The sky was bright and filled with fluffy white clouds. Surrounding them was a massive storm wall that rotated around the middle like the eye of a hurricane.

"There's the factory… Makiola Island Manufacturing Corps" The island sat perfectly in the center of the eye of the storm. The storm rotating around it like the island was the storm's axis. The island had short but steep and black rocky cliffs. On the island there was nearly no greenery. Around the outside of the island were massive dark brick walls with the occasional tower. In the middle sat a massive castle-like structure. Smokestacks billowing out red smoke. Yuma looks at it and smirks.

"We've made it" Cani rushes out onto the deck, followed by Yuma, Boombox, Moon, and Ika.

"Moon… You stay on the boat and keep an eye on Ika… we don't wanna risk him getting captured or hurt" Moon nods as Yuma steps forward.

"As for me, Cani, and Iteyi… we focus on taking down the Factory"