Chereads / WORLD TRAIN / Chapter 46 - Cani and Yuma

Chapter 46 - Cani and Yuma

"Fire!" the cannons on the battleship fire consecutively, shaking the boat as they release smoke, explosions reign on the island. Yuma smirks as the wind blows his hair.

"Aim your weapons on that rogue battleship!" Cannons and military fire from the island releasing a barrage of flames, explosions, and fire. Yuma jumps from the mast where he stood as the battleship explodes behind him. Flipping through the air and kicking the ground, caving and shattering under him, sending several officers into the air. Quickly jumping through the cool wind, kicking the officers to the ground. The commander stumbles back.

"Don't stop, keep firing!!" Officers pull out their guns and fire at Yuma. He exhales and thrusts his left arm to dodge bullets, spinning midair and kicking another bullet away as blood explodes from his foot. Landing on the ground and smirking. Bolting forward and punching one officer in the face. Quickly jumping into the air to kick two more officers in one motion, continuing through a tornado kick to another officers head. Sliding his right foot back to stop his spin and reeling his fist back. His muscles bulge as he bolts forward, hitting 7 officers with one punch. Yuma leans forward after the attack as his eyes glow. The officers struggled to attack in fear from his presence. Yuma glares blades at the officers as he runs into the main prison.

Cani runs through the hallways trying not to make a sound. Turning corners through the falling apart building. Turning the corner to see yuma standing there looking around. Yuma notices Cani and jumps a bit.

"Cani-" Cani suddenly hugs Yuma tightly, shocking him.

"Is everything okay, Cani??" Cani responds in a stuttering voice.

"I knew you'd come for me" Yuma breaks the hug.

"We don't have much time to waste… let's get out of here!" Cani steps back and quickly nods.

"Good idea, Yuma" Yuma's eyes glow ominously as he quickly turns.

"Get behind-" suddenly the brick wall behind them explodes in from the other side. Cani flies back and slides on the ground. Yuma coughs and rips a piece of rebar from his arm. Blood pours from his nose. Cani was shocked.

"Yuma! Are you okay!?" Yuma's hair starts floating, his eyes turning red.

"An Admiral's here, brace yourself!" through the smoke, an Admiral appears. Admiral Loe's long purple hair floats behind his head, his purple eyes glowing ominously as his fists turn gray and become solid rock.

"This is the last time you get away from me!" Admiral Loe jumps forward throwing a left hook, Yuma jumps to the side to dodge. Loe instantly turns and slams Yuma into the wall. Cani rushes to stand as Loe instantly gut punches her, sending her into the ceiling before kicking her into the wall. Coughing up blood.

 Taking a step over and punting her through the concrete wall. Cani sliding on the ground through the rubble. Her eyes blurring as blood drips from her forehead.

"Come on! Don't tell me you're done already?" Cani grits her teeth 'I can't… move!' she clenches her fist as Admiral Loe steps forward. Kicking her across the face, then once again with his other foot through the wall.

She coughs up blood as she flies through the open air. The blue sky filled with pretty white clouds. 'I'm… losing consciousness…' Smoke explodes from the surrounding trees as Cani lays on the dirt ground. Admiral Loe jumped from the hole in the wall and walked closer.

"You put up more of a fight in the Infinite Gardens… what happened to you?" Admiral Loe walks through the trees. His long purple hair floats behind him ominously.

"Surely you haven't gotten weaker, Mrs. Princess?" Cani grits her teeth and rolls over onto her stomach.

"I-I'm… not… a-a… princess…" She clenches her fist in the dirt and attempts to rise to her feet.

"And… I-I'm… not done… yet…!" Admiral Loe grits his teeth and steps forward, kicking her in the stomach. Cani coughs as she recoils just above the treeline. Slowly floating back down as Loe holds his breath and punches her with a rock covered fist full strength into the sky.

"Come on, you can do better than that, Cani! You're the heir, prove it!"

Cani's eyes open as she floats midair.

"W-wha…?" she blinks as her eyes return to normal from being blurry. Blood drips from her forehead as she coughs.

"Several… broken ribs… not sure which ones though…" she coughs a bit more.

"Done chatting to yourself?" Cani turns as Loe floats beside her.

"Lo-!?" He swings his fist but Cani manages to block with her left forearm. Getting slammed to the ground in a massive eruption of smoke.

"Why am I here… what am I doing?" Loe floats to the ground as smoke rises.

"I made excuses to avoid my family and escaped them for the longest time…" Loe is confused, the ground slightly shaking.

"So why do they show back up, why can't they see… I wanna travel with Yuma-" Cani pauses, still within the smoke.

"No… that's an excuse as well… I… wanna show my family… I'm WORTHY of being the heir instead of getting it because it's a birthright!" Loe grits his teeth.

"Shut up already and fight!" He steps forward and thrusts his fist through the smoke. Cani wasn't there, none the less nowhere to be seen. He quickly glances around as Cani smashes his head with a kick from behind. Loe stumbles a bit as Cani slides against the grass, kicking it up. Smoke rising from her shoulders and fists. Smirking as her injuries heal.

"Molecule manipulation is the best!" She jumps forward, reeling her fist back. Loe lifts his fist to block, covering it in a thick rock, Cani punching straight through it, sending Loe sliding back.

"Now you've got some kick behind your attacks…" Admiral Loe's purple hair starts floating. The earth under his feet cracking and floating at his feet. Clenching his fist as a maniacal smile forms across his cheeks. His eyes begin glowing gray.

"You unleashed your power, then I should mine!" An armor of stone covers his upper body and arms. His smile is still on show.

"Come and get me!" Cani shouts as she slams her foot into the ground. Loe slams his foot into the earth as stone wraps around it. Cani's eyes widen as a massive fist of rock rages in her direction. She lifts her fist to block as the attack lands. Delivering 12 consecutive blows in one, slamming her through the forest and to the island's white sandy beach. Cani rushed to her feet but was coughing. 'I can heal, but it's still too slow! What's with that punch? It felt like 12 punches all occurred in a split second of one another! How am I supposed to beat that!?' Cani turns as water explodes, getting slammed across the beach. Sand and water kicked up. Her eyes going blank, Loe appears before her, his eyes white and he wears a smile only the psychotic wore.