Chereads / WORLD TRAIN / Chapter 39 - Admiral Moon

Chapter 39 - Admiral Moon

Yuma as he rises to his feet. Glaring with an angry face at Admiral Moon who wears formal Admiral clothes. Admiral Moon rises to his feet.

"You won't make it any farther Alien King!" Yuma glares.

"I'm gonna kill you for taking my friends!!" Moon jumps forward and swings his fist to punch. Yuma dodged and quickly dodged the punch. Moon Jumps into the air and swings his leg to kick. Yuma ducking under the kick and uppercutting Moon. Yuma reaches over and tightens his grip on Moon's arm. Swinging his leg from underneath and kicking him in the chin. Grabbing Moon's arm with both hands as his arms bulge. Violently throwing Moon through the deck of the battleship. Water and splinters of shattered wood explode as the boat starts sinking.

Yuma is suddenly slammed through several battleships as he slides on the water and falls into the ocean. Underwater battleships are sinking around him. Wooden wreckage and ship debris as he turns around locking eyes with Moon. Yuma blocks a punch from Moon, swinging his foot, delivering a kick to his chest. Yuma still holding his breath then swings his fist back and punching Moon in the face with his full strength. Water explodes along with shockwaves and wind as Yuma gets slammed through another boat. Wooden splinters mixing with the water falling down. Yuma slides onto the deck of another already sinking boat. Breathing heavily and covered in water.

Smoke rises from the water along with flames. A shadow figure stands up within the smoke pushing the ribble off of him. Steam escapes his mouth as he walks forward.

"I think I need to get serious… It's been a while since this happened!" Yuma watches as Moon reaches over his shoulder and rips off all of his formal government wear, revealing his 8 pack and large upper chest covered in scars.

Letting his hair out of its man bun as his eyes go from their normal color to red. His whole body seemingly convulses as he clenches his teeth. Clenching his hands tightly as Yuma looks on in shock. Moon's teeth grow into sharp fangs as long white stripes course through his body. His hair starts floating as an ominous white aura pours off of him.

"Time Manipulation Mantra: 100% Awakening Form!!" a maniacal shark toothed grin stretches across Yuma's face as suddenly Moon is in front of Yuma. Yuma's eyes widen as he can't even react. Time has seemingly slowed down. Yuma gets punched straight in the face. His skin warping and wrinkling with the impact. Getting slammed through several battleships and to the bottom of the ocean. Wood panels, sails, amidst and water exploding across the battlefield. Yuma's eyes go blank.

"Time Mantra! Quicklap!" suddenly Yuma's body reappears where it was before he got hit. Mon having used his Mantra to reverse him back to where he once stood, Yuma didn't stand a chance. Moon slams his fist into Yuma's chest as Yuma suddenly disappears.

"What the-" Moon quickly turns around as Yuma is behind him. A pink aura radiates from him as a strange pink blur watches from a distance.

"D**n Alien always gets in my way" Yuma punches Moon through several more battleships. Only one battleship left. Yuma and Moon land on the deck as everyone onboard cowers. Yuma wobbles a bit still barely conscious as he hits the deck breathing heavily.

"I thought… I finally… could… Defeat you…" Moon returns to his normal appearance.

"Mantra is unique and its properties are still an enigma to us… but I've achieved a full awakening where I have full control over my Mantra without worrying about my body's physical limits… But I can't do it for too long… You're lucky to have even survived this long" Yuma falls backwards.

"I'll get you… next… time… Moon…" Admiral Moon sighs.

"Yeah yeah… now get some rest until we can execute you for your criminal activities against the World Government" Yuma gets angry but can't do anything as his eyes go blank. The Alliance had been defeated.

"Admiral Moon! Are you okay!?" Admiral Moon suddenly falls to his knees. Coughing up blood. His back is bleeding from a recent injury.

"You're still recovering from your Injury caused by the 12 tri-" Moon glares at him.

"Say that name and you'll be assasinated… No one is supposed to know who they are…" The doctor worries.

"Still, Your injury is why they suggested you avoid confrontation with Alien King: Yuma!" Moon shouts.

"Demon Lord Buki is the reason I'm in this state! And if Alien King Yuma and Demon Lord Buki fight… this World may as well be doomed, I must stop Yuma for the sake of the world" The doctor is shocked.

"N-No way! Are you sure, Admiral!?" There was silence as Moon's body slowly floated and hit the deck unconscious.

"Admiral Moon!!"