Chereads / WORLD TRAIN / Chapter 23 - Kinsha Akaba: Rising

Chapter 23 - Kinsha Akaba: Rising

Nyct and Cani walk around a nearby town wearing normal clothes to disguise themselves. Kinsha walking around like a child in a candy store in front of them.

"Don't get too far ahead of us, Kinsha!" Kinsha turns around and smiles.

"I won't, I'm a big girl!" Cani laughs.

"I know you are! Just stay safe" Nyct looks at Cani.

"You're kinda protective today, aren't ya?" Cani blushes slightly embarrassed.

"W-what else am I supposed to do… I-I never had… any younger siblings… so… whenever I'm around kid's… my protectiveness just… comes out" Nyct is slightly shocked.

"You don't have any younger siblings…? no wonder you're so bitter sometimes…" Cani snaps.

"I'm not bitter!" Nyct chuckles. Cani continuing.

"You seem happy today, Nyct… what about you?" Nyct looks at the sky.

"Well… it's just that Yuma has such determination for his goals that it's inspiring me to chase my own goals of becoming an Artist" Cani smiles sinisterly.

"You have a crush on Yuma, don't you?" Nyct blushes.

"W-What?? No!... he's just… really cool…" Cani snickers.

"Yeah right…" Nyct looks away embarrassed but noticing something.

"Where's Kinsha?" Cani quickly looks around.

"She must have made a wrong turn and we didn't realize she turned away from us!" They both jump a bit thinking about how Yuma would react.

"Nyct! Can you use your heightened senses to track her down??" Nyct nods and closes her eyes for a very awkwardly long amount of time.

"Found her! She's over that way!" Nyct and Cani jump onto a nearby roof.

"Why did it take so long for you to find her?" Nyct stays quiet and looks away embarrassed.

"I-I couldn't stop thinking about Yuma…" Cani starts laughing before slamming face first into a brick chimney. Nyct laughing back at her.

Yuma sleeps in his bed. Twisting and turning and tightly closing his eyes. Slowly sitting up and rubbing the forehead.

"What did you do this time… Cani?"

The two of them land on a roof as several creepy men drag Kinsha down the alley with a clothe over her mouth. She was trying to fight back. Kicking and attempting to break free but couldn't from the men's tight grip. 

"We have to help-" Nyct puts her hand in front of Cani, stopping her.

"No… she has a Ѥ1.9m bounty… she has to learn to defend herself… we'll step in when she can't fight… or anymore at least" Cani looks down and sighs.

Kinsha tightly closes her eyes as tears form. The men punch her to the ground in anger. Her nose bleeding as she hits the ground. Kinsha thinking. 'Where are Ms. Cani and the others??... why aren't they coming to help me??' There was silence as she suddenly remembered something. Memories of Yuma practicing with Boombox. 'That's right… when there's noone to protect me… They were teaching me to protect myself!' Cani's eyes widen as Kinsha kicks one of the men into the wall. Jumping up and spinning around. Kicking another in the face. Sending them to the ground.

"Don't go underestimating Akaba Kinsha!" The men cower on the ground and jump up to run away. Nyct appearing in front of them. Hitting their necks and knocking them to the ground as Cani lands beside Kinsha.

"Ms Cani!" Kinsha hugs Cani slightly shocking her.

"Those were Yuma's moves weren't they? You remembered the training sessions between Yuma and Boombox" Kinsha nods as Nyct turns around.

"Hey, you two… let's get going before Yuma learns that we lost Kinsha-" She's suddenly interrupted.

"You did that… how?... Nyct, Cani?" Nyct gulps as Yuma stands beside her. Glaring up at her as he walks forward. Cani waving.

"S-she wondered off a bit and got caught by some bad guys" Yuma glares calmly at her.

"Okay… and? Did you take care of them?" Kinsha jumps up.

"I took care of them!" Yuma smirks slightly and pats her head shocking the two of them.

"Well… let's turn them in later… but first… I have a few questions to ask them about our friendly Government buddies" Kinsha tilts her head like a cat. One ear up and the other down. Yuma popping his knuckles.

"Come on you guys… grab them and bring them to the base" Cani and Nyct nod. Picking their unconscious bodies up.

"Oh… and Kinsha… not specifying that I saw anything… but for general preferences and your opponents faint of heart…" Kinsha looks at him confused.

"Don't wear a skirt when fighting someone" Kinsha looks away embarrassed. The 4 of them walking away avoiding prying eyes in awkward silence.

"Are you sure you wanted this, Kinsha?" Kinsha exhales. Trying to keep her head still as Cani holds scissors.

"Yes!... Long hair prevents me from a full field of view" Cani nods and takes a scissor to the long hair.