Chereads / WORLD TRAIN / Chapter 6 - World Government Foonie's

Chapter 6 - World Government Foonie's

Yuma turns as a crowd rushes at them from the island. The Government boat from the sea. Cani stepping forward.

 "You said you were gonna complete Kuza's goal of connecting the entire Infinite sea under one alliance?... Then you need someone willing to help you… Give the word… Captain" Yuma is slightly shocked as Cani cracks her knuckles.

"Fine then, do as you please Cani… Just remember… that's the World government you're dealing with" Cani forms a maniacal smile.

"Yeah?... and?... If we wanna unite this world… We should be the one's to make the first move…and declare War against the foul World government foonies… Steer the ship out of the view of the crowd, I'll take care of them myself" Yuma goes to stop her as she bolts away cracking the floor boards.

"Guess that Mantra stuff really helps…" Yuma goes to find the steering wheel. Cani bolting towards the Government vessel.

"Fire!" Cani lands on the ship beside the Lieutenant commander. Smiling as she throws a pole into his face. The pole of which she grabbed off the ground. Quickly jumping and kicking him through the deck. Water spilling into the boat as she heats up the air around her.

"There's a reason they call me the flame Princess" The wooden deck of the ship combusts into flames as everyone rushes around screaming.

"So you have the ability to manipulate molecules?" Cani recognizes his voice as Nezxa slams his fist through the ship. Shattering it into hundreds of pieces. Magma exploding everywhere.

"What are you-" Nezxa lands beside Cani who prepares to fight. Both floating on a remaining piece of wood.

"Don't worry… I'm on your side… I was only fighting so I could protect my 'King'… I was blindsided cause I hid my identity for too long… But after watching you guys fight… I'm feeling pumped up again…" Nezxa looks at Cani.

"Let me join you on your way to Heavens Gate" Cani's eyes widen grabbing him by the shirt and holding him up in the air.

"Why should I let you join when you killed my Boyfriend!!" Nezxa lifts his hands of if he was surrendering.

"Trust me… You know how to get to Heaven's gate as you've been there… I can act as your weapon so you don't have to fight at all until we get to Heaven's gate… but once we get there, I'm leaving… Travel the Infinite sea on my own" Cani puts him down.

"An alliance then?" Nezxa nods slowly as Cani grits her teeth and jumps back to the boat. Nezxa sighing and following suit.

Yuma locks eyes with Nezxa. Glaring at him because he killed Kuza.

 "So you wanna join us… In an alliance…?" Nezxa nods as the two lock eyes and sparks fly.

 "Well then… Why don't you take your pretty boy face and travel to Heavens Gate yourself with your BIG BOUNTY and all!" Nezxa blankly stares.

 "You got me there… But trust me… I won't be able to get there by myself… I wanna see my family again… I promise… As soon as we make it past Heavens gate, I'll leave you alone… Please" Yuma looks away and sighs as the wind blows.

 "Set course for the next island closest to Heaven's gate… This World shall understand my pain… And to do so, I must strip them down to their bare bones and take them out myself!" Cani nods as Nezxa laughs as Yuma's height of 5 foot 2.

 "Aye Aye, captain"

 Yuma sits in a small room under the deck thinking to himself. Cani walking past and stopping.

 "There you are… What are you doing down here? Some help cleaning the deck would be nice Yuma" Yuma looks at Cani.

 "What exactly is Heavens gate?... What is Mantra exactly?" Cani scoffs in shock.

 "What? We're helping you travel to the Infinite sea, When you don't know about Mantra OR Heavens Gate… Oh right… Your Memory was wiped yesterday…" Cani sits down beside Yuma.

 "Ill start with Heavens Gate… Heavens gate is the only way to enter the infinite Sea and it's heavily guarded by The World Government…" Yuma raises an eyebrow.

 "If the sea is infinite in all directions… Why is Heavens Gate the only way in?" Cani sighs and looks up.

 "Shortly after the Infinite sea appeared seemingly out of nowhere… The World Government was formed and they built a wall to stop people from Exploring…"