I thought the sun had cease for me but I see this beautiful day again.This Life I won't repeat the same mistake again .
Running down from upstairs (my mom must be in the kitchen now)."Mom " .oh ,Elice you make up early today did your have a nightmare . Maybe it was a nightmare.
Let me help you with the kitchen chores Mom (last Life I have always neglected my mother this Life I gonna make up for that )
Mom from today I will study hard and make you The most happiest person in the World .
After breakfast .
Mom I will be off to school now bye .
Ok you will be late again go on.
She really did change I wonder what nightmare does she have that change her behavior but thats for the best.
If I am not wrong it was this road that make me late for school that day I should not take this road come to think of it I always take this path.I dont think it was a mere concidence .