Anna arrived back at home and stepped right into their mansion to see Mack along with his parents sitting with her grandfather and Aunties. She frowned, this is not good.

If Mack is here with his parents in person, it means something serious had happened. Perhaps he has realized his mistake and is here to apologize for what he did to her. But it's already too late, she thought. Nari is already pregnant, what woman will she be if she deprives that child of it's father's love?

From what she had seen and heard last night Mack was in love with Nari. He had done things with Nari, things he had never done to her before.

Mack had never tried to be intimate with her except pegging her which she never found suspicious. She only saw him as a man who had lot's of self control but last night changed everything.

"You called grandfather."

"She has even lost her manners." Mrs Yong said staring at Anna disdainfully.

"Don't you know how to greet your elders Anna or have you lost your trainings?" Her Aunt spat.

"I'm sorry Aunt Kathy. Good day Mrs Veronica, Mr Yong. Grandpa, I'm sorry for not greeting earlier." She apologized immediately ignoring the man that has not stopped staring at her.

"It's alright dear, come sit." Senior Sui pointed to the seat next to his and Anna found her way over there.

The Yong's have made serious accusations against his granddaughter, he didn't want to believe them until he hears it directly from his daughter.

Since she lost her parents to that ghastly car accident her grandfather has been more than a grandfather to her. He has been a mother and father to her. He loved her and gave her everything she ever wanted.

Though her Aunt Kathy and Grace were harsh most times towards her, it didn't mean they loved her less. They all just want the best for her and she could understand them. They're her only family.

"Anna the Yong have brought a complaint which I didn't want to believe until I hear the truth from you directly." Senior Sui began and Anna knew where this was going. She frowned.

"What complaint?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"Anna didn't sleep at home last night General Sui and when I called her this morning to find out where she had gone to a man picked it up." He said. So much for thinking Mack was here to apologize for what she had seen him do.

"You know I've been the best I can for Anna and for your family. I stood by her when the world turned against her, but to find out the person I was willing to sacrifice the world for has been cheating on me for the longest time is heartbreaking." Anna was astonished by Mack words. He turning everything to her as if she hadn't left because he was with her friend Nari.

"What are you saying? You're the one who..."

"Come one now Anna have some self respect, have I said anything wrong? Have I said something you didn't do? Did you sleep at home last night or not? Why didn't our marriage plan go as planned this morning?" Mack cut in without letting her finish.

"We were supposed to get married this morning weren't we? I was at the bureau office this morning waiting but you never came." The Sui family's eyes went wide. Anna never told them she was getting married to Mack today they would have thrown the best party.

"General Sui, I'm here to call off the engagement. I will no longer be getting married to Anna anymore. She's not the same person I knew back then."

The general turned to his granddaughter, "Is this true Anna. Everything Mack has said is it true?" Grace asked.

"Yes." Anna responded to recieve a slap from her Aunt.

"How can you be this shameless Anna? We never raised you this way, we didn't raise a whore." She gritted her teeth at the sting she felt on her cheek. She was sure a little bruise might be on her face by now.

Until today her Aunt has never raised her hands on her. Even if she scolded her sometimes she has never really hit her before.

It hurt her her family would choose to believe a stranger over her. She was ready to give them the answer they all crave to hear even if it was a lie.

"How long have you been cheating Anna? You know Mack is the only man in this city that is willing to marry you after that Incident." Grace spat.

"That's enough Grace, your daughter has proven time again that she's not qualified to be in my family. My son will never marry a used girl." Veronica stated.

"Please Veronica we have been friends for the longest time. Anna is more than just Mack's fiance, she's like a daughter to you too. She must have made a huge mistake but all sins can be forgiven." Kathy begged and Anna felt more embarrassed than she's ever felt in her life.

Her family were begging the Yong's for her sake. She couldn't believe it. What bruised her ego the most was Mack smiling on the couch where he sat. He must be satisfied now after everything he did and said the previous night.

He knew he was lying, he knew she had caught him cheating, but as always he denied it and put the blame on her.

"Anna is not my child Kathy. You all should have done a good job training your daughter right. My son will never be married to a whore." Veronica repeated firmly.

The Sui family were quiet aware that the Yong family calling off the wedding and announcing to the press the reason will ruin Anna forever that is why they were more than willing to sacrifice their dignity and ego just to keep the marriage.

"That's enough mother." Mack said like the Saint he is.