Liam had been on Sebastian's neck all these while, to move in with him at Manchester. Sebastian had refused countlessly in the past, but finally agreed. It seemed like Liam was really missing his company so much, and also wanted to use that opportunity to escape from Sebastian's sister Hazel.

Sebastian booked a private car, that would pick Liam up for the journey. Unknown to both of them, Hazel found out about it from Oliver that would never stop talking. She packed off her stuffs in a mini bag, heading over to Liam's house before the private car would arrive.

Getting to Liam's house, she found him already putting his bags at the car's boot. She didn't expect the car to arrive so early and she was very glad she met up with the car.

"Hi Liam." Hazel waved at him from afar, holding onto her luggage.

"Hey Hazel, what are you doing here?". Liam asked her.

"You're going to Manchester right? I'm also going too. I've missed my brother so much." She said annoyingly.

Liam got so mad, calling up Sebastian immediately. He wanted to find out if he was aware that Hazel would be joining him in the journey. Hazel walked up to the car, throwing her luggage into the boot of the vehicle. She stood at a corner, styling her hair properly. Hazel was really too much to put up with.

"Hey man, what's up? Have you gotten there already?". Sebastian asked him over the phone.

"No. I'm surprised you told Hazel to join me for the journey, without telling me about it." Liam replied.

"Hazel? I didn't tell her that. I thought she had no idea about this huh?". Sebastian asked surprisedly.

Liam hanged the call on him, walking up to Hazel. He just couldn't stand up with her nuisance, and he just wanted her to go back home. Hazel was a naughty girl and doesn't listen to anyone. She was a spoilt brat, that always had her way.

"Hazel is this a joke?". He asked.

"Joke? Nah. I'm getting into the car baby." She said to him.

Liam stood, watching her going into the back of the car. He was surprised that she seriously entered inside of the car, even after refusing her from doing so. He had no choice but to quietly enger the front seat, while the driver drove them off. He felt it was high time he tells Sebastian, about his little sister's fantasy. He was never going to love her, no matter her efforts to be with him.

"It feels good going over there with you." Hazel said from behind.

"Hazel, you're doing the wrong thing now." Liam replied.

"I won't mind being a sinner for you." She chuckled.

"That's insanity. You're mad." He responded ashamedly.

Liam sighed, looking out of the window. He was trying his best to forget that Hazel was in the journey with him. He brought out his headphone from his that was lying on his laps, placing it over his head. He switched on to some cool music, listening to it. Hazel sat quietly, admiring Liam's side view. No doubts, Liam have a good body physique, and he is also good looking.


Liam and Hazel got to Manchester, after few hours. The driver parked the car infront of Sebastian's apartment, and he was already standing outside of his apartment, to receive his closet friend. Sebastian was surprised to see his sister with Liam. He almost flared up, but Liam calmed him down by explaining the whole situation to him.

"Why is Hazel here? Didn't you ask me about her earlier?". Sebastian questioned Liam.

"You know your sister too well. She never listens." Liam replied.

"I seriously don't care. Nobody is taking back home." She responded back rudely.

Sebastian received them in, as they all headed to his living room. Liam couldn't stop admiring Sebastian's apartment. It was very cool with nice decorations. He could see some of Zoey's stuff, lying around at the living room. Sebastian luckily had a way to get those off without being questioned. Zoey sometimes leave her stuffs at Sebastian's apartment, whenever she visits him.

"Where should I drop my bag?". Hazel asked him.

"You're clearly not going to share this apartment with us." Sebastian revealed.

"..But." she got interrupted.

"You heard him. We need some privacy as guys." Liam interruptly stopped her.

"Fine. I'll move into somewherelse." Hazel grumbly said.

Hazel left them at the living room, heading outside to call her agent to find a house for her, that is closeby. While she was away, Sebastian and Liam decided to gossip about everything to themselves. It was very obvious that Hazel was just troublesome.

"Bruh, I missed you a lot." Liam said.

"Same here. I have been so busy with work lately." Sebastian responded.

"Have you heard from Bianca since then?*. Liam asked him.

"No, not at all." Sebastian lied, trying to change the topic.

"She was at our city few days ago. I won't give further informations." Liam said.

Sebastian looked at him surprisedly, while Liam raised a brow at him. Sebastian never noticed my absence, and wondered why I had gone to Birmingham these past days. Hazel finally returned back inside, and they changed the topic. Sebastian was still thinking about what Liam told him, and he anxiously wanted to find out about my reason for going back to Birmingham.

Hazel left Sebastian's apartment after few hours. Her friends she made over here in the past, came over to pick her up. Her apartment was ready to be entered, and she was so happy to see her friends after so many years.

**Hazel's apartment...

"Hazel, last time you visited us, you said you won't be coming back." Adesa said.

"Love found me here." Hazel opened up.

"You are in love? When? How did it happen?". Priscy asked anxiously.

"Chill girls. He's not yet in love with me." She revealed.

They could see how moody her face turned up, and she kept staring at her cell phone. Adesa dragged out the phone from her hand, and noticed that she was looking at a picture inside her phone. It was Liam's photo shoot. He really looked so hot in that particular picture and it was Hazel's favorite picture. She couldn't stop staring at it, from the first day she set her eyes on it.

"He's so handsome and hot." Adesa admired lustfully.

"Don't dare crush on him." Hazel cautioned her.

"But you just said that he doesn't feel the same way for you." Adesa replied.

"Enough. Adesa stop." Priscy added.

Adesa returned Hazel's phone back to her, rolling her eyes to the ceilings. She mutedly helped Hazel in unpacking her stuffs, while Hazel crossed her leg over the other, still lost in thoughts. She can't stop thinking about her long time lover, that doesn't feel the same way about her.