I awoke suddenly to a cacophony outside my window. The church bells were ringing and mixed voices like that of a crowd could be heard through the opened window.
I stretched out my arm for the bell on the stand bell and gave it a short ring. I didn't want to be too annoying like some I have already heard. In next to no time, Tyia entered my room closing the door behind her. While still dressed in healer whites, she was dressed much fancier than the last time I saw her. Her new robes were trimmed with silver, her gloves boasted silver embroidery and her hood included a mantle both of which had little silver designs representing her craft stitched into.
As she leaned over me helping me scoot to the chamber pot beside the bed, I noticed her hair smelled of rosewater. There was a hint of some sort of citrus scent well. "What's going on out there?" I asked pointing my thumb toward the window.
She smiled at me causing me to feel warm again. It is said by old women, the smile of a pretty woman could quell a bar fight. I think her smile is what was meant by this. Not only could is quell a tavern fight, but it could also start one if she tried.
"I guess you wouldn't know, being trapped in here and all. King Garret is arriving to watch the knightly trials. I've heard a rumor his prime champion arrived in the middle of the night to make all the baronial knights aware of his arrival and to have the engineers build a special elevated platform allowing him to view the trials from above the crowd. They've been working at it most of the morning and I think they will finish soon. The bells started ringing after one of the watchtowers informed everyone King Garret's carriage was seen about an hour ago on the other side of Knapp Woods. By now, he should be crossing the bridge into Milltown. Based on the noise, he's very close."
"I see. You look and smell good today. Is it because of the king?" I immediately felt stupid for asking. Of course, it was because of the king and the way it came out implied she usually smells bad and looks bad. "I mean, you always look good and smell good but is he expected to meet everyone, is that's why you're in your finery?" I still sounded like a doddypoll. The king couldn't meet everyone. There're too many people even in a small town like ours. Plus, with everyone at the keep, he would be more than week provided we lined up to meet him. Then there's the fact, even though he's a good king, somebody out there might not like him. It's a good thing I had years before I had to try to really talk to women or to try to sound smart, because right now, I was failing miserably.
"Yes, and no. King Garret isn't expected to meet everyone, but he will probably visit the important places in the keep and Milltown. Master Whitehair thinks King Garret is likely to stop here, so I wanted to look my best. With a word, King Garret could grant me a scholarship to the royal academy where I could continue my studies and advance much quicker. So, if he comes here, and I make a good impression, I could gain knowledge and respect a lot faster than I would if I were a standard travelling journeyman. I would also deal with more problems in a day than most healers do in a month," she said quietly in his ear.
"That makes sense," he said, "but why would King Garret stop at the healer's hall? Is it considered that important?" I asked. As an afterthought, I added, "Oh, I'm done on here," nodding to the chamber pot.
With those words, she gave a sharp shout, and Maurin entered the room, shutting the door behind him to perform his cleaning duties. As Tyia held me up close to her, I could feel the softness of her robes and body against my face and began going flush. I didn't know why. Being so close to her wasn't uncomfortable, and she smelled great, but it felt embarrassing. Moreso because I'm not strong enough to hold myself up. I don't know why I felt off, as I wasn't really interested in girls yet, with the exception of Mon, and she was my best friend, and other than just having someone to hang out with, get into trouble with, or help with chores, I honestly didn't know what the fuss was all about, but it still made me feel awkward.
After washing my body from head to toe again, Maurin announced he completed washing me. With this, Tyia gently lowered me back to the bed covering me with another clean blanket so everything below my chest was hidden. I wasn't cold but once covered, I was more comfortable and felt less embarrassed that others would see me. The brazier and the fireplace kept the room from being chilled and during the night the solid wooden shutters kept the chilly autumn wind from blowing in. Truth be known, I was a little too warm, but I wasn't going to not have something covering me. Maurin dumped the chamber pot down the sluice hole leading to the basement followed by the bucket of water used to wash my body. He then left and returned with another bucket of water pouring it into the same hole to further send everything to its destination.
As he was leaving, Monica was standing outside the door and rushed past him as it opened. "I saw the king!" she exclaimed, jumping on the bed to sit beside me. "I did! He was waving at everyone as he passed through town. I was getting water from the well, and the carriage went right past the center. His knights didn't even make me move. I was really blessed to see him so close. His carriage and horses were so pretty and as he went past, he was waving to everyone when he passed by and I could see his head sticking out. He was a lot older than I thought he'd be, but I guess a young king wouldn't be as wise a ruler. The carriage was made of wood but was carved everywhere. It had different pictures on the outside and his coat of arms on the doors and the back. He also had wizards on the top of the carriage. They were dressed in different colored robes all with gold trim on them."
"That's great, Mon! I wish I could have been there." Even though I felt miserable because I couldn't be there, I was still excited for my best friend. I knew it meant a lot to see someone famous, and no one is more famous than King Garret. If only I hadn't been so clumsy. Before my accident, we were inseparable and if she had gone to the well, I'd have been beside her as usual. I helped her with all her chores, and she helped me with mine. Not only were the chores done faster with both of us working together, but they also seemed easier and less toiling when working beside her. If I wasn't in here, we'd have been at the well together and both seen King Garret. "Tyia thinks there's a chance he might come to the healer's hall. If so, maybe I'll get to see him."
Monica looked amazed. With a single breath she asked, "When will he be here? Do you think if I stay here, he'll talk to me? Could I stay here with Von, at least until the king gets here? Will he come before the festival, or during it? Or will he only come if one of his knights are in it and gets hurt? Can you send someone to get me when he shows up? I promise I'll be quiet and not get in the way."
"I know you would, but I said, he might, not that he will though. He might visit all the important buildings in the keep and Milltown, and in my opinion, and the opinion of several of the elders, the healer's hall is important to the wellbeing of Milltown. If he actually plans to visit, and if so, when, or for how long, is unknown and we have no guesses." Tyia confirmed.
Monica's excitement dimmed a little, but I could still see the possibilities rolling around in her head. She always had a tiny bit of smile at the corners of her eyes when she was excited, and even though her smile had diminished, her eyes gave away she hoped to meet King Garret. "I see. Well, I think the healer's hall is important too. It's more important now, since my best friend is here. When will you be well enough for them to let you out? Will you be out in time to challenge the trial?" She looked at me.
I could only look away. I didn't want her to see me cry, and I didn't want her to be sad too. "I don't think I'll be able to do the trial this year, Mon. I guess I hit something really hard when I fell, and it may be a while." I couldn't tell her what I heard last night. I couldn't let her know I might be unable to walk forever. Mom said she was going to try to petition King Garret to get help from Jayr, his healing wizard. If healing wizards worked as well as Tyia said, I could be healed soon. I hope. "Mom is back and she's gonna try to get a healing wizard to try and speed up my healing, otherwise, it could take a long time." There, that was close enough to the truth.
"Aunt Maude always comes through. If anyone can find someone to help, she can do it." Monica smiled at me pridefully. Mom always did come through. Sometimes not right away, but she always came through. Whether it was money to help rebuild the Cooper's barn after the flood or finding someone who could perform a job in Milltown. She always came through for the town.
"I'm glad you have faith in me, Monica," my mom said slipping into my room. She left her armor behind, and I could clearly see her muscular, catlike form sliding through the doorway. "I try to keep every promise I have ever made. My word as a knight is important to me." Mom walked to the bed and sat down on the far side opposite Monica. She held my left hand squeezing it tight.
Seeing this, Tyia stood up and excused herself. "If you need anything, Von, please, ring the bell," and quietly shut the door behind her.