Bal'Vak and Asura spent quite a long time discussing the future and their ideas together over orcish grog. At first, it seemed disgusting and poor quality; however, after drinking two barrels, Asura realised this was something special.
"Vak! You should totally add this to a trade deal with my kingdom... The knights and warriors would love it! Do you know how hard it is to find Ale that makes us warriors feel this buzz?!" Asura was slightly drunk and became rather talkative and bright.
"OH!!! Do you like it? I am glad that such a refined and handsome guy would like our crude grog! Gyhahahaha! To my son-in-law!"
"To Bal'Vak!" Asura shouted in return.
Different from the men who were screaming, shouting and fighting in the western part of the village, that was bigger than a normal city in Silvara. The ladies were in the eastern area drinking a beautiful red drink similar to wine, but sweet and with a lower alcoholic level.