Chereads / Contract Turned Forever / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

His delivering of the heartbreaking news, froze her in her tracks.

Then upon slowly turning around; her eyes went back and forth, between the still upset child and his father- to find identical warm brown eyes staring back at her.

"You seem like someone who knows a thing or two about keeping kids alive," he began with a sharp sigh.

"Can you help me?"

There was desperation in his deep voice, along with a hint of fear and concern for his son.

She could tell that it took a lot out of him to ask her, but he definitely seemed prepared to grovel too- if it came down to it.

Despite the visible exhaustion that his eyes portrayed.

"Yes," she finally said after a long moment of silence.

She was in a hurry to go back to her employer's residence and say her goodbyes to the kids she looked after.

Which she knew would be a heartbreaking event to go through.

As she had gotten so attached to them, so much that they had started feeling like her very own.

But on the other hand, she could tell that he was drowning. And therefore decided to spare a few moments of her time to assist the stranger.

"Where can we get the things that he needs?" His eyebrows knitted into a worried frown.

"It's just the paracetamol," Lila stated, re-positioning her ear muffs. "There's a pharmacy just nearby."

People walked fast as they left the hospital.

They tried to as well; without speaking he had grabbed her backpack from her and carried it with his briefcase, while she guided the pushchair.

The sidewalks were full of people carrying umbrellas as they walked up and down the street.

Some were excitedly in a hurry to do their last minute Christmas shopping, others laughing in groups, while others spoke on their phones- making plans with their loved ones.

Her heart sank even lower as she thought about how life was carrying on for the rest of the world, despite the grief that others were currently experiencing.

A blast of icy December air hit them as they stepped out onto the busy street.

The fact that signs of Christmas being around the corner were everywhere, seemed to darken their mood even further.

Lila stood by the door, as he went into the pharmacy to buy the medicine.

But even from that far, she could hear all the cheery Christmas carols that were softly playing in the background.

"We haven't even formally introduced ourselves," she dryly noted when he rejoined her by the entrance.

"Alec…" he stated just as dryly.

"Alec Ramsey. That is my nephew, Zac Perry. And you are?"

"Lila Simpson." She informed and said nothing more.

His domineering and authoritative tone slightly intimidated her.

"Our home is not far from here. I'd appreciate it if you helped me calm him down tonight, and maybe put him to sleep."

Lila nodded simply and allowed him to lead the way.

"This is us," he nodded in the direction of a three storey house, with a white picket fence and small gate.

She studied the stunning towering home, as they walked into the vast lounge.

Though her eyes took in polished floorboards and glimpsed at the high ceilings, elegant furniture and complimenting vast windows- she didn't speak a word.

It didn't escape her attention too that there were a few pairs of high heels in the hallway, along with a couple of hung warm coats.

The scent of pine permeated the air, all the way from the Christmas tree in the corner.

Half a glass of green juice sat on the granite counter, when she walked into the luxury kitchen.

While in search for a spoon to administer the medicine with; her heart broke all over again, as she saw the shopping list that was still stuck on the fridge and the cereal bowls piled by the sink.

She could tell that this elegant house with its lavish furniture and expensive fittings was first and foremost a home--one with a book by the unmade bed, and hair straighteners still plugged in.

In the bathroom a tap drizzled, and piles of damp towels and dirty laundry littered on the floor.

Reminding her that this was a family home that had been left with every intention of coming back.

"She'd die with embarrassment if she knew we'd seen the house like this," Alec absentmindedly blurted out as he studied the messy house too.

Then halted and grimaced at his own words, as he remembered that his sister was already dead.

"His father is coming to get him then?"

Lila asked, as she rocked the restless child back and forth in her arms, awaiting the paracetamol to settle him down.

"No," his jaw tightened as he shook his head.

"His father died in the accident too, so I'm afraid I'm all that he has now… an inexperienced uncle."

Another layer of his misery fell at her feet.

She regretted asking. So much that silence fell between them, until the child had fallen asleep in her arms.

"It would be wise to place him right in his cot," she suggested. "So as not to unsettle him again, by carrying him up."

"Of course," he sighed and headed upstairs, with her and Zac in tow.

Upon placing Zac in the cot; they both peered in, in hopes that he stopped stirring.

And when his breaths eventually became long and deep, they knew that there was no chance of him awakening any time soon.

"Well," she grabbed her backpack and threw it over her shoulder when they got back downstairs.

"I can't really promise any smooth sailing from here on. But, if he wakes up, it will be because he's hungry or needs his diaper changed. His fever should clear in the next few hours, which should help keep him calmer."

He stiffly nodded, words failing him.

Lila didn't expect anything more from him.

After all, the man had been through hell and back in just a few hours.

His world as he had known it had turned completely upside down overnight.

As she trudged to the door, she wanted to wish him all the best- as it were the very same words that she would have liked to hear in that moment.

But then realized that saying or hearing them, wouldn't change their situations or even help matters- so she zipped it.

"Stay!" Alec blurted the command, just as she was pulling the door open. Then quickly made his case.

"Zac is sick, it's quite late for you to be out there on your own too. So, I'd say it only makes sense."

She didn't think so.

It didn't make any sense at all.

She had less than two days left in Singapore.

She needed to get ready for departure- not play instant nanny for the moody man.

Her lips started parting to tell him no.

To make him aware too that she had crises of her own, that needed attending to- right before her own world fell apart.

But Alec would have passed for a mind reader, because he halted her with a raised hand and pleading desperate eyes, way before she could even come up with a single excuse- let alone utter it.

"Please stay. Not just for him or your safety, but for me too." His words came out in a whisper.

"I need you."