The other couple just shoke their heads because in today's generation, especially young girls like Annabelle who could work whole heatedly without using short cuts to get all the best things in life. They received their orders and went in amazement. In this big world,you can be arrogant,proud but one day the world will turn upside down eventually changing everything in your life. So it's better to hustle hard and be humble. If you use your figure to climb at the top,you will enjoy the moment,but later on that figure will be no more. Annabelle never ever cared about what others said on her journey of attaining success but cared about the outcome.The obstacles of growing up in the ghetto life was a real school because you get to witness what sort of people you live with,those with good intentions and the bad ones. However,the obstacles should never make you give up on your dreams. Several customers arrived and swarmed the whole restaurant making the waitresses busy the entire day. .
As it was clocking to closing hours, Annabelle and priccy were sweating buckets. Entering the rest room, they ate because since morning they hadn't taken a single bite of anything. " Am almost dying of hunger". Priccy said taking huge bites of her Matooke and ground nuts. Annabelle just sighed before closing her eyes to take a nap before going home. It wasn't until 9pm that priccy woke Annabelle who was dead tired as a rock.Gathering themselves together,they left. Reaching at the apartment, they entered and straight away went to their bedrooms. "Annabelle,we should bath before sleeping". Priccy told Annabelle who was too lazy to take a bath. Groggily standing,she grabbed her towel and took a shower. The moment her head hit the bed,she immediately went to dream land. Priccy witnessed this scene before she went to sleep.
In the middle of the night. Melissa who used to call herself the rich man's daughter,but was caught seducing male teachers was roaming on the streets like a mad woman . If it wasn't the choice she made several years back, maybe her life would have turned out differently.
After high school,she hooked up with a sugar daddy who was almost the age of her father. Despite this,she didn't change her behavior and continued to walk on the devil's path. She suddenly got pregnant for the sugar daddy but upon the antenatal care at the hospital,she was diagnosed with HIV Aids. The sudden news was a huge blow to her and almost committed suicide. The counselors of the hospital provided her with advice to take ARVs because it would help her and the unborn baby. Seated at the pavement,she saw a couple holding hands,the way the guy looked at the girl was the kind of look that you couldn't get from anyone else but a lover. She envied them because she nolonger had that right. Suddenly a preacher who was standing at the end of the road,saw Melissa who sat on the pavement like a lonely deer in the huge jungle. Approaching Melissa,he preached the gospel of how Jesus Christ welcomes all those who are tired. He forgives all those who are sinners and takes care of those who are homeless. Because we are his children he can never forsake us . From that moment onwards, Melissa started seeking God whole heartedly.
The warm rays of light sipped into the rooms with the chirping sounds of birds jolting all those still a sleep. " Priccy, Priccy, please wake up, unless you want the manager to shorten your salary." Annabelle kept shaking priccy like a dead log. Opening her eyes,she finally woke up. " I wish today was a weekend,I could get to sleep until midday, where will the poor people go?". Priccy complained before preparing for the busy day a head.
After few minutes, they rushed to work like Kampala city cleaners.
At the Entebbe airport. A lady dressed in denim pants with a crop top. Fixing her shades on her tiny face with sexy lips clutched her suitcase with an adorable doll besides her. " Mommy,will I get to see dad,I hope you won't deceive me like the other time." The little doll next to the lady questioned with a pout. Anyone who saw this scene wanted to have one at the moment.
"Keisha, mommy nolonger wants to deceive you, okay ." The lady coaxed the little doll with a motherly gaze. The taxi arrived that was supposed to pick them disappearing in the jam. " Mommy, shouldn't we inform dad our arrival in Uganda?". The little doll asked with a curious gaze. Checking the messages from the WhatsApp,the lady just smiled leaving the little doll speechless. Arriving at their destination, they got their things out of the car trunk.
Standing at the kigo villa apartments,the kind of home anyone would wish to have. The environment gives a sense of security and a feeling of being home. Entering the gate,the gate keeper requested for the ID. Upon completion of the necessary requirements, they proceeded to their apartment that was facing the lake with the warm sea breeze kissing their skin. Unpacking their luggage,they cleaned the apartment before preparing what to eat. Skating to the kitchen, Angella opened the fridge but found nothing thus deciding to visit the nearby supermarket to shop.
Taking Keisha with her, people who were shopping looked at them like celebrities because of their good looks but couldn't do anything about it but blame the creator who perfectly molded them like a fine piece of jade. Looking through the shelves they got all the necessary requirements for cooking and paid leaving right away. " mommy do you know that we could make money by being celebrities because the moment we entered the supermarket, everyone's gaze was glued to our movements." Keisha said with a proud look. " Don't be swayed by their looks, sometimes being a celebrity comes with huge consequences,you will understand everything once you grow up." Angella replied her daughter who beamed with smiles. Being a celebrity limits you to do certain things like dining with your beloved in public,being on diet,the pressure to release new things to your funs,it brings depression and those who can't handle stardom end up committing suicide.
Angella felt goosebumps when she thought of being in the limelight. It's better to live a simple life where you get to enjoy yourself whoever little you have. It makes you feel contended with what you have than being greedy.
At the Vine tea restaurant. The customer who had already ordered for his brunch was getting irritated because the order hadn't yet been served. Annabelle laid out the food on the table but the customer was rude and kicked the plates crushing to the ground. Annabelle looked at the customer with an annoyance but couldn't do anything because she still wanted her job. Picking the broken pieces,the customer just stormed off without paying for the meal. This left Annabelle with no choice but pay for the meal. She felt like bleeding and as if tiny ants crawling in her brain. She was beyond furious. The meal could cost her a typical new dress. " This is what happens when you are born from a poverty striken family.".
Annabelle mattered to herself before proceeding to get other orders. Priccy looked at the pile of dishes she was requested to wash and almost collapsed. Separating the utensils carefully,she rolled her blouse and kicked off right away. Annabelle who was holding a large tray with used plates was greeted with this scene. "priccy this isn't your line of work,who on earth decided to give you this pile of utensils?". Annabelle asked with anger in her voice. " It's the supervisor, but it's fine as long as I still have the job." Priccy tried reassuring her friend who looked sad because of their situation. " it's alright Annabelle as long as we know what brought us here, don't care what others do to us ,but face every challenge with a smile because even if we talk about our situation,no one will feel sympathy but will blame our bad luck of being born from poor families." Priccy adviced Annabelle who smiled gently from her bestie's maturity. Since she was already done with the orders, Annabelle decided to help Priccy so that they could accomplish the task and go home early because it wasn't okay for girls their age to walk around at night alone. Drunkards from the bars and I'll intention people out there look for an opportunity to harass those who can't even defend themselves. After two hours, they completed washing the dishes with tiredness visible in their eyes. Cleaning themselves, they grabbed their bags and called for Rida. It took few minutes before the taxi arrived taking them to their destination. " Priccy,what are we gonna have for dinner because am totally hungry?" Annabelle asked with a worried gaze.