Aman smiled slightly more at the fact that I was willing to listen to his offer that was not only for myself, but also my siblings.
He waved his hand creating himself a chair and a table between us, as papers appeared on the table. Along with a tray of some small sandwiches, cookies and glasses of something to drink. Which weirded me out, as to what reason could a dead woman eat. But my stomach growled loudly making me blush heavily in pure embarrassment with me ducking my head down slightly.
"Now to put things simply I'm going to reincarnate you and your unborn children into another world, as unfortunately your soul cannot return to the natural order there due to the interface of those five gods. But that means you can be reborn into a new world with your memories intact and experience a whole new lifestyle, as well as experience something mortals like you never could have been given. But let's take a look at your karma points and the gifts that you had already been naturally born with, due to your unique heritage."
I looked at him quietly, before I looked down at a paper in front of me looking at what was going to be offered to me from my short lifetime.
"Humm...seems you have a very high and unnatural level of good karma with a small amount of bad karma, but looking at the bad karma you had no choice in those situations. So they fall under the category of either self defense, or self preservation. Which gives me the ability to unlock all the gifts that you had been given by your Godly ancestors. And it seemed that some of your gifts were partially unlocked, or fully sealed."
He started writing onto a different blank paper with a soft golden glowing paper and I could feel several things unlocking deep inside my soul. I was slowly eating one of the sandwiches and sipping on some fruit juice that he gave me.
"Meaning that some of your skills will jump up in levels and make your life so much easier in the new world. And you'll be able to keep those skills that you have taken the time and effort to master. Like playing the violin, sewing, knitting, singing, cooking, foraging, fishing and all those other useful skills. Which depending on what world you go into you might be able to find an amazing partner to help raise your babies together with."
I blushed heavily at this point, before I looked at the paper noticing how he wrote down all the skills I had to master in order to take care of my siblings, but to help me get into a great college.
"Okay...that's great and all, but what do you mean by 'your skills will jump up in levels' Aman?" I looked at him looking extremely confused.
"Oh that's what I forgot! You and your siblings will be getting something called 'The Rebirth System', which basically like one of those video games your mortal play. You won't be starting out at level 1 like most new souls will be starting at. But at a higher level, as you have lived your life and have skills already developed into decent levels. And through this system you'll be gifted other abilities." Aman said with him looking at me, as my eyes widened slightly in surprise by this revolution.
"So you understand those five minor gods were stripped of everything, even their powers. And in twisted sense of poetic justice you and your siblings will be gaining everything from one of those gods. You in fact are getting everything that once belonged to the minor goddess of farming, gardening and cooking. Meaning you will be extremely talented at growing crops, plants and trees. And your cooking and partially your baking skills have jumped. Now you might be surprised with all that Goddess had in her domain she was just a minor Goddess of her world, but she never tried to make herself stronger to become a major god of her world."
"But enough talks about her...you'll see the full extent of these abilities in the new world, so don't worry about learning about them now. But let's move on to the nitty-gritty of this whole situation. Leilani...Young Flower what kind of world do you want to be in?" He asked calmly looking at me, as I silently thought on it.
I frown slightly, as I got lost deep in my thoughts. Before I took a slow deep breath and looked at him, as I finally figured out where I wanted to go.
"I want to go into a world of fantasy, of magic, of adventurer guilds, potions, of mystical creatures, of kingdoms and of wonders of magics. I want to be able to become a powerful sorceress of nature, to grow and create a home for myself and my children. To go out to find my own adventures...to find my own love...my own found family...and so much more.." I said with such passion and want in my voice, before I blushed heavily at the gently smile I received from him.
"How interesting...how all sisters choose the same answers with just slightly different wording.."
"Wait what does that mean?!" I said with me looking at him with a realization in my eyes.
"Don't worry they didn't die it's just we decided to take your family from the world sending some into the Rebirth cycle, while you and your siblings are going into the Rebirth System. You, your sisters and your young nieces are all going into the same world. But unfortunately you'll all be separated, only having a unique item to keep you all in contact. Now let's move on.."
"Now it's time to pick out what species of being do you want to be? Human, animals, mythical create, humanoid mythical create?" Aman started slowly showing off different species information to me and mostly none of them seem to jump out until the last few.
I grabbed a paper with a title on it 'Close to Extinct Nature Draconian Elf'. "W-what about this one?" I asked with me looking at him quietly with my hands offering it to him.
He delicately took the paper and his eyes shine in surprise, before he smiled slightly more at this point. "These beings are very unquie to my homework, which fits the criteria of what world you want. But these beings are a very ancient and powerful species that have almost been driven into extinction. But with you, your unborn children, your sisters and your nieces becoming apart of their species you'll definitely will raise the numbers."
"Now only one more piece of business to discuss you might have noticed that your brothers aren't going with you. And that's because they wanted to experience something different and go out on their own, but don't worry you'll see them again."
I looked slightly taken aback by this news, but I know that they wanted that and have always been the more outgoing of us and self-sufficient of us all.
"Now Young Flower...are you ready to go to your world? To start your new life? And don't worry I have frozen your pregnancy in place for three months once you enter the world to give you more than enough time to get yourself ready for them."
Aman stood up making everything, but my chair disappeared. He held his hand out to me. And it felt like taking his had would change my entire world flipping it on it's head, but I didn't stop as I reached out taking his hand.
Shell_Donna_Moon: In the next chapters will be the start of Leilani's new life and where you'll finally get more indepth dive into a tone of things. Like her looks, her skills and a bit more of a background of who she truly is. Before she starts her journey to preparing herself for her pregnancy and finding out more about her world.