One Piece: The Defender of Justice

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MC Cheats

The cheats are based from Jackie Chan Adventures, where the mc uses the twelve talismans.

1. Rooster Talisman: The user of the Rooster Talisman gains the Power of Levitation and Telekinesis. ✔️

2. Ox Talisman: The user of the Ox Talisman gains the power of super strength.✔️

3. Snake Talisman: The user of the Snake Talisman gains the power of Invisibility.✔️

4. Sheep Talisman: The user of the Sheep Talisman gains the power of astral projection, the ability to eject their soul from the body and wander around as a spirit.✔️

5. Rat Talisman: The user of the Rat Talisman gains the Power of Animation(Like Big Mom's Devil Fruit). 

6. Dragon Talisman: The user of the Dragon Talisman gains the Power of Combustion, which allows them to shoot powerful fire blasts capable of causing immense destruction.✔️

7. Horse Talisman: The user of the Horse Talisman gains the Power of Healing and Regeneration.✔️

8. Monkey Talisman: The user of the Monkey Talisman gains the Power of Shapeshifting.

9. Dog Talisman: The user of the Dog Talisman gains the Power of Immortality, rendering them completely immune and resistant to otherwise lethal attacks/injuries

10. Pig Talisman: The user of the Pig Talisman gains the Power of Thermal Vision.✔️

11. Tiger Talisman: The user of the Tiger Talisman gains the Power of (Spiritual) Balance.✔️

12. Rabbit Talisman: The user of the Rabbit Talisman gains the power of super speed, allowing them to travel themselves and anyone else they're holding long distances in mere seconds.✔️