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The Injection Catalog

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Expirement 172

It's my first day as a security guard, I've been in the military for 10 years till they chose me to go to this very big top secret laboratory in the North pole. They told me that all I had to do it to protect the scientists, I also have to kill anything that makes a move on them, and the biggest thing they told me was to never tell anyone about what I see in here. My Nane is Robbert Thomson and I was sent to my death.

(Rob) hey I'm here, it's my first day, I wad sent to replace a Paul Linton.

(Instercom speaker) go to the first door then put all your bags down, then walk to your work station, another security guard will swap with you after your done with your shift.

(Rob) ok

*Gets in the building*

*Shiver down spine*(Rob) why is it have to be so cold, at least it's really work here.

(Random) Hey newbie here, take this and head to your post, it should be in sector 5.

He gave me an M4

(Rob) Roger that sir... where sector 5?

(Random) it should be to the right down the hall, down the stairs on the 5 basement level. By the way if you need me ask for Jeffery.

(Rob) ok

30 minutes later

(Scientist) HEY OVER HERE, are you the new recruit

(Rob) Yeah, but I got lost because the other guard didn't give me the directions.

(Scientist) other guard? Your should be the only guard here right now, except for your change guard which is deeper in the basement.

(Rob) oh, well I thought he was a guard, maybe not.

The Scientist eyes wondered to my weapon.

(Scientists) well good this your on my level cause mine is the safest level, here... my name John.

(Rob) ok, im here to protect you if anything happens.

(John) That's the spirit, your remind, I'll show you my specimen.

(Rob) Yes, Sir

He brought me to a door at the end of a corridor, then brought me in a room, with a bunch of tubes that were labeled.


He brought me to a very strong metal door, then he pulled me to side where there was this big window, he went to the wall and pulled the lever, and the lights turn on, an what I saw, was torture to me. It was completely pink a little boy sat in the middle playing with toys.

(Rob) he's your test subject or specimen?

(John) Yes he's an orphan so no one will miss him.

The kid turned around, and what I say could kill a person, his eyes were huge, his nose and mouth were small, he looked like those Japanese cartoons.

(John) you want to see something cool...

He pulled another lever and a cat came walking in. He was just playing with it, but when I looked at the scientist he looked confused, he pulled out his clipboard and started writing something.

(John) why isn't he doing it .

I guess something made a noise, the child looked up at me, staring straight at me.

(Rob) is this two way window?

(John) of course he can't see.. wait why is he

He started writing something down then left in a hurry.

He left me there, I was super nervous but I knew with this gun, I could take anything.


It's been about 2 hours, the scientist still has not came back. The child isn't looking at the cat anymore, he has his hand on the glass, staring at me.

I know he can't see me, but it I feel uneasy and calm at the same time, it feels as if I know him for years, I've never seen this boy, but I feel oddly drawn into him.

His eyes look sad, almost a longing to walk around outside, to leave the room, I could see the sadness in his huge eyes.

My eyes wondered around the room, I found some open paper.


Expirement 172 has been injected with 3 viruses.

The 1st one was the injection named eyetelling virus.

The 2nd one is the injection named tinilips.

The 3rd one was the injection named milinteeth

The Injection numbers are [1st (183)] [2nd (836)] [3rd (523)]

Scientist Code: [5937]

Signed John


This child was injected with viruses, how could they do something so cruel to a child. My eyes seem to wonder around, I found another document.


Replacement request

The original guard that was designated for me is dead, do to being to close the Expirement 172

I can not give anymore explanation because the camera were malfunctioning, but when I got to the test chamber, the only thing left was his M4, eith his name carved on the bottome of the trigger grip.

Scientist Code: [5937]

Signed John


How does a child do so much harm to a man with a gun. I heard movement coming from the hall way to I put everything back where it was and stood straight, waiting.

(John) hey Rob you can go on break, for about 2 hours.

(Rob) are you sure, my job is to protect you.

(John) oh don't worry about that, her take this pass card, it'll let you take the elevator to this floor.

(Rob) oh ok, uhh where is the elevator.

(John) it should be on the other side of where the stairs are located.

I left the scientist, while I was walking I glanced at the bottom of my weapon, and saw the abbreviation Jeff on the bottom of the grip.

I walked to the elevator and went to the top floor. I asked around for the lunch room, but I found it in the end. That took a whole hour to get to the lunch room.

It was completely empty, I don't know why I seemed to be the only one here. There was a person standing at the vending machines.

Oh wait it's Jeffery.

(Rob) Hey Jeffery

(Jeffery) hey, how is your first day, you can tell me everything, since we're working together, we're allowed to talk about what we've seen.

(Rob) oh well I seen this kid with big eyes and small mouth.

He seemed to know what I was talking about, grabbing a napkin and messing with it.

(Jeffery) oh your talking about expirement 172. He's a little jumpy around New people, he didn't like me very much.

(Rob) oh really, he seemed to be enlove with me. He wouldn't stop staring at me even though I was behind a two way mirror.

(Jeffery) wait did the scientist see that happen?

(Rob) Yeah, he wrote something down then ran out the room.

(Jeffery) watch out for him he's dangerous, your husband 7 Replacement this year. Try to be cautious around him.

(Rob) don't worry no old man can beat me. Also now that I thunk of it, why did you give me you m4?

(Jeffery) that's not mine, you must be confused.

(Rob) well on the bottom of the grip it says Jeff, I thought it was just your abbreviation or something.

(Jeffery) oh no that was owned by someone named Jeff, he was the scientists last guard.

(Rob) ok, im going to go get some coffee.

I turned my back on Jeffery.

(Rob) actually do you want some....

When I turned around he was gone, his chair wasn't pulled out, the napkins he was messing with were no where. It's like he was never there.

I wen't to grab some coffee.







I grabbed my m4 and started rushing to the 5th floor basement level, I took the stairs since it felt right. I ran around the corner heading towards the door the child was in. Then I saw the scientist on the ground, while the door was completely open. I ran towards the scientist, checked his pulse, he's alive.

(Rob) hey John wake up, what happened.

(John) it wasn't to supposed to happen like that. I need my research. Then we can leave.

(Rob) what happened?

(John) I'll tell you once we get out of here.

John ran into his lab shoving papers into his bag, I was watching around looking for the threat, I couldn't see anything, it's to dark. Wait I have a gunflashlight, I turned it on while skimming the room, I heard something move from the doorway we came in at, so I slowly approached it, there was nothing here, I heard a noise coming from the side of the scientist, so I turned around. I saw a something on the roof of the top corner, I could see it well, bit since my job was to protect the scientist, I started firing at the identified enemy, it's started screaming, then dropped from the roof onto the ground. I ran to kill it, and when I looked behind the boxes he crawled into a vent.

(Rob) John we have to go now.

(John) ok we can go.

We started moving as fast as we could, we had to take the elevator since the scientist was to old, to be climbing the stairs. He got in the elevator.

(Rob) head to the top floor I'll meet you there, I'll head up the stairs.

(John) be careful.

As the elevator doors closed I ran fir the stairs, checking every corner for any shadow, I didn't see anything, but I could definitely here it, it sounded like it was behind me, so I ran up the stairs and waited for the scientist at the top.


(Rob) alright let's get your out of here.

(John) ok...

As he said that a large mouth came out of the side of the elevator eating the bottom half of the scientist.

(John) take my research and get out of here, please.

I grabbed his research and started running toward the exit, then I saw it a huge mouthed monster head, it had sharp teeth like sharks, but it was on a human body.

It started running around at me, I pulled up my rifle and shot it in the head 4 times, killing it on spot.

I was almost to the exit when I saw the child from before, it was sitting there like nothings going on, I pulled up my rifle and aimed it, at its head ready to pull the trigger. He seemed to be completely clean, no blood, he was perfectly fine, so I went up to him.

(Rob) hey are you ok, we need to get out of here it not safe.

He seemed to understand so I grabbed him and headed for the exit. I ran out the exit, and there wasn't anything except for a drone, and barren cold wilderness.

I went up to the drone and looked at a piece of paper that said on it.


In Extreme Case of emergency put only research paper on here and press send.


I put it on and pressed send, it started to take off and fly away. I felt very calm once it flew away, like I just saved the world. I looked at the child, he looked like he was to cold, so I brought him back inside, I brought him pass everything to the cafeteria. I sat down in a wooden chair.

(Rob) I don't know if your understand me but, this cafeteria should have everything you need to survive, it's warn here.

I sat back tired, exhausted, then I heard a noise coming from the front of the cafeteria. I looked at the child and it seemed like he didn't mind it. I pulled up my rifle ready to shoot anything that walks through the door, then the child put his hand on the gun, jestering to put it down.

I looked up and saw more of them, dozens, maybe even hundreds of them, their big eyes, small mouths, they all slowly open their mouths showing millions of teeth, thier mouth open to the size of their heads.

I'm scared, I felt like these people didn't deserve this.


Research Document

Eyetelling virus (183)

Eyetelling virus is a virus that only infects babies that are still developing their heads, it makes their eyes 5 times the size of regular eyes, originating in Japan, during the Japan and Chinese War.

Tinilips virus (836)

Tinilips virus is another virus that only infects baby in early development, in their head. Their mouth is 3x smaller than a regular mouth, first originating from the United States in the Great Depression.

Milinteeth virus (523)

Milinteeth is another virus that only infects babies in the early development stages. Their mouth gets millions of sharp teeth, [note: people with this virus are more hungry then others] first found in the North poles ice.

[The first and second viruses are deemed safe for human, but the third virus is deemed to dangerous]

Ways to destroy or kill the virus:

Once all the viruses are on a host, they stick to that host, so if the host dies, it does to.

Regular force can kill them instantly.
