The lower-grade magical artifact- the Ice-Fire Bead, emanated from the Riyue Island, a remnant left by the ancient cultivators Taoist Bing Yu and Taoist Jie. It was supposed to be an embryonic form of a magical artifact left behind by these two. However, after being nourished in the unique environment of Riyue Island for countless years, the Ice-Fire Bead absorbed numerous essences from the Ice-Fire Spirit Vein and eventually evolved into a genuine lower-grade magical artifact.
At this moment, the Ice-Fire Bead appeared in front of the Taoist puppet; as the Taoist puppet poured its fourth-stage lower-grade powers, the bead radiated a brilliant celestial glow.
The celestial glow of icy blue and flaming red lights flickered across the sky. A chilling aura, as well as a fiery aura, erupted from the Ice-Fire Bead.
The next moment, an Ice Phoenix and a colossal Fire Dragon roared and sprang forth.