Family members blamed Han Dongchen for not calling home, and Han Dongchen, furrowing his brow, replied, "I did call home before coming back, but no one answered, and I also called the Wu Family, but no one answered there either."
"I was in Kyoto, rushing to report on my work, and afterward, I happened to run into a guard from my time at the military academy, and learned about Yi Wei's situation. After handling it, I rushed back home."
Upon hearing this, Su Xiaowan quickly asked, "Didn't you visit the Leng Family and speak with the old man?"
Han Dongchen swallowed his saliva and responded, "I was in such a hurry to get home that I thought the home phone not going through might mean no one was at home. I was also anxious about handling matters, so I took a flight back. After all, the home is there, and no one would be lost, so, so I came back first."