Chapter 16 - Prisoner

"What!? Here as a prisoner?!" Both of Lissa's hands are now on the table.

"This is classified, so keep it down," snaps Raehla. "She was brought in to Opak three days ago."

I am stunned by this new revelation. We've just learned that the Gli have a wand relic, too.

"How do you know she is a wand heroine?" I ask, still incredulous.

Raehla looks up with a smile. "She straight up told me! Of course, I confirmed it this morning with the standard test chant. It appears that she is a genuine wand heroine. And, quite likely, a soul heroine as she says."

We're all stunned by Raehla's news. A young Gli scout maiden was captured at the border town of Ittens and gave herself up easily under interrogation.

Ittens is a commercial town near the Kichika trading island, and the scout was traveling as a Pūr merchant. She was discovered with forged entry papers for Opak City. After her detention and interview, the report mentioning "wands" quickly reached Raehla.

Raehla had requested they let her carry out a follow-up interview but because the prisoner was deemed low-level, and the Cathedral cells were full, they just transferred her directly to Juqus assigning her as Raehla's problem.

We all look at each other, and Raehla continues. "This morning she reaffirmed our intelligence that the Gli still haven't found a wand bearer. In fact she believes her recent reassignment to scout was successful partly because they have lost hope of finding one. Instead, they have a pressing need for deep reconnaissance, and her pale complexion and ability to speak both nomadic Drift and Standard make her pretty useful as a spy."

Could this enemy infiltrator be manipulating us, I wonder.

"I would like everyone to meet her," says Raehla suddenly standing up. "Let's go."