Chereads / Armored Rangers / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Vennie stepped through the portal into a room in the shape of a heptagon, 7 walls with 7 different doors. Vennie closed her door to find the door on this side of the portal was also green. Next to her door was a yellow door and a blue door. Past the yellow door was an orange door followed by a red door. Past the blue door was a violet door. Separating the red and violet doors was a gray double door which Vennie deduced that it went into the rest of the base. "These must be the other rooms of the Rangers! Oooo... I don't know if or not I should peek into them!" Vennie excitedly squealed.

"I'd recommend against that." A voice spoke out. Vennie screamed as she noticed the alien now walking into the room. An amphibious humanoid with teal skin tone, gills on the side of their neck, a bump with nostrils instead of a nose, and black pearl eyes, overall they have webbed feet and hands. Wearing a black exo suit with water tanks on the collar to maintain their water adaptability while said suit produces an inner water system to keep them hydrated.

Vennie gasped in awe, "You're one of the aliens who created the Armored Rangers! Your name is uh…. Em…. Umm..." Vennie snapped her fingers trying to recall the alien's name.

The alien chuckled at Vennie's actions. "Don't worry about my name, it's forgettable to you humans as your brains cannot process the alien letters of my kind's advanced language. The Rangers and other aliens here call me Link, as I resemble a once missing link in the human evolution line." Link explained. "I come from a planet in this galaxy, a planet that had very little until trade between planets was formed, once known as a 'pit stop' as you humans call them. You humans now know it as the Asteroid Belt."

"But there is no life on the astroid- I see what you mean now." Vennie stated as she figured out that the planet was destroyed.

"Yes. Now, who are you?" Link stated before taking off one of his gloves and holding his hand out toward Vennie, showing her the many. "You are Vinnie Walker. You are 16 as of 5 months ago. You have been a major fan of Tokusatsu since you were 10, you especially loved the series Super Sentai. And… You are very excited to be here. Though I didn't need to read your mind to know that."

Vennie was practically shining with excitement. "You have Psychometry?! Or some weird version of it?" Vennie exclaimed.

Link closed his hand and put his glove back on. "Yes. I am the psychiatrist of this building. I can read any thought or emotion you may have. As well as feel those emotions you've felt. This is a job that is both physically and mentally taxing. You must maintain a healthy body along with a healthy mind." Link explained. He then turned to the exit door and motioned for Vennie to follow. "Now come with me. You need to meet the other creators of the Armored Rangers and then you must be debriefed on your role as an Armored Ranger."

Vennie excitedly followed the aquatic alien. She was led down the hall where she saw blue circuit lines on the walls. Vennie asked, "What's all these lines for?"

"The Ranger Base is powered by a specially grown energy plant, you know of those?" Link replied.

Vennie quickly nodded, "Yeah! Given by the Flora Colossus after they were saved from the Geartrex Empire. The Energy Plant is a plant that can produce enough energy to power a city! It solved the great energy crisis!"

Link nodded in agreement, "Correct. We've grown a special energy plant to power this facility but there is a much greater power source here that gives the rangers their power." The two then entered a room upon entering was wide open with almost nothing inside. Aside from another alien doing squats in the center.

An extraterrestrial that looked like anthropomorphic Northwestern wolf with lavender and white fur, with black fur forming lines all over their body, including two upward triangular shapes above the brow ridges. A silver collar around the neck and silver wristbands. Silver pants with vertical black stripes on the legs, and iron gray boots shaped like wolf hind paws with red shafts.

Upon seeing he had guests. He donned a black robe with white and red linings, a wolf emblem on the left side of the upper body, silver shoulder pads, red cuffs, red belt with white designs on the edges and buckle. "Greetings, new Green Ranger. I am ⏃⋏⎍⏚⟟⌇ ⊑⍜⎍⋏⎅." Vennie immediately covered her ears as hearing the alien language out loud was like a nail to the ear drums. "Oh! Sorry! Even after 3 years out in the open air, I forget you humans cannot handle our alien languages!" The canine spoke.

Vennie wiggled her in her ear and replied, "It's alright."

The dog alien's ears drooped as he spoke, "Yes well, my name at its most rough translation into your human language means Anubis Hound. But I just go by Hound." Hound quickly became serious as his ears perked up. "I come from the planet you humans know as Jupiter, before it was a gas planet, it was a home of my kind. I'll be your gym coach." 

Vennie shook Hound's hand and asked, "Gym coach? Why would we need that?"

"The Armored Rangers suits boost the physical abilities of each Ranger to fit the roles they are meant for. The more fit and stronger your body is, the better the boost's result is. Think of it like a Multiplier." Hound explained.

Link then interjected, "Correct, now we'll move on to the others to teach her about her role and the others, as well as get the suit calibrated to her body." Link and Vennie then left the gym room and continued down the hallway.

The two then came to another double door, down the hallway Vennie could see another double door. Hearing several noises behind it, sounded similar to a highschool during break. 'That must be where the others are!' Vennie thought.

"Yes, and that door leads to the break hall." Vennie turned her head back to Link and saw he had his gloves off and one hand open. Link then put his gloves back on and opened the door to three aliens working on devices and the armored ranger's suits.

The first working on the Red Ranger's Crimson Muramasa was a hooded extraterrestrial humanoid with reptilian features, such as gray blue and teal scales and large spots of dark violet and light blue scales on the tail and a violet blue crest on the head. They seemed to have no mouth either. The humanoid has three clawed fingers and thumbs on each hand and two toes on each foot. They are wearing a black armored upper vest with orange and blue shoulder edges with a gray hood and jumpsuit with inner blue color. The vest had an orange and blue design on the chest area. Gray sleeves and black gauntlets or evening forearm sleeves with purple gems on each dorsals and gray fingerless gloves. Black thigh highs with blue and orange designs, black kneecaps with blue cores underneath, and gray shin guards. "Laz, our weapons expert. They'll repair and maintain your weapons." Link explained.

"They're trans?" Vennie asked.

Link then asked right back, "What's that, some kind of fruitcake?"

Vennie then replied, "Something that can ruin your social media life actually.

Laz then looked up and spoke with a gruff voice, "Oh, Rangers are not allowed to use any form of social media accounts." 

Then a second much smoother voice came from Laz's position. "We've already hacked your accounts and locked them from use."

Vennie quickly took out her phone and looked at the apps on there. Finding out quickly that all forms of social media have been erased completely. "Wow, you guys are fast- Who said that?" Vennie asked, looking at Laz as she realized someone else spoke.

Laz then lifted their shirt to reveal a mouth and pair of eyes on their lower abdomen. "I am Zal, me and Laz come from Saturn, one of the many species from that planet long before the ring of Saturn was ever there. We go by them and them as if we are two minds in one body. Laz is male while I am female, thus our species can reproduce asexually." 

'Their pronouns are they/them. Not because they are non-binary. But because they are literally two people… aliens… individuals, yeah that's it.' Vennie thought.

Link then pointed at the next alien. Another extraterrestrial humanoid was working on a blue vehicle that looked similar to an ATV, had a slightly pale teal skin tone, dark teal scalp and ear with pink auricles and small orange downward triangular marks on the forehead. They have yellow eyes, a scar on the right eye and teal lips. They are wearing a black armored upper vest with orange and blue shoulder edges with a blue jumpsuit with inner gray color as the first humanoid. Armored black sleeves with orange cores and purple gems on wrists and gray clawed gloves. Black armored thigh highs, black kneecaps with blue cores underneath. Gray bulky shin guards, blue sharp boots with orange sharp spikes and heels. "This is the mechanic for both your mechs and vehicles, A-X-A, or Axa as the Rangers call her. She's also from Saturn."

Vennie sparkled at the mention of mechs. "Don't even think about climbing one of my creations. You gotta go through the driving simulation first. And then the mech simulation to even get to sit in the mechs. If you even stay that long." Vennie's sparkles quickly faded away as Axa said that. "No one here got to pilot the mechs or drive the vehicles on their first day, and you're no exception, Green."

"Green?" Vennie asked.

"Look, we've had Green Ranger after Green Ranger quit. No one here expects you to stay. Make it past 2 weeks, we might learn your name. Make it past 4 and we might bother to remember it." Axa stated as she returned to the blue ATV. 

"Makes sense. Green does not have a good rep nowadays."

"Now get over to Annya, you need to be debriefed." Axa stated, waving Vennie off.

Vennie was pointed to the last aliens. A multicolored humanoid with green eyes and yellow downward arrow and blue hooks on sides on their face, along with red orange skin tone with light blue, sky blue, teal green, and yellow bands. She is wearing a black armored upper vest with orange and blue shoulder edges with yellow membrane under the shoulders. jumpsuit with inner gray color forming a Y shaped, black armored sleeves with orange cores. Black armored thigh highs and sharp shaft with blue upward V designs, black kneecaps with blue cores underneath, gray blue boots with orange soles. "Annya, another from Saturn. She maintains the suits and their power outputs. These are very dangerous so they need to be regularly checked." Link explained

"Lot of aliens from Saturn." Vennie remarked.

She was setting up a chair and a series of hologram projectors. "Alright, sit down and we'll start the-" Annye stopped mid-sentence as Vennie had already sat down and seemed very happy about all of this, her positivity was literally beaming light off of her so bright it was hard to look at her.

"Do all humans sparkle so much?" Laz asked from across the room, despite not having eyes, still being blinded by Vennie's sparkling.

"I need sunglasses to look at her now?" Zal asked.

"Okay, turn down the sparkles and we can begin." The sparkles fade out and Annye turns to a slide of the Violet Ranger. "We'll start from last to first on the Color Spectrum. The Violet Ranger as you humans know is all about stealth and espionage. With the ability, [Violet Venom]. With a single touch, the Violet ranger can turn all Earth Metals and most Space Metals into rust & dust, cause computers to become corrupted and leak their most secured files, and paralyze a normal person to the touch. They also have [Camouflage] to hide in plain sight, [Disguise] to act like another com, and [Silence] to nullify all sounds he makes as well as someone else's ability to make noise."

The next hologram projector showed the Blue Armored Ranger. "The Blue Ranger is the front line defense of the Armored Rangers. His ability [Blue Barrier] allows him to create countless barriers from which he can make several constructs. He even can control them freely, make them sharper than any sword, make a map, scan for enemies. He is the second-in-command next to the Red." Annye added.

The next projector showed the Green Armored Ranger, the 24th one if Vennie was correct. "Your job as the Green Ranger is to Heal. [Green Healing] Allows you to heal any wound without a scar, cure any ailment from poison to disease, even Revive a fallen ally from death. There is something else you should know about the Green Healing power but we'll have that for later."

Then came the Yellow Armored Ranger. "Frontline assault is this Ranger's strength, charging headlong into battle and tearing through enemies. [Yellow Impact] allows the Yellow Ranger to deliver a powerful strike followed by equally as powerful delayed strikes that is similar to a nail being slammed into a wall. Which can cause even the strongest of armor to crumble into dust." Annya explained.

Then came the Orange Armored Ranger. "Scouting and Speed are what defines the Orange Ranger. [Orange Accelerator] allows them to hit speeds faster than light. During the acceleration mode, the ranger's speed makes it appear that the world is slowed down or completely stopped if the speed is high enough."

Lastly, the projector showed the Red Armored Ranger. "The Red Ranger is the Leader of the Armored Rangers. His signature ability, [Red Breaker]. Allows him to break through his limits and achieve extreme power and speed. He also bears slightly weaker versions of the other Ranger's Main Abilities. [Orange Accelerator], [Yellow Impact], [Green Healing], [Blue Barrier], [Violet Venom]. When he uses [Red Breaker] with these abilities, he breaks through the ability's limits and gains access to new powers at his disposal. But all don't compare to his trump card, [Red Rampage], an ability that… Well, I suppose I'll let you find out what it does when he uses it."

Vennie had been writing all of that down in a notebook. Annye nodded and motioned for Link to step in. "Well, that's everything for now. Please go and meet the other Ran-" Link stopped mid-sentence when Vennie ran right past him. "... That was fast."

Vinnie entered the room, ready to meet the heroes, but was met with a table being thrown at her, she luckily dodged it in time. Ducking under it.

"Alright! Who took my special Milkshake?! Ryou, was it you!" Said a slightly short woman with reddish brown hair, light cream skin tone, and emerald green eyes. Despite her size, she was rather curvaceous and muscular. She wore a yellow long-sleeve, orange sweater, white tank top, tangerine leggings, and white sneakers. 

She pointed at someone sitting on a couch reading a book with the title: "How to resist the urge to punch people!" They were a teenage male with short black hair and hazel eyes with an average build, he wears a simple purple shirt with a scorpion on it and black pants. On their lap was a black cat sitting on him. "First of all, I respect the "no touching other peoples food" rule, you can thank Leon for that one."

"HEH! I still have the nightmares from last time" The woman said as a response with her shivering.

"Everyone does, and secondly, why are you so upset about it? You can order more, no issue." Said the teen who was being accused.

"It's the principle of the Matter! And I saved this one since basic training!"

"Wait what?!" The teen then dropped his book. "That would put it far beyond its expiration date!"

"And yet it was so young!"

"Yeah, and now whoever took it has food poisoning, I did see Juilo running to the bathrooms earlier. Oh there he is now." The teen said as someone else entered the room.

Just then a blue barrier appeared above the teen and hit him in the head. A very tall (6'8") Latino muscular young man with long dark brown hair with a ponytail at the end, light skinned tone, and brown eyes. They wore a white top over a very dark blue jacket, red gloves, black jeans with dark blue highlights) and black boots. "I didn't eat anyone's anything, I was in the bathroom cause I had an extra bean burrito today. Those go right through me. But now that you mention it, I did clear out the fridges of anything bad. It is my turn this week."

"Leon is gonna be pissed when he finds out you used the Blue Rover for a burrito run, also did you throw out the milkshake?"

"I did see a milkshake that smelled like something died and barfed into a cup-- AH!" The young man then dodged a chair being thrown at him. "Irene, listen, I'm sorry, I'll get you a new one! You need milk after all, as the old saying goes, it makes you big and strong!"

"Big and-- did you say I was short?!"

"NO! No, I didn't! I meant it helps you grow-- Oh crapbaskets, I messed up more didn't I?" 

"Advise, run." Ryou said to his teammate

Julio then replied, "I'll do you one better." Julio quickly put up a blue dome around himself as an orange blur charged him but slammed into the barrier.

"I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU JULIO! YOU SON OF A--" Irene shouted at the top of her lungs before seeing Vinnie at the door. "Oi! Da fuq you want ya daft cunt!?" Her Scottishness comin' through full force there. 

"Irene! We talked about that, stop saying that word." Ryou said to her.

"Sorry! Oi! Da fuck you want you daft lady?!"

"Better." Ryou then got up and walked over to Vinnie, still carrying the cat. "Now, who are you, miss? You lost?" He then pressed the cat closer to her. "Need a cat to pet?"

Vennie quickly began sparkling. Julio and Ryou quickly put on shades, Ryou even had a tiny pair for the cat, all while Irene was forced to bear the full force of the light. "AH! DA FUCK?! HOW IS SHE SO BRIGHT! AH! IT IS LIKE LOOKIN' INTO THE GODDAMN SUN!"

"And you said the shades were useless." Said Julio.

Just then a large figure came from behind Vennie, a tall young woman, roughly over 7 and a half feet tall. She's a young Russian woman. She has green eyes, a fair complexion, and some freckles. She has long red hair just past her hips. Tanya is usually seen wearing a tan and dark brown lumberjack hat. Her standard outfit is a topaz yellow plaid/flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath, dark blue jeans, and rain boots, with yellow and orange socks underneath. "Hey, Tanya." Julio greeted the large lady.

The woman named Tanya, walks past Vinnie, punches through Julio's barrier, takes off his shades and wears them leaving Julio to suffer from the light. "AH!" She then points at Vinnie with a confused look.

"I have no idea who or what she's doing here or how she is making light that rivals the sun." Ryou answered.

"MORE LIKE FUCKIN' REPLACES IT! OH GOD SHE'S GETTING BRIGHTER!!!" Irene screams. Vennie seemed to be even more happy upon seeing Tanya.

"ARE YOU GUYS THE ARMORED RANGERS?!?!" Vinnie finally spoke up, fangirling.

"No." Ryou answered, he then saw Tanya giving a thumbs up, the universal sign for yes. "Tanya! Oh God, she's getting brighter, the shades are useless now!"

Tayna then looked at the fangirl and grabbed her face, lifting her off the ground. "Okay, I'll stop…" Vennie spoke, muffled by Tanya's large hand over her face. Upon putting her down

"Oh, Good, luckily before she blinded someone." Said Ryou.

"I can't see out of my eyes you fucks!" Irene shouted.

Julio was facing the other way, "I did the smart thing and turned away. I don't think it worked though."

"Give it a minute," Ryou said to the others. "Now, miss, you are?" Ryou was then stund as she grabbed his hand and started to shake it rapidly.

"Right, right, right! I am the new Green Ranger." Vennie answered as Ryou pulled his hand away.

"The other one quit?" Julio asked, getting a nod from Tanya.

"Oh God, our new Green is a fangirl! Oh, hey my vision is OK again…" Irene then kicks Julio in the side of his shin. "REVENGE!"

"Oh, my shin!" Julio said as he rubbed his bruised leg. "Well, I'll say it, welcome to the team, I'm Julio, that lady in orange is Irene, avoid talking about her height--" Julio was cut off as he was kicked again.


Ryou then took a greeting bow to address himself. "I am Ryou Kuroki, the large woman is Tatiana Dmitrievna, she can't talk as her vocal cords were torn out by the Geartrex Empire. We call her Tanya though." Tanya then gave another thumbs up.

"I am so sorry… Oh, I'm Vinnie, it is so nice to meet you guys!"

"Whatever lady, so you're the new Green, alright, I bet two weeks on this one. What about you guys?" Irene asked her teammates.

"Irene! Uncalled for!" Julio said in disgust.

"My money is on three, Tanya's is on four." Ryou added.


"What? In three years we've never had a Green lasting more than a month."

"And that changes today! I will be the permanent Green Ranger!" Vinnie said with her starting to glow again before Tanya put her hand on her face. "...Sorry."

"Ha… HAHAHAHA! Seriously, the last six said those exact same words." Irene said as she started to laugh again before having Tanya's other hand over her face. "OI! Tanya! Let go you overgrown-" Tanya squeezed Irene's face.

"One of these days, you girls are going to kill each other. Anyway, she isn't wrong, most Greens join saying the same thing but over time they change, like something was wrong with them. In the end they all quit." Ryou said as he saw that Irene was out of Tanya's hand and was holding onto her arm with her teeth.

Someone then barged into the room, they were in a uniform and had a worried look. "Ranger, I have an important message, Leon is--"

"Take this tower woman!" Irene said as she kicks Tanya in the face, but Tanya catches her foot and starts to swing her around. "AHHHH!"

"Whoa! That is cool!" Vinnie shouts in excitement.

"Rangers please, this is important, Leon--"

"I'LL GUT YEAH!" Irene shouts as she was thrown landing on a table that had food on it.

"My Tamagoyaki… I was saving that!" Ryou said as he pulled out a sword from almost nowhere.

"WHERE WERE YOU KEEPING THAT?!" Julio shouts, surprised.

"Rangers, listen--" The man said with the others ignoring him completely. "Leon is napping!" He yelled before covering his mouth and the others stopped fighting before the door burst open. A red mist flooded the doorway, and a low growl like that of a T-Rex from Jurassic Park could be heard from the doorway.

Stepping through was a young man with fair skin, blue eyes, and shoulder-length black hair which is well-groomed and tied back in a low bun at the base of his neck. His facial expression is often one of stoic fatigue. He wears a red and white hoodie over a white shirt, blue jeans, and blue shoes. "Shut… UUUUUUUP! I HAVE THE MORNING SHIFT TOMORROW!!!" The young man said before delivering a roundhouse kick to everyone sending them flying. Irene landed on the floor, Ryou landed on Irene, Julio landed on Ryou, Tanya landed nearby, and Vennie landed in Julio's arms. The man in uniform then ran out of the room as fast as he could to get away from the young man's wrath.

"Well… Your first day and Leon already wants to kill you… You're starting off great…" Julio said to Vinnie.

"Oi… Everyone… Get off me you daft cu--" Irene said before fainting from the hit and lack of oxygen.

Ryou tapped Irene's face before speaking out, "Medic! ... That's you, Green."

"Oh right, I can heal… How do I do that?" Vinnie asked.

Julio then gets up carrying Vinnie in his arms. "Just say: 'Abracadabra!' And they're healed."

"Don't listen to him." Ryou said as he was getting up. "Anyway, that was the one and only Red Ranger, Leon."

Vinnie then jumped out of Julio's arms and ran up to Leon. "YOU'RE THE RED RANGER?!" She then started to glow with Leon putting on shades of his own. Before she can speak, he places a finger in front of her.

"First, shut up! I don't like people who are this FUCKING loud! Second, who are you?! And Third, What happened?" Leon questioned glancing at the others. Julio points at Irene, Ryou points at Julio, and Tanya points at the three of them.

"I'm the new Green Ranger!" Vinnie said with a salute to Leon.

Leon looked to the others who all nodded, Julio just picked up Irene's head and nodded it for her. He looks back at her. "Okay then, Green. Don't bug me. Don't bother me unless it's important. No loud noises. And if you make it past a week, I MIGHT remember you exist." Leon then walks out of the room.

"Well that might be a challenge, I am a little loud."

Leon's voice then came through the door, "For your sake, you better fix that!"

Vennie turned to Irene and asked, "Is he always like that?"

Irene then replied, "The man has a job in fast food, deals with rude and annoying costumers, has trouble sleeping, and has been the leader of a bunch of changing teenagers and young adults. I think he has a right to be grouchy.

"If it won't be a metal monster, then it will be Leon's anger and cranky ass." Julio whispered to Ryou.

Ryou then spoke back, "You know he's about to find out what you did with the Blue Rover right?"

"Oh… I will do your shift for a week if you keep quiet."

"I think Axa is about to tell him anyway."

"...Hide me, please." Julio muttered, before running when he heard a series of rapidly approaching footsteps. 

Irene then tapped Vennie's shoulder. "Come on. Let's show you to the kitchen area so we can explain some rules." Vennie nodded and followed Irene, Ryou, and Tanya to the kitchen. 

Julio then came running back through the break room when Leon came running back through from the other exit Julio took. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT FOOD ON THE VEHICLES!?!?" Leon roared.

To Be Continued…