Ofelia, Licovi and I are heading to the forest, where the strongest trace of dark energy is coming from. We don't know if we'll find La Patasola, her summoner, or something worst. One thing is sure: the girls are really scared. And I can't blame them. I mean, she's a murderous wraith and although Ofelia and I know how to defend ourselves, we can't really kill that creature. Licovi is the only one who could exorcise that creature if she manages to serve the creature's bond with the summoner, but we don't even know how strong it could be… come to think about it, I'm starting to get scared as well… I wonder if my healing factor is fast enough to endure la Patasola's attack? But what about the girls? Ofelia barely managed to survive The Mohan's attack and he was really weak. Not to mention Licovi, who clearly doesn't have any kind of combat ability!... Damn it, stop overthinking the situation, Chía! Repeating what you already know won't make things easier! Okay, better make some casual chat to lighten the mood.
—So… you and Julio are married, right? —I casually ask.
—Huh? Oh, Y-Yes! It's been 2 years since we married —tries to reply Licovi calmly, however, it's obvious she's scared for this whole situation.
—Wow, I can't believe you two are married —joins Ofelia to the conversation—I mean, you look almost the same age as myself. Was it an arranged marriage?
—Hehehe, not at all. Arranged marriages were abolished long time ago. We truly love each other. Besides *winking an eye* I'm actually older than Julio.
—What?! — Ofelia and I shout.
—Get out of here! —I continue—How old are you?!
—I'm 26 and Julio is 21.
—T-That's incredible! Mrs. Licovi, how do you look so young?!
—Yeah, spit it out! I wanna know your secret of eternal youth!
—You're a goddess, Lady Chía. You always look young.
—Not while I stay in this mortal body, kiddo.
Licovi laughs. Looks like our chat is working.
—Mrs. Bertha says that we, shamans, age slower due to our powers. Guess that thing of "strong mind in a strong body" isn't just a saying. She's 80, but, as you can see, she looks younger for her age.
Licovi adopts a melancholic look while continues.
—And, to think he started being like my annoying little brother. Almost every day, I had to nag him because of how a troublemaker he was. And now, despite still being hot-headed, he's the voice of reason in our relationship… life can be weird, sometimes.
—Well, that's great, Mrs. Licovi. You're a beautiful and kind woman. Mr. Julio is lucky for having you.
—Yeah, you can say that again. I wouldn't be surprised if you had more wooers before him.
—Yeah, well… I had one —Licovi's smile disappears and it's replaced by a sad expression —but it was not a good one. In fact, he was a nightmare.
—Really? Who was that?
—… Iván Vela.
— What?! — Ofelia and I shout again.
—Can you tell us the story?... well, just if you want to. I'm not forcing you.
—I might.
—Lady Chía!
—What?! I am joking!
—Hehe, it's ok. I mean, we are friends now, so I can share this story with you.
You see, there was a time when Harmony Town was even more dangerous than it is now. Radical Purists were causing chaos, and in the middle of all that violence, I lost my parents. Mrs. Bertha, being a close family friend, saw my potential as a shaman and took me in. She didn't just give me a home; she made me her apprentice and treated me like her own daughter. A year later, Julio lost his parents too, also to the violence. Mrs. Bertha took him in as well.
At first, Julio was just a bratty little brother to me. I mean, he was five years younger, hot-headed, always getting himself into trouble. We were constantly bailing him out. But he was noble, and his loyalty to us was unmatched.
When I was 17, during a visit to the local market, we crossed our paths with The Velas, Antonio and Francisco were minding their business, but it was Iván who kept creepily staring at me. Since that day and despite the huge age gap, he was always flirting and trying to make advances on me. Not even when Mrs. Bertha warning him to leave me alone, he listened. And those harassments continued for around 4 years.
One day, Mrs. Bertha and Julio were at the market, leaving me to manage the café alone. It was a slow day, so I decided to close early. But just as I was about to lock up, Iván showed up. He forced his way in. I was terrified, but I tried to stay calm, polite even. I kept asking him to leave, but he wouldn't listen. He grew angrier, more desperate. Suddenly, he grabbed me. I panicked, grabbed a bottle, and smashed it over his head. I tried to run, but he caught me and threw me to the floor… I thought… I thought I was done for. But then, Julio burst in. He kicked Iván so hard that he slammed into a wall. Julio didn't stop. He kept punching him, over and over, even when Iván begged for mercy. Julio would've killed him if Mrs. Bertha hadn't arrived. She… she grabbed Iván by his groin and said, "If you ever come near Licovi or my family again, you'll see what a shaman can do to scum like you." Iván fled after that.
—Mrs. Bertha is incredible —Ofelia mutters in awe.
—Indeed —says Licovi and continues.
Later that night, The Vela brothers returned to the café. Iván was even more beaten up; it was obviously by Antonio's hand. Antonio apologized to us and said that he would never lay a finger me again, and as a proof of respect they had for Old Bertha for being their nanny, they would forget Julio's aggression but also warned us to never attacked them ever again, or we would pay the price. Also, as a "little retribution", they took Julio that night to jail.
The next morning, Julio came back home, but he was severe injured. Francisco and his police tortured him all night long, never caring that he was just a 16 years old boy. Seeing him worried so much for me risking his own life made me start seeing him more than a "little brother". Next year, we started dating, and the rest is history.
—Wow! No wonder why you love him so much —says Ofelia —Julio is a brave, honorable man.
—He is. In a place where human hearts grow darker and crueler than demons themselves, is good to see lights of hope like him or Mrs. Bertha.
—Yeah… that… that really sucks — I reply.
—Miss Chía. Are you ok? You suddenly got serious.
—I'm fine, Licovi. Don't worry.
That last line Licovi just said… "human hearts grow darker and crueler" … Don't forget Chía. It was you… it was you the one that corrupted mankind when you were Huitaca… Centuries, even a millennium has passed and all of these acts of violence are nothing but my fault. Everyone is my victim… even The Velas… it was I the one who started the cycle of violence and it is up to me to put an end to it. We must solve this whole deal with la Patasola and go back to my search for the chaos magic and reclaim my godhood and redemption.
—Lady Chía? — Ofelia puts her hand on my shoulder.
—I'm fine, niña. Don't worry. Let's go back to our mission.
—We have arrived — says Licovi.
We have arrived to the depths of the forests. The dark energy here feels so dense that it almost makes me feel dizzy. We start searching for clues, and it didn't take that long before we find one, and what a clue it was! We found some trees and the ground covered with blood and, in the center of all of this mess, there was a human jaw.
—Oh, gods! —Yells Licovi in horror.
I hug her and cover her eyes, while Ofelia gets closer to the crime scene. That girl is truly brave.
—Yeah, there's no doubt la Patasola killed a person here.
—You know, Ofelia, if you feel bad or anything, you can cry on my shoulder if you want to. You're 14, remember?
—Huh? Oh, no. I'm fine, Lady Chía. I don't like to admit it, but when you're rise up in a family of demon hunters, this kind of stuff becomes natural for us.
—Well, damn, kiddo.
Licovi recovers her composure and gets close to the crime scene to investigate a little further.
—I'm sorry for my reaction. I never expect to see a wraith being so… ruthless.
Licovi grabs from her bag a lot of vials, dry leaves and more weird "medium tools" and put them on the floor (I'm not even bother trying to understand what are those for), then continues talking.
—I can feel Mr. Carlos' soul in here. He's scared and confused. He can't assimilate he just died.
—Poor man… Mrs. Licovi. You said that wraiths are created when the victim suffers a violent dead. That means Mr. Carlos and the other Patasola's victims are becoming wraiths as well?
—No. a person only becomes a wraith when the one who killed it was a living creature. When a person is killed by a wraith, its spirit wanders around until it gets trapped in the depts of the underworld. The soul will never find peace until the wraith who killed it is exorcised or the summoner control is broken.
—Gods, what a horrific fate!
—Another reason why we must find the one who controls la Patasola quick —I say.
Licovi adopts a praying position and continues.
—Mr. Carlos, we promise we'll find the one who made you this, and we'll free your soul from the underworld —Licovi keeps praying for a couple of minutes. Then she stands up —. He's gone. The underworld has taken him.
We keep silent for around a minute, but the tragedy of the moment made it feel like hours. Licovi breaks the silence and continues talking.
—Before he left, Mr. Carlos' soul pointed us in a direction. It's not far, but it's deep within the forest.
—Then we follow —I say, exchanging a glance with Ofelia.
We move deeper into the woods. The further we go, the harder it becomes to breathe. This forest isn't natural—it's alive with grief, anger, and despair. I can't believe such a place exists so close to town. Then again, considering this is Harmony Town, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
The oppressive atmosphere starts to affect us physically. Licovi notices and hands us small vials filled with a strange liquid.
—Drink this. It'll help with the nausea —she says.
—Thanks, Mrs. Licovi —Ofelia replies.
—Yeah, thanks. You're like a completely different Licovi. Less clumsy and way more prepared.
Licovi chuckles softly. —Shaman work is different. Mrs. Bertha's training was intense but effective. I've also done my own research to improve, like creating these vials. I just want to make her proud, to show I'm ready to take up her mantle when the time comes.
—You're doing a fantastic job, Licovi —I assure her.
—Thank you, Miss Chía.
We press on until we reach the heart of the forest. But what we find is not what I expected. Instead of more darkness and decay, we emerge into a clearing shrouded in thick fog. In its center stands an old, weathered cottage. The sight of it sends chills down my spine.
—What is this place? —I say.
—And that cottage… what's it doing here? —Ofelia adds.
Licovi takes a cautious step forward, her voice hushed.
—The energy here… it's the same as La Patasola's. Mr. Carlos's soul led us here. No doubt about it. This is her lair. The place where la Patasola was born…This is…
—Milagros' house —I finish Licovi's sentence.
—So, what now? —asks Ofelia.
—What else, kiddo? We enter.
Before stepping into the cottage, I materialize a bubble of water, retrieving Ofelia's machete.
—Ofelia, it's time for you to use this. —I hand her the Demon Butcher.
—Oh… right. —Her voice is quiet, almost trembling. She reluctantly takes the weapon, holding it as if it might bite her.
—Remember what Bachué said. As long as you wear your bracelets, the machete won't possess you for ten minutes. Draw it only when necessary, you hear me?
—Yes, ma'am. —Her grip tightens, but I can see the unease in her expression.
—Is that machete possessed? — says Licovi —I can feel uncountable souls from slain creatures.
—It is… *sigh* it's a long story, Mrs. Licovi. I would prefer not talking about it.
—It's ok… hmm, A machete powered by grief of slain demons. Maybe it won't kill la Patasola, but it would hurt her enough to give us a chance to escape.
—My water magic is not strong, yet, but I think I could make some decent damage as well.
—Ok, awesome. I think we actually have a chance. Yay!
—Well, let's go.
We open the door and step inside the cottage. The instant we do, an overwhelming charge of negative energy hits us. Without Licovi's potion, we'd have passed out immediately.
The house feels suffocating, as if it's alive and watching us. The air inside is damp, heavy with the stench of decay and mildew. Shadows dance across the warped wooden walls, their patterns distorted by time and neglect. Cobwebs hang in thick layers, swaying gently despite the stillness of the air. Broken furniture lies scattered across the room, their splinters a reminder of violent destruction.
Despite the eerie atmosphere, remnants of a peaceful life linger. Faded, sepia-toned photos line the walls, their frames cracked and crooked. In some, Milagros and her husband smile warmly, their joy is almost tangible. Bertha wasn't lying—Milagros was stunning, with sharp eyes and a captivating smile. Her husband, too, had kind eyes that seemed to radiate gentleness. It's hard to imagine someone like him committing such heinous acts.
One photo catches my eye. It's torn in half, and the image is faded beyond recognition. It appears to show a little blonde girl, perhaps Milagros as a child. The photo's back bears faint, illegible writing: "…get …er …u."
An old cradle sits in one corner, its rockers broken, and a child's doll lies abandoned inside. Old Bertha said they couldn't have kids, but seems like they never lost hope.
—Here, I found something! —Ofelia's voice pulls me back.
Under the dining table, there's a trapdoor leading to the basement.
—The dark energy… it's coming from here! —says Licovi with shaking voice.
—No doubt about it —I say, summoning a sphere of water—. La Patasola, her summoner, or both are down there.
—It's now or never! —Ofelia grips the machete.
—Okay, everyone… let's g—
Licovi's sentence is cut short as Julio and Bertha suddenly appear.
—Julio?! —Licovi's shock is palpable.
—Old Bertha! What are you doing here?! —I yell.
—Time to go, now!! —Julio shouts terrified.
A spine-chilling roar erupts from the basement.
—She's here!! —screams Ofelia.
—Let's go!! —Old Bertha orders.
La Patasola destroys the trapdoor and, as soon as she sees us, she lunges towards us. With a deep breath, I summon all the power I can muster. The air crackles as water swirls around my hands, growing in intensity until I release it in a massive cannon of water. The blast slams into La Patasola with a deafening crash, sending her sprawling backward and smashing into the far wall of the cottage. The force of the blow gives us times to run.
—Now! Go! —I shout, grabbing Ofelia's arm.
But before we can even take a full step, the creature, impossibly, begins to rise again, its twisted form reassembling with frightening speed. The ground beneath us trembles as she shrieks in rage, her eyes glowing with malevolent fury.
Without warning, La Patasola lunges, her claws raking through the air with deadly precision. Ofelia reacts just in time, bringing the Demon Butcher up to block the strike. The machete clinks against her claws, sparks flying, but she holds her ground.
—We can't outrun her like this! —Ofelia shouts, gritting her teeth.
We race out of the cottage, but the foul creature is right behind us, moving faster than we thought possible. Its form writhes through the air like smoke, its claws outstretched, reaching for us. My heart pounds in my chest as we dash into the thick fog, hoping to lose her.
Then, a desperate cry cuts through the night.
Mrs. Bertha! —Licovi yells, looking back.
I turn just in time to see Bertha slow down, turning to face the oncoming monster. Without hesitation, she spreads her arms wide, and with a flick of her wrists, an energy wall forms in front of her, shimmering in the air like a mirage.
—Stop, now, vile creature! —Bertha cries with effort.
The monster crashes against the barrier with a guttural roar, its claws scraping against the air as if trying to tear through reality itself. Bertha's arms tremble, her whole body is straining with the effort. But the wall holds—for now. She's managing to hold La Patasola back, buying us precious seconds to escape.
But it's taking its toll on her.
I see it immediately—her knees buckle, and she staggers as blood begins to leak from her eyes and nose. Her grip falters, and the barrier flickers. The creature's snarls grow louder, more vicious, as it thrashes against the wall. With every movement, Bertha's body begins to tremble more violently, as though the creature's fury is seeping through the barrier and into her very bones.
—No, Mrs. Bertha! —Licovi cries, but Bertha doesn't answer.
I watch in growing horror as Bertha falls to her knees, the strain of holding the creature back too much. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, and the shimmering wall cracks under the pressure. But with the last of her strength, Bertha summons an intense burst of energy. The explosion of power ripples through the air, and La Patasola is sent flying backward, her body flung through the cottage like a ragdoll.
Bertha collapses, unconscious, her body is limp and blood is dripping from her eyes. In an instant, Julio takes her into his arms. We don't waste another moment. The creature roars in fury, but we race toward the forest's edge, hearts pounding, knowing we've been given a fragile chance to miraculously escape.
We barely survived, but Old Bertha… she's not right.