Chereads / Freaky Friday Gone Wrong. / Chapter 20 - CHAPTER 20

Chapter 20 - CHAPTER 20

"Ayra!!, ayra!! "Alice shouted stomping her room in near fury. "Where the heck is she? " She asked scanning her room and seeing no one. I have checked everywhere in the house, where else could she be ? She wasn't in her favorite tree outside and not in her room then where else could she be she muttered pulling at her hair in frustration, apart from the fact she wanted to yell at her for telling her friends about her health without her consent, she also wanted to know what transpired between her and jack were they dating now? So many things to ask her and warn her about boys.

Though she fighted most of the times with her sister and loved to annoy her, she loved her very much and wouldn't want her to get hurt but she couldn't do all these things if she couldn't even find the damn ayra. Wait maybe she has the knowledge that I'm looking for her and was playing hid and seek with her? She asked herself , it was their favorite game growing up and they had played it with their cousins from their father's side but her dad died and they stopped coming tsk their loss not mine she reminded herself.

Hissing she turned back to return back to her room giving up, but she suddenly heard the subtle sound of someone's hiccups behind the wall, cautious she made her way towards the bathroom with a face of resolution she shoved open the door of the bathroom and voila there she is, found you she said with a satisfied smirk.

Ayra gave a strangled gasp, gwaddd damn her hiccups she almost escaped her evil sister's clutches but her hiccups had to give her away. She had immediately tuned mute and remained in the shower on hearing Alice scream her name like a mantra, apart from the fact that she wasn't ready to give her the details of their mission because she just had the feeling that Alice being Alice would do something rash to Jack , plus from the sound of her voice when she had called her name she figured she was mad at her for something and she also wasn't in the mood to fight with her not today. She simply wanted to be left alone, was that too much to ask for?

Silently she started at her sister eyeballs to eyeballs ready to take flight if the opportunity presented itself.

"What are you doing here? Hiding in the bathroom?" Alice asked hands akimbo breaking the silence between them.

"Duhhh this is my room, I have every right to be at wherever part of the room I want to be". she replied scarastically pushing her off lightly and stepping out from the bathroom.

Alice followed right behind her " Ugh forgive me for asking " dumb questions" but I spent hours looking all over the house for you!! ".

"That's not my fault but apology accepted though now I let me ask you, what are you doing in my room? "

"You are really testing my patience do you know that?" She questioned pacing around ayra's pink Victorian carpet in the middle of her room.

Ayra merely rolled her eyes uncaring.

"You heard me shouting at the top of my voice calling you and you kept quiet making me look like a fool, oh and I finally find you and you still have the balls to act smart with me?" She said rapidly ,fire in her eyes.

"First I don't act smart, I am smart secondly I was in the damn shower how was I supposed to hear you calling? Thirdly I don't know the reason you are mad at me for but guess what I don't give a flying fuck, just leave me the hell alone" she finished off with a low register.

"Not so fast you little brat, I am your elder sis-"

"By one minute " ayra interrupted putting on a sponge Bob square pants pyjamas.

That's besides the point " I am still your elder and don't you dare interrupt me again." Breathing deeply she started again" I don't appreciate you ignoring my calls, for crying out loud it could have been important."

Right heap all the blame on me ayra thought to herself.

"And I don't appreciate you telling my friends that I missed school because I was sick. You totally rui-"

"God!!,give me sec so this is what all these is about!! "

"I warned you not to interrupt me again".

"Why because you are "Alice"? I really thought you were less monstrous but I was wrong, everything I ever do it's for your own good but you would never see that."

"You wouldn't see the angle I'm coming from and that's because you won't let me finish speaking." Alice muttered surprised at her outburst.

"Well forgive me "queen Alice " for being truthful to your fake ass friends that don't give a hoot about you."

"You are being overly dramatic gosh are you seeing your period?" She asked with a genuine expression.

"Please I would like to go to bed now and don't you ever send me on an errrand again because I won't oblige".

"There you go again, why do you always shy away from confrontation? We are not done conversing."

"More like you are not done shouting at me, Alice kindly shut the door after you".

"You are such a cry baby, and just so you know I'm still upset at you" she muttered leaving her room and made extra effort to leave the door wide open.

She didn't even ask me about it she thought her eyes starting to sting again but she braved it refusing to return to the shower again, she had cried enough already well you should be happy she didn't ask right? because she wasn't ready to tell but it would have still felt nice if Alice had asked her what happened. She tutored me on the exact words to say for Pete 's sake ,her heart argured .She really don't care about me ayra decided,the only thing she cared about was herself and her useless, good for nothing friends the beeping of her phone brought her out from her dark thoughts seeing the caller she sighed softly and left it on ring, but the caller was stubborn and kept on calling plus the ringing of the phone was getting on her nerves. Irritated she answered the call "hey Ella" she said with a deep scrowl on her face. Can't you see I don't want to talk to you? Gawwwd she swore lightly.

"You are one angry bird " Ella said ignoring the annoyance in her voice and still chirping away as usual.

Ayra closed her eyes, masssaged her temples she could feel a headache coming and prayed for patience.

"Ella whatsupp, what do you want? "

"I want my best friend back " she said simply.

"You are speaking with her currently".

"No that's not true, even from the greeting I called you multiple times before you picked up".

"Sorry, I was in the shower".

"You left me and went home even though you agreed to wait for me".

"Technical I didn't agree, you just assumed I would wait".

"You have been acting really strange and I didn't assume, we always go home together everyday".

"Well there is a first time for everything, just because we didn't go home together doesn't make us less friends".

"I hate it when you have a reply for everything and you are not even getting my angle" Ella cried in reply.

Ayra took a deep breath two people have accused her of not getting their own perception in the space of an hour. "Okay I get you Ella, sorry for leaving you behind today it's just I have a lot on my plate at the moment".

"I know and I appreciate your apology, I can sleep well now".

Ayra was about to reply with a witty remark when she heard a sound, listening closely she heard the sound again this time louder, it was as though something or someone was at her window.

"Ayra, ayra are you still there?" Ella screamed when she didn't reply.

"Yes jezze I'm sorry but can I call you back"?.

"Yes but is there any problem? "

"No, none that I can't handle good night Ella" she switched off the phone and was appalled when a soft ball bounced on her window.

Christ certainly a wide animal, she thought of getting help but decided against it Alice would totally ignore her and her mom hmm she had to do this herself, grabbing a hockey stick she advanced slowly and cautiously to her window that overlooked their environment.

Counting to three she took a deep breath and shoved the window open with force, and she saw her worst nightmare surprised as fuck she screamed loudly "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh."