Micheal On the other hand, Was gifted who didn't had any promblem Doing Meditation and Self Observation exercise, Micheal's Performance in this type of exercise was like he was born to do this type of Exercise. However, Even if Micheal got these practice easy but he hasn't decided that Denzel Has already decided which is on why do he want to Achieve Transcendence state with Denzel.
After a while, Micheal tries to feel the sensation of him existing, His emotions, his physical body, Micheal tries to capture all of these sensations at once but since this is his 1st time, Which causes Micheal to have a little promblem trying to capture these sensations.
Micheal tries to do this for a while, But he finds it hard to focus on Multiple things at once. After trying, Micheal stops trying and then sits quietly and starts to take deep Slow Breaths and starts to let go everything like tension, Anxiety and Even sorrow that he slightly have while focusing on his deep breaths.
After a while of Micheal focusing on his breaths, He starts to question himself as a Pure Observer and not Player. Micheal starts to question on "What he is doing with his life" while re-thinking all of his life up until now followed up with "Why is he doing on what he is doing in his life".
Micheal Waits for the response from His heart. Micheal then starts to let go the questions while focusing on his breath and trying to feel the sensation of the Air entering his lungs from nose and existing through mouth. Micheal does this type of Meditation for few Moments. As Micheal gets in deep state, Hw hears his heart say "I am trying to achieve because i want to help Denzel and Be his Best Friend".
Micheal then opens his eyes and takes a deep breath... "Alright then, I guess for now i am going to stick with this goal until i subconsciously find a new purpose" Micheal says while standing up. Micheal starts to take Deep Breaths After standing Up and after breathing, He starts to Focus on his environment and observe his feeling on how he feels while standing up.
Micheal starts to focus deeply on his emotions for a few minutes. As Micheal is focusing, He starts to find it easy to achieveable compre to few moments ago. Micheal starts to feel the feelings and starts to realize that as second passes by, He is getting into Deep relaxation.
As Micheal Gets in deep relaxation State, He starts to lose the touch with Physical Reality, As he loses his physical Senses he becomes more aware of his inner space then Physical. Micheal Starts to see a extremely blurry vision of landscape forming but Micheal decides to let it happen.
AFter Few Moments, Micheal Finds Himself in a Abandoned City which is destroyed, The City appears to be victim of a dangerous Apocalypse.
Micheal starts to Navigate the Abandoned city while trying to find any form or signal for Life form but it seems the city doesn't have any type of life that is left alive.
As Micheal starts to see navigate the Abandoned City, He quickly realizes the damage City has been caused is from a very deadly and dangerous Apocalypse. Micheal starts to become Cofnused on who/what could have caused this intense level of damage to city.
But there's no Response to Micheal's Shout. A Few Minutes Passes and Micheal's Sight goes to a Portal in Sky and a figure comes out of that portal. Figure then Lands on ground slowly and Stands right infront of Micheal. Micheal looks at Figure with Confused look.
"I see, You have Choosed the path of Spirituality then, Right" Figure says To Micheal, Which to response he says "Y-Yes, And who are you and i remember i was meditating, So how did i end up here?".
"Woah, Calm Down, They are alot of questions at once, But sure, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Your Higher Self who has manifested in this realm to guide you on your path, And for your second Question, This is the world of Lucid Dreaming and yes you were Meditating but You ended Up here is you did the right steps in the beginning that caused you here" Figure says with a smile.
"Oh For my name, You can call me the same name as yours because we both are same being with different purpose" Figure says to Micheal.
Micheal looks at Figure and says "I will call you Micheal 2, Then" which to Response Figure smiles and says "Do whatever you want"