Chereads / LET ME LOVE AGAIN / Chapter 18 - chapter 18- Assurance

Chapter 18 - chapter 18- Assurance

Cough !! Cough !!

Mrs Jonas fake cough sound was heard jolting the two back to reality. Kim face was as red as a tomatoes making Alex smile too.

Awwwn mom if you had not stopped then we might as well watch a live porn now- Reese said covering her eyes with one hand while the other hand kept videoing their tongue twisting moment. Kimberly felt so shy[ how could she moan so shamelessly in front of her family, and what is Alex doing to her mind] . Alex kept his attention on her, biting the inside of his cheeks for him not to laugh at her blushed face.

Okay now that you have proved it, I'm happy that my daughter finally has a boyfriend— her mom said only adding to her embarrassment.

Mom that's enough— Kim was so embarrassed she could never face Alex again,especially when she knows where her mom's conversations is heading to.

WHAT !! I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Alex, anyways Alex have I ever told you that Kim wasn't..... her words were cut off by Kim

Mom that's enough let's eat— Kim said getting irritated

Okay I'll spare you for now— mrs Jonas kept quiet but she wasn't letting this go, she needed to know about Alex's intention for her daughter god forbid that Alex turned out to be a man like her husband.


Resse pulled Kimberly in to her room for their girly discussion, leaving Alex and Mrs Jonas all alone in the living room.

Alex can I talk to you? —Mrs Jonas said to Alex but his time not with a smiling face but rather a serious one.

Sure— Alex replied, this has been on his mind ever since, the time when mrs Jonas would talk to him privately just like in movie series when the elder takes a person away to talk privately.

They both strode into a more quiet area, atmosphere was tensed, till mrs Jonas broke the silence

I'm sure you already know why I called you here—

I am not really sure mrs Jonas— Alex responded

Kimberly must have told you what happened between her father and I—mrs Jonas said staring sternly at Alex, of course he knew even without Kim telling him, but he was never gonna let her know that he investigated her daughter.

She did say that her dad left you all when she was still tender — Alex answered clueless, because he wanted to know more about his little tigress.

Mrs Jonas inhales and exhaled with closed eyes before speaking

When Joshua left me and my daughters, I watched my once childish Kimberly break, and there was nothing I could do about it, because I was an irresponsible mother, I watched my daughter turn into a little adult overnight, I watche my six year old daughter do the laundry, do The dishes, bathe and changed Reese nap pies and still cook while I sit there suffering from depression. As a mother I was supposed to comfort my kids but I just stayed there vey useless— mrs Jonas sighed as all the bad memories flowed back.

At that time, Kimberly's names was Sarah, you know she used to love it when her dad called her Sarah, but ever since he left she hated the name she wanted nothing that even reminds her of her father, it was hard seeing my once cheerful daughter grew hatred for the male gender and it became worse after she experienced her favorite female teacher and nanny both commit suicide, on different occasions because one the husband ran away with a mistrsss living her with a load of debt, and the other divorced his wife when he met a rich woman. I remember back then when my little Kimberly as a young teenager would say to me mom we do not need any man in my life because I promise to make a lot of money for you and Reese. My baby girl never smiled again.—mrs Jonas paused as tears filled her eyes, Alex could only imagine what a little girl went through, indeed she was justified to hate men. He was lost in thought when mrs Jonas continued

I remember her music dreams o being a big star, but yet she gave that up for her family,she learnt to cook for her family, she learnt computer and how to hack just to make money for her family to eat, she learnt martial arts to protect me and Reese. I feel like a worthless mother— mrs Jonah chuckled as she remembered an eleven year old girl enrolling in martial arts, while Alex remembered how his little tigress was able to break his guard nose only with a punch. He kept wondering why she was so strong but now he knew why.

My daughter Kimberly became a successful not for her self but to be able to fulfill her promise of making us live good, she did it for the sake of her family, she built this house for our sake, but now I am really tired. I am tired of my daughter trying to do things for her family while forgetting herself, I am tired of Kim neglecting her happiness for her family's happiness, all I want is for my daughter to smile she same way she used to do when she was little. I want Kim to be herself again and not the person her father turned her into. I have never seen Kim smile to anyone except her friends Rose and the late Kyle. Even her smile to them sometimes is once in a while, but this is the first time in many years that I have seen my daughter smile so genuinely even though she tries to hide it. I can see that she is really happy with you and this is the Kimberly I want to always see.— Alex eyes lit up as he heared mrs Jonas words, he was so happy that she trusted him with Kimberly.

Kimberly is new to this feelings and my daughter that I know would be scared to take this steps because of her ex boyfriend. But if you don't like her then pls leave I would not watch my dayghter get hurt again, do not be like her dad. So if you don't like her I think it's best you left now that she has not started having feelings for you. My daughter has gone through a lot and as a mother I would never want that for her again—— mrs Jonas said looking at Alex like a predator watching its prey guess it's mother's instinct.

Mrs Jonas, Kimberly might not know this, but I like her so much, I won't lie I am also new to this feelings, but then if I want to love anyone then I want that person to be Kim. I want to learn to love her, protect her,make her smile and no I would never be anything like her dad.sorry but mr Foster never knew the gem he lost in this family — Alex replied sincerely, but to mrs Jonas his words were the only assurance she needed to be sure that her daughter was in good hands.

After a while both of them went upstairs since it was already late mrs Jonas insisted that they stay till the next day.

Kimberly intentionally ran away into her room to avoid Alex. The memories of the kiss they shared made her embarrassed. But Alex saw her running from him and he found it cute, from the guest room he saw how she peeped if he was in the living room before running away. [how come his little tigress was running away from him like a little tigress]

Alex thought about all the words mrs Jonas told him before he took a shower, took his sleeping pills 💊before sleeping.