[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]
Thrid Person POV
Yi-Ti, 296 AC.
The capital called Tian-Quo (OC) finally appeared on the horizon before the Articans as they continued along the main road toward the city.
Jon looked toward the capital from atop Ghost, pausing for a moment, and the others did the same, stopping to observe from a distance. Although they weren't close enough to see much detail, Jon already had his eyes in the sky, gazing at the city below from his eagle. The city seemed well-constructed and adorned, with walls rising 20 meters high and the massive castle of the Shogun standing prominently at the center.
The group pressed on. It didn't take long for scouts to appear on the road, accompanied by a group of mounted men, most of whom wore samurai armor as they approached.
Jon stayed at the head of the group, flanked by two Yin samurai, while they conversed. Arya rode beside him on horseback, followed by a carriage carrying Daenerys and the ministers. The royal guards and the rest of the group trailed closely behind.
As the riders drew closer, they eyed the Articans cautiously and stopped at a safe distance. One of the samurai accompanying Jon stepped forward as the Artican king raised his hand, signaling his people to halt. The group waited as the Yin samurai initiated conversation with the newcomers.
"Lord Shiro Nai, it's good to see you here," the Yin samurai said to the man leading the arriving group.
"Lord Gai De Vin? So it was Kin'emon who sent you. And these are the Artican group?" Shiro replied, his greeting measured. He had long hair tied back and a long beard, appearing to be twice Jon's age. His gaze settled cautiously on Jon and his group, scrutinizing them.
Given the events of five days ago, it was clear that rumors had already reached the capital. Many on the road who had witnessed the battle from a distance had rushed to the city seeking protection after what they had seen, fearing what this group of Articans might do or wondering about their intentions.
The news was shocking: men of varying sizes—small, medium, and gigantic—had massacred a group of Mongols in the middle of a rice field in the central province. The battle was described with explosions and the screams of dying men filling the air.
Lord Gai De Vin's cautious gaze lingered on Jon more than anyone else, particularly as he sat astride his giant wolf. The creature, due to its size, had been regarded as a mythical beast since disembarking from the ship. Other wolves also accompanied the group, though none as large.
"Yes, that's us," Jon said, breaking the silence, addressing the man directly.
The samurai nodded and asked in a firm voice, "And you are the King of Artica?"
"Yes," Jon confirmed, repeating the title. "And are you here to escort us to the Shogun?"
The man hesitated momentarily but eventually nodded. "Yes. The Shogun wishes to meet you, but I will accompany you to the city gates. Please, follow me," he said, gesturing with his hand to indicate the path.
"Let's move," was Jon's only order. The group began marching again, with the Yi-Ti samurai closely escorting them at the front, speaking quietly among themselves.
As they marched, the Articans were closely observed by the samurai, while the nobles of Yin conversed with these men, recounting what they had witnessed and explaining what this group was capable of. They described how Jon and his forces had destroyed more than 10,000 Mongols while losing almost none of their own, as well as their powerful weapons.
The eyes of the Yi-Ti samurai followed them, filled with caution and respect as they studied Jon's giant wolf, the towering giants marching with the group, and the organized strength of the Articans. Their slow pace was due to the large numbers and Jon's preference not to exhaust the giants.
Thus, they continued onward for the next few hours. The roads were clear, as people avoided the group, keeping their distance for various reasons. Many, however, watched from afar, intrigued by the strange company traversing the lands of Yi-Ti.
Finally, they arrived at the city gates, where they were greeted by an even larger group of people, likely the guards of the capital. Men in samurai armor remained mounted on warhorses—at least thirty of them—while others in simpler armor, holding spears, bore the symbol of Yin.
But there was one man among them who stood out. He appeared to be the leader, wearing armor far more elaborate than anyone else's. Emblazoned on his chest was the symbol of the royal family, something Jon immediately recognized.
The samurai who had escorted them to the city gates approached the guards and began conversing. Soon, the man who seemed to be the leader stepped forward, passing by the others and addressing Jon directly, though his cautious gaze often flicked to the giant wolf Jon was riding.
"I am Commander Villon, leader of the Shogun's royal guard. I'm here to welcome you before your entry into the city," said the man, as other noble samurai around him watched Jon warily, studying him. This reaction was normal, and Jon was already accustomed to it.
Jon, hearing the man, shifted his gaze from the samurai to the commander in front of him. "Very well, Commander Villon. I'm here to negotiate with your Shogun, so I'd like to enter the city," Jon stated firmly.
The man nodded but seemed hesitant to accept Jon and his entire group. "You will have that right, but I ask that you do not bring all your men, aside from your personal guard, of course. We've heard rumors about you, and I hope you understand that we're being cautious after what happened..." the commander explained.
"But..." Arya, who was beside Jon, began to respond, but he interrupted her.
"That's not a problem, as long as I can bring my royal guard," Jon said calmly, understanding the situation.
Jon's guards, who were beginning to understand bits of the local language, didn't fully grasp the details of the conversation but caught on to Jon's intentions. They remained silent, allowing him to lead this initial exchange.
"Thank you for your understanding, foreign king," Villon replied.
"Then it's decided. Let's move. I want one of you to stay and organize the camp while I make my first visit to the leader of these lands," Jon said, turning to one of his royal guards.
Quickly, the group divided. Some samurai guided the royal guard Jon had designated to stay behind, while he issued orders to the Artican men to set up camp in an open area where they could pitch their tents during their time in the capital.
The group naturally attracted attention in the city, with the giants drawing the most curiosity, more than anything else. A large crowd began to gather to see them, but Jon pressed on, leaving the rest behind as he accompanied Commander Villon through the city gates.
Once inside, Jon observed the heart of the Empire. Yin was a rich and beautiful capital, but this city surpassed it. It was immense and lavishly decorated, one of the crown jewels of Yi-Ti.
People stared curiously at Jon and his group. Ghost had to be left behind when Jon decided to enter the city, to avoid scaring the locals too much. Although the rumor of a warrior riding a giant wolf was something they had anticipated, Jon rode Panis instead—his horse, which he had acquired years ago from a northern farm.
They continued walking through the city's main streets, and Jon couldn't help but notice the stark difference from Westeros's capital. Unlike the horrible stench of feces and open sewers in King's Landing, this place was surprisingly clean and fragrant.
This cleanliness was thanks to the sakura trees and other vegetation scattered throughout the city. The streets were clean and well-organized, with small streams running through the city. Though not as large as the rivers flowing through Artica, they were picturesque, leading to small ponds set aside as ornamental lakes. These ponds, home to dozens of koi carp of various colors, were maintained as a local hobby. Kin'emon had at least four such lakes on his property in Yin, but this city boasted these ponds in public spaces.
Moreover, though their presence wasn't entirely absent, Jon could see very few of them in the crowd surrounding them as they passed—quite different from what he was accustomed to in Westeros's capital.
"This people sees us as strangers…" Arya murmured beside him in the Common Tongue.
"It's natural... we are far too different from them…" Jon remarked, noticing the suspicious and curious gazes the crowd cast their way.
As they were observed, some whispered comments, calling them foreigners. It was expected; after all, the facial features of the local people were visibly distinct from those of the Articans. The inhabitants of Yi-Ti had slanted eyes and striking features, while the westerners had different facial structures. Even Jon, with his more square-shaped face, stood out.
The group continued through the streets for a while, moving across the city until the castle, already visible from afar, began to stand out even more. Its 20-meter-high walls surrounded the fortress, serving as a final line of defense in case the city was invaded.
The man leading them had said nothing the entire journey. He stayed ahead, shouting some words at the gate, which slowly opened with effort, revealing a richly maintained courtyard. The man motioned for them to follow, and they began passing through the gate.
In the courtyard, there were scattered ponds, streams, and small artificial waterfalls with bamboo systems that filled and poured water when heavy. Despite the beauty, Jon ignored the scenery, focusing instead on a group of 50 people waiting in front of the castle, a little further back from the courtyard, surrounded by over 100 guards for protection.
At the center of the group stood a man wearing a richly decorated robe and a long hat. He appeared to be in his forties and was clearly the central figure. Beside him stood a dark-haired woman dressed in an elegant blue gown adorned with sakura designs. It was evident they were the Shogun and the princess of Yi-Ti.
Among them were guards and nobles, many of whom Jon deduced to be leaders of the Empire's provinces. The man leading Jon dismounted first and approached the Shogun, bowing as he spoke a few words. Jon observed closely, noting that all eyes were on him—curious and cautious.
Then, surprising everyone, the Shogun stepped forward, moving away from the group. With a gentle yet firm tone, he spoke:
"Father…" the princess murmured.
"Do not worry about this, my daughter. I stand before a foreign monarch. It would not be right to treat him as a vassal," the great Shogun of Yi-Ti remarked, approaching Jon. He moved even further from the nobles and guards accompanying him as Jon dismounted his horse, followed by his men.
Jon also stepped forward, moving to the front of his group. He wasn't wearing his armor, seeing no need for it at the moment, but his eyes remained sharp, scanning everyone around for potential threats. Though he felt safe—having scouted the area thoroughly before entering the city—he didn't want to risk a repeat of the events in Volantis.
Meanwhile, the princess followed her father, staying close to him. Jon continued walking as he gestured for his men to wait, readying himself for his first meeting with the Shogun.
Jon stopped in front of the two, studying them for a moment, just as they were studying him carefully.
"You are Jon Artica, the king of the kingdom I've heard about in recent days—Artica, from the lands of the setting sun?" the man asked with curiosity.
"You are correct. And you are Kozuki Oden, the Shogun of the Yi-Ti Empire, a place I have heard of since I was a child in lands far away," Jon replied.
"You are correct," the Shogun acknowledged.
They fell silent for a moment, the two groups merely watching, unsure of what to do in the stillness that settled. The two leaders stared at each other with serious expressions, while the princess, standing beside her father, regarded the Artican king with an analytical gaze.
The silence was broken when the Shogun offered a small smile, and Jon responded in kind. As they stood there smiling at each other, the onlookers seemed a bit confused.
"Well, I probably shouldn't be smiling in such a grim situation, but I'm glad there's clearly a chance to change the state of this country standing before me, King of Artica. I'm pleased to see you here," the Shogun said, while Jon became more serious and nodded.
"Know your enemies, Shogun. I encountered quite a few on my way here," Jon remarked.
"Yes, I've heard. I wonder if what I've been told is true. They say you rode a giant wolf as you passed through the enemy ranks, leading your giants and devastating swathes of Mongols with every move," the Shogun replied.
"Rumors tend to exaggerate, Shogun Oden. But you could say we handled things in a manner similar to that," Jon responded.
"Please, call me Oden and use the suffix 'dono,' as in Oden-dono. We are here as equals, and even though you hail from foreign lands, I will treat you with the respect you deserve," the Shogun said. Jon nodded as the Shogun continued. "In any case, I would very much like to see your wolf, if we get the chance. But we'll have plenty of time for that. For now… welcome to Tian-Quo, the capital of Yi-Ti, Jon-dono, if I may call you that," he said.
Jon maintained a calm expression before responding. "That's fine. You may call me that, Oden-dono," Jon replied in kind.
The Shogun nodded in approval, and Jon continued. "Thank you for your hospitality. I must say, the city is very beautiful. It's the second most beautiful I've seen in my life. After my kingdom, Artica, of course," Jon said, prompting the Shogun to smile.
"Ah, Artica, your kingdom on the other side of the world… I'd very much like to hear it described by you. But for now, let us continue with introductions," Oden said, placing a hand on his daughter's back. "Let me introduce my daughter, Kozuki Hiyori, the princess of Yi-Ti," he said, gesturing to the young woman.
Jon turned his attention to her. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Hiyori," Jon greeted, as the princess stepped forward.
With a graceful gesture, Princess Hiyori offered a slight bow to King Jon. Her gaze fixed on him, her thoughts almost escaping her lips as she studied the King of Artica, though her demeanor was respectful. Clearly, she was analyzing him as she spoke.
"It's an honor to meet you, Jon-dono. We've heard much about the Articans and their deeds before your arrival," said Kozuki Hiyori, her voice delicate yet full of confidence befitting her position.
"I appreciate your words. Now, it's time for me to introduce my family," Jon said as Arya stepped forward, with Daenerys already approaching from the carriage.
"This is Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, princesses of Artica," Jon announced, and both greeted the Shogun and his daughter.
"It's an honor to meet you both. Truly, you are Jade Flowers," Oden remarked, complimenting their beauty before turning back to Jon. "I've heard you have two wives and a son who stayed behind on the ships in Yin. I'm sorry to have taken you away from your family, Jon-dono," he said.
"It's all right. I'm here for business. I actually have three wives—one stayed in Artica, caring for my first two children, while two are in Yin, each carrying one of my children. But that's not important right now; they are safe and well," Jon replied confidently, assured that his animals were keeping watch over them. He could even enter the mind of one of the younger dragons, though their youth limited what he could do.
"I see. Then come with me. Let's meet everyone who is eager to hear your proposals for Yi-Ti. When I heard you brought a significant amount of food and other goods to Yin, even from beyond the ice, we became very interested," Oden said.
"Yes... don't worry, ice is one of our main commodities, so we are ready to negotiate it as well," Jon said, signaling for his men to follow them.
The Shogun led them toward the other group.
"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Arya suddenly asked in the Common Tongue, speaking to Daenerys, who turned to look at her. "That princess is looking at Jon in a suspicious way... I don't like it," Arya murmured. Indeed, Princess Hiyori maintained a composed expression, but if one paid attention, her eyes were fixed on Jon.
Jon, however, paid no attention to this as he followed the Shogun to the group. The Shogun began introducing his men, one by one, to Jon—the provincial leaders—each of whom Jon greeted in turn. He also introduced his ministers, who would participate in the negotiations.
Finally, the Shogun introduced the last man to Jon.
"This is Lord Kurozumi Orochi, the samurai leader of the Northern Province. He has been instrumental in creating a strong barrier to prevent the enemies from advancing in that region," the Shogun said confidently.
Orochi stepped forward and spoke in the local language. "It is an honor to meet you, King of Artica. You certainly live up to the aura the rumors describe."
He praised Jon, who nodded calmly.
But unlike the other provincial leaders—most of whom Jon regarded as inept in the face of the war raging in Yi-Ti—this particular man caught his attention. Orochi was the traitor, the one who had leaked critical information to the enemy, greatly aiding their efforts.
The fall of the prince and other tragic events had been the result of Orochi's sabotage. He had been conspiring against the Yi-Ti Empire since the invasion began.
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