Chapter 190 - Chapter 190 - Yin 02.

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Yi-Ti, 296 AC.


"You ended up on this side of the world... curious..." Jon remarked, looking at the man. He was surprised to see a Lannister. Though he didn't know the man's story and didn't like that family one bit, Jon wasn't one to go chopping off heads just for sharing their blood.

"Yes... I came here on a mission, but it ran into some... complications," the man replied.

"And you ended up here..." Jon commented.

"Yes... I've lived here for years," he said.

"You speak as if you can't go back. I imagine there aren't direct ships to Westeros, but that doesn't mean you couldn't travel port to port..." Jon said.

"Yes... but I owe a debt to the man who saved me and brought me to this city. And I also have some personal matters to attend to..." he explained, pointing directly at the samurai who had introduced him to Jon.

"I see," Jon replied, eyeing the man with curiosity. The man smiled before continuing.

"Either way, I was surprised when fifty ships from Westeros docked in the harbor. Nothing like that has ever been seen in Yi-Ti's history. You are certainly skilled navigators, especially given Yi-Ti's situation," the man said with a friendly tone, still smiling.

"We encountered some storms and had to deal with a few pirates, but nothing too difficult," Jon responded calmly.

"That's truly incredible. When Western merchants manage to reach here, it's usually in much smaller numbers. Nothing in history compares to a fleet of that size. I heard your ships are loaded with goods, and that you're meeting with the Shogun," the man said.

"Yes. I'm looking to establish trade with this side of the world," Jon explained.

"How is that even possible? I've never heard of your kingdom. It's as if you came out of nowhere," Gerion said, scrutinizing Jon closely.

It was clear he hadn't been in Westeros when Jon began building his kingdom. Even so, it had taken years for the continent to learn of Artica's existence.

"When did you leave Westeros?" Jon asked, while his guards and even the nearby samurai listened silently. No one dared to interrupt since they were speaking in the Common Tongue.

"One year after the Greyjoy Rebellion," Gerion replied.

Jon raised an eyebrow. That was a year before he himself had left Winterfell. Theon had arrived two years before Jon had departed.

"I see... Well, my situation was a bit complicated to explain back when you left Westeros. Anyway, I was known as Jon Snow, Ned Stark's bastard son. Beside me is Arya Stark," Jon revealed his original identity, leaving Gerion stunned.

"I see... I heard Eddard Stark had a bastard after the war, but I never imagined meeting him like this..." Gerion said. Then, looking at Jon curiously, he let out a small laugh. "By the way, where is this Artica? Did you conquer a kingdom in Westeros or something? And how does a boy—what are you, 17?—call himself king of this Artica?" he continued, chuckling, perhaps nervously.

"..." Jon studied him to see if he was mocking him, but the man seemed to have that kind of personality. Jon sensed no malice from the Lannister. "Well, that would be a long story. I believe we can discuss it later, but I'd like you to help my men learn the local language and act as a guide. Are you available for that?" Jon asked, wanting to change the subject and focus on other matters with the city's lord.

"No problem at all, King of Artica," Gerion responded with a smile. Arya, standing beside Jon, raised an eyebrow at how easily he laughed. Perhaps that was why he was called the "Laughing Lion."

"Great. Take our friend to the ships. I want him to assist the ministers in learning and developing the local language," Jon ordered the guards. Gerion said his goodbyes and left, escorted by some of Artica's royal guards.

Jon then returned to Kin'emon, who had been standing nearby, quietly observing the conversation in another language. "Well, as I mentioned, we can postpone the sword fight until tomorrow. I'd like to discuss some trade matters with you, if you're available," Jon suggested.

"That's no trouble at all, King of Artica. How about I accompany you around the city? I'm sure you're curious to see how Yi-Ti functions. Your pregnant wife can remain with mine while I show you around," Kin'emon offered.

"That's more than fine with me," Jon agreed, glancing at Arya. "Do you want to come too?" he asked.

"Yes," Arya replied. Although she was interested in the sword fight, she still wanted to accompany Jon.

Jon quickly spoke with Ygritte, telling her he'd return for her later, and the group set off. Kin'emon mounted a horse alongside Jon, Arya, the royal guards of Artica, and a few samurai with their retainers. Together, they passed through the city gates, moving forward to explore the city.

The group rode through streets paved with stone, paying close attention to the intricate decorations surrounding them.

"You certainly seem to love jade, don't you..." Jon commented, observing the goods adorned with green stones, particularly statues, displayed by the merchants.

The locals attempted to sell their wares as the group passed, showing respect to the city's lord while casting curious glances at Jon and his companions.

Merchants continued shouting their offers in the bustling market, while the scents of spices, incense, and exotic fruits filled the air as they rode through.

"Life here is very lively..." Jon remarked, pulling the reins of his horse as he observed a square. A fountain, richly decorated in Yi-Ti style, stood in its center, surrounded by children playing while adults bartered or carried baskets of fresh produce.

"This is the Lotus Square," Kin'emon explained beside Jon. "It's where many of the humbler merchants sell their goods. Yin is the largest city in the empire when it comes to ports scattered across Yi-Ti. We supply all parts of the empire through the trade that originates here, famous for our spices, silks, and jade."

"Where do you get your jade?" Jon asked. He had never taken an interest in precious stones from the other side of the world, but now that he was in Yin, his curiosity had been piqued.

"Yi-Ti, besides being fertile, is also mountainous. We have rich jade deposits in the mountains, underground, or in riverbeds," Kin'emon explained.

"Interesting..." Jon said, already thinking about purchasing some of the stone later, but decided to leave that for another time.

"Your fabrics seem very different from what we have in the West," Jon said, noticing a man selling a variety of textiles and bowing his head to them.

"Our silk is fine, yet well-crafted and reinforced," Kin'emon explained.

Jon nodded and turned to Arya, who appeared to be admiring the fabric. "If you want to buy it, go ahead," Jon said, seeing her surprised expression before she nodded.

Arya was very feminine when she wasn't fighting. Perhaps Lady Stark's and Septa Mordane's complaints about her behavior back in Winterfell had been due to the pressure they placed on her. Now that she had left Winterfell with Jon, Arya seemed freer to express herself.

Jon watched as Arya carefully chose a fabric, speaking in the local language to the vendor while the royal guards stood protectively around her. He couldn't help but notice a different tone in how he looked at her. Arya had turned 13 during the journey and would soon be 14. She was truly becoming a very beautiful young woman, catching the attention of everyone around.

"Jade Flower?" Jon murmured as he overheard the merchant's wife offering something to Arya and calling her that as she tried on a dress.

"Like our jade stone, which is the most precious gem in Yi-Ti, associated with purity, elegance, and value. Our princess is regarded in the same way; it's how we view someone of extraordinary beauty," Kin'emon explained.

"I see. I still don't know the name of the royal family. Could you enlighten me?" Jon asked while watching Arya delicately pick some fabrics, clearly appreciating the unique designs. Some even depicted mountains and bonsai-like trees, things rarely seen in Westeros.

"Of course. The imperial family is the Kozuki family. Our Shogun is Kozuki Oden, his eldest son and heir is called Kozuki Momonosuke, and the princess's name is Kozuki Hiyori," Kin'emon explained. Jon couldn't help but feel a strange weight upon hearing Momonosuke's name.

"I see. Is the Empress not alive?" Jon asked.

"No, Empress Toki passed away more than five years ago. The Emperor never remarried, as he didn't want to risk a conflict over the throne for his son. While we value ethics, honor, and morality, there are still many among us who hunger for power..." Kin'emon said.

"Almost everyone does..." Jon retorted, surprised to hear some of the unexpected things Kin'emon mentioned.

'There must have been betrayals among the most influential people in the country...' Jon thought.

When Jon returned to Arya, she no longer appeared to be indulging her femininity. She was now standing in front of a weapon shop filled with short swords, longswords, and spears. Their blades were etched with local symbols. The vendor, wary of the royal guards, demonstrated the power of a katana by slicing a log in two with a single strike.

Jon couldn't help but smile at Arya as she watched, her curiosity evident. He took a few steps closer to her on his horse.

"Are you already abandoning Dark Sister?" Jon teased.

"Of course not!" Arya shot back.

"Then let's move on," Jon suggested. She nodded, deciding not to buy anything, though she had already piled a large amount of fabric onto a royal guard, who would have to carry it all back to the ship.

The group continued through the bustling streets of the market. Jon grew interested when he noticed an elderly woman selling a variety of items, including drinks, bonsai trees, and other plants.

"Lord Kin'emon!" the woman exclaimed upon seeing the city lord, quickly bowing.

"Rise," Kin'emon said simply, noticing Jon's interest in her shop.

"Traveler..." she murmured, unsure of how to address him.

"King of Artica and a special guest," Kin'emon explained, watching as Jon dismounted his horse to examine the woman's wares.

"It's fine," Jon said. He didn't want anything formal; it was refreshing to walk through a city without constantly hearing people calling him a king or Azor Ahai. He enjoyed being in a place where no one revered him.

Jon examined the neatly arranged shelves, filled with small packets of tea. Nearby were different types of dried leaves, each with its own distinct aroma.

"Welcome to my shop... King of Artica..." the woman said, bowing slightly after Kin'emon introduced him. "Would you like to try the Jade Moon Tea? It is the rarest in Yi-Ti."

Jon looked at the woman. "What makes it so rare?" he asked, glancing at the tea she had pointed out.

"The plant only grows in the mountain fields to the east, and it's harvested once a year under the full moon. They say each sip brings strength and clarity," the woman explained with a smile.

"That's interesting," Jon murmured, examining the leaves and the small packet ready to be brewed in hot water. "I want you to buy out the entire shop," Jon said to one of his guards, who nodded at the order. The woman, puzzled by Jon's use of the Common Tongue, stood frozen.

"He said he's buying everything," Arya translated, as the woman froze in shock and Kin'emon smiled. He wasn't impressed, knowing Jon was exceedingly wealthy and would be bringing much gold to Yi-Ti, but he was slightly surprised by the Artican king's interest.

The woman began to smile. "Thank you, King of Artica... It's so wonderful to receive such a generous foreigner. May the tea bring luck to your journey."

"Thank you," Jon replied, watching as his men began collecting all the tea while ensuring she didn't overcharge. Leaving a few of his men to finish the task, Jon continued walking with Kin'emon through the streets.

"Your people are truly fascinating..." Jon commented as they passed more shops. At the fish market, Jon repeated the same process as with the tea, buying out several stalls due to the exotic local fish. He had never tasted them before; while they had caught some in the Jade Sea upon arrival, the supply was limited, and Serume couldn't simply hunt and deliver fish to Jon with its tentacles.

"Yes..." Kin'emon nodded. "The people of Yi-Ti value balance. They work hard but always find time to celebrate life. Still, this doesn't fully show the city's true character... These are difficult times, and yet the people strive to maintain their hospitality," he said. The city seemed calm compared to what it had been before the invasion, which surprised Jon.

As they conversed, a group of children approached, their wide eyes filled with curiosity as they stared at the foreigners.

"Where are the giants?!" they exclaimed. They had expected to see the giants, but those were back at the port or in the city lord's castle, as they couldn't easily move through the crowded streets, especially with Ygritte staying there.

"Come here," Jon called to one of the children. The boy cautiously stepped forward, watching Jon as he smiled warmly.

"There aren't any giants here, but you can see them on the ships at the port. Have you ever seen a direwolf?" Jon asked. The boy looked at him skeptically. He was about the same age Jon had been when he left Winterfell, and despite his distinctly Yi-Ti appearance, Jon could see himself in the child—a boy who found small joys in his curiosities during his own childhood at Winterfell.

"No..." the boy murmured, his eyes fixed on Jon with a mix of suspicion and wonder.

"Then go to the port tomorrow morning. I'll be riding my direwolf then. Here, he looks like this." Jon pulled a small silver wolf emblem from his pocket. Handing it to a nearby guard, he had the man pass it to the child since Jon hadn't dismounted. The boy examined the object with a mix of curiosity and confusion, then smiled shyly before running back to his group of friends.

Kin'emon watched the interaction with a smile. "A direwolf?" he asked, clearly unfamiliar with the term, though he noted something else. "You have a way with people. That's a good quality in a leader."

Jon smiled back, his gaze sweeping over the city around him. "I have to have that quality—and others—otherwise, I wouldn't deserve to be called King of Artica. After all, we are the most powerful people in the world," Jon said with a grin.

"Bold words, King of Artica," Kin'emon remarked.

"Perhaps, but it's what I believe," Jon replied.

"You mentioned other qualities. May I ask what those are?" Kin'emon inquired, while the samurai nearby cast slightly suspicious glances at Jon. However, their respect for him had grown after what they had seen in the training yard. Despite initial doubts, Jon's approachable demeanor and his consistent honor in keeping his word had earned their admiration.

"I've set certain criteria for what a king of Artica must embody. It spares the kingdom a lot of trouble. A king must be both an inspiring leader and an effective ruler. He must be as just as he is shrewd and politically astute. He must be both a warrior and a general. And, lastly—but no less important—he must be an eloquent speaker, able to address thousands as an orator or negotiate and trade with a small group. Only someone with these qualities is fit to govern Artica," Jon explained, outlining the principles of his kingdom.

"..." Kin'emon remained silent for a moment, contemplating Jon's words before turning back to him with a broad smile. "That's certainly very interesting. The more I get to know you, the more I like you," he admitted with an open smile.

Jon continued walking through the city. They left the bustling market area and entered the wealthier district, where jewelry shops lined the streets. Jon decided to buy some jade jewelry to gift his group of women. Arya received a necklace, and though she didn't refuse, she seemed genuinely awed by the golden necklace adorned with jade.

Jon also accompanied her into a weapon shop, one with finely crafted arms. According to Kin'emon, the shop belonged to the finest blacksmith in Yin, perhaps even the entire southern region.

Jon ended up purchasing many of the weapons, mentioning that he was beginning to build a collection of weapons from all over the world. Arya accompanied him, while his royal guards started using carts to carry the items they had bought.

"I think with this, we can head back," Kin'emon suggested, having shown them a good part of the city.

"Alright, let's return to your mansion so I can pick up my wife," Jon said.

Kin'emon nodded, and they returned to the city lord's mansion. There, they found Ygritte deep in conversation with Kin'emon's wife about paintings. The two women shared a common hobby, exchanging experiences while admiring the Yi-Ti woman's gallery.

In the end, Jon bid farewell to Kin'emon's family as he began his return to the ship with the goods they had purchased. He wondered how the Lannister was faring in his task.

Jon couldn't see it now, but he would be surprised later. Gerion was in a tense moment, his usual easy smile gone as he listened to accounts of what had transpired in Westeros. He learned that his nephew had been taken hostage by the Articans, his older brother forced to bow his head, and that they had lost their most formidable enforcer in a failed attempt at retaliation.

Gerion couldn't comprehend just how dangerous this group before him truly was. To him, his eldest brother had always seemed invincible.


Raccoon Here:

I wanted to try creating an atmosphere of what a city in Yi-Ti would be like. I hope I didn't fail at that...


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