Once there was a maiden. She was a carefree soul, atleast that's what she showed to others. But deep within she had so many cracks in her heart. It hurt her all the time but showing it, would mean asking for attention. So, she hid it, she hid and hid it until one day she let go. As expected, the whole village thought she was weird and avoided her. She didn't know what to do but then, one day, the sun prince talked with her. The two of them got close and eventually she fell for him.
She couldn't hold it in anymore and told him of her love. He reciprocated her feelings but little did she know that the, night prince too was pursuing her. The two of them kept on constantly fighting for her affection. She couldn't choose between them since, the night prince was the one whom she loved unconditionally. No matter how worse it got in her life, night was the one she found peace in but day, he was the sunshine in her life.
He was someone whom she had learned to live so much to the point that she was ready to loose her life. But, then amongst the confusion came the noon prince. He was balanced since, neither he was too cold like the night nor too bright like the day. He was just neutral and not too perfect. But that's what she liked about him. He was not the epitome of perfection and had equal amount of flaws. But even with those faults, he loved her...