The heavenly beasts stood in silence while their jaws dropped. It's a little funny seeing like that making even Alex laugh. He is not against it, Alex in his previous life dreamed of riding dragons not to mention they're all divine beasts and some of them are very pretty and fluffy.
He shot out his arms to touch them but they're too far and Eleanor seeing him chuckled and goes near the beasts. Alex first touched the tailed fox, he grabbed it's fur and leaned on the fox giglling.
Raphael took out a crystal and took the photo. It's a special crystal wutj the propose like camera. From the birth of Alex to till today Raphael is using the crystal take the photos of Alex.
Alex is enjoying touching and riding the divine beasts around while Eleanor is following to make sure he won't fell from the beasts. She is happy seeing Alex smiling and giggling.
In the bed as the gods asked the divine beasts signed a contract while the twelve tailed fox is selected as the guardian for now. The fox changed into her humanoid form and greeted Alex surprising him.
After enjoying the time in divine realm when it's tike for him to go back Eleanor gave Alex a letter to give this to Leno. When Alex suddenly appeared in his room there is his mother waiting for him. She saw the envelope Alex's hand while Alex said," lettev, to mother fwom mom in divine wealm".
His words are still like child who is starting talk. Leno chuckled and took the letter while a little cat suddenly appeared beside Alex. It rubbed it's against Alex while he grabbed it to play with the cat.
Leno who read the letter looked at the cat with wide eyes. It's a twelve taileed fox that the tailed fox clan worships. A divine beast, this beast formed a contract with Alex and comes down to follow and protect him all the time and as a pet.
Leno don't know what to say, she just gazed at Alex who is playing with the cat and sighed. Alex became sleepy and slept while holding the cat. The cat also increased its size to accompany him.
On the other hand Raphael who returned to the hell realm looked at the gathered seven hell lords. He looked them seriously and said," I have something very important to tell you. You all have a new prince".
The hell lords are surprised then asked," your majesty, the child we saw today is he the prince?", Raphael nodded with a serious expression while the hell lords cheered," great, this calls for a celebration. The prince of hell is born".
The hell lords cheered while the demons behind him also shouted in happiness. Raphael is rubbing his brows contemplating what to say. He just sighed and thought about the power Alex is holding how.
The power of both life and death is very hard to manage, Alex has unlocked the power of death within him. Though it's not complete but it's still power of death. Travelling to the hell dimension is an authority given to him by the power of death along with harvest of death.
Raphael is thinking if suddenly his son will pop up in hell and then wander around without knowing. The demons here will show no mercy if they thought he is a sinned mortal they'll attack him and drag him to the court which he don't want.
So he revealed the information of Alex to the hell dimension, though he confined not to be passed through to the mortal realm. Leno on the other hand told leonard what happened and they sighed looking at Alex who is sleeping leaning on the cat.
The king and queen are now taking measures for their son's 1st Birthday celebrations. Before that they needs to visit the church to meet the gods once again, while thinking they heard a rumbling noise it's from Alex who just woke up and looked at his mother who chuckled and gave him the milk bottle to drink.
Alex drank the milk while thinking," it tastes bland", but he didn't stop drinking as he is very hungry.