The Generals meet up to talk about the last occurrences...
General Cai simply massages his head, now constantly pained by migraines due to a certain someone, while General Wu yells from the other side of the tend.
General Tian barely even expresses his opinion, understanding that it is not wanted nor needed with the situation at hand... Meanwhile General Lui have been completely left out from the meeting in fear he might not keep a clear mind.
-We keep writing letters over letters to the Palace, what are we?! Generals or Maidens in love?!- starts to lose his patience General Cai
-Every single movement shall be reported to our Nation's core... Even more when it's something of this importance, regarding a dubious person too! Are you perhaps opposed to that?- replies the other
-I feel like all we do recently is talk and write, where is the war? Where is the glory?- he sighs in disappointment -We're currently waiting for a reply from "Our Nation's core", let's see what they tell us regarding the previous matter and solve once things at a time... If things go as I fear, we might go and tell them the rest for ourselves-
General Tian throws him a worries stare -What? Don't tell me you haven't thought about it, Xuwen- asks General Cai -We will obviously be called back, well at least me and my men. Maybe Luo will make his way back with us too, hopefully you can stay here and hold the lines for us-
The other man just nods in silence, without the need to say it out loud they all know what's going to happen... She will be called back for trial and the same goes for the man who supported her, which is none other than General Cai. Tian XuWen knows how tricky it is to be an ally of that woman, he risked too much himself and had to take a step back since he wasn't up for the challenge... But he's confident that with his resolution, Cai Lao, will manage to shoulder the consequences and come out of this without a scratch.
Today I try to leave the tend during the day, I don't know how the men sees me as of now... But I'm tired of bowing my head in front of such ungrateful peoples, the only ones who I should kneel to and beg for forgiveness are already dead.
As I walk around I notice a bit of a commotion and observe the small crowd from a certain distance, at the center I see Xu Lei and Zhou along with a couple of other men.
-I really don't understand why you trust her so much... You keep sprouting nonsense- says one shaking his head, I widen my eyes... "What are those two doing?" I wonder
Zhou tightens his fists but doesn't reply, Xu Lei tho is of a different idea -How can you turn your back to someone who sacrificed so much for us?- -Sacrificed what exactly if not our own lives?!- he stops him with a yell
-She's been fighting for all of us and...- -WE are ALL fighting for eachother, she's no better than any of us- he growls angrily
Zhou turns around and places an hand on Xu Lei's shoulder -Stop wasting your breath with these men, they just want to cause trouble for fun- but Xu Lei can't let go apparently
"Xu Lei... Why are you even taking my side at this point...?" I think
-She's your Tongjun, show some respect at least for her responsibilities- the man scoffs -Ah, Tongjun? Her?! Don't make me laugh! As if an unapproved promotion have any value... That General is an idiot for giving her so much power, she probably bewitched his mind-
My hand unconsciously travels toward my sword and my fingers wraps around the hilt. I can accept the disrespect for me, I deserve it, but General Cai? No.
-You...!- Xu Lei is at a loss of words, he can't believe how nothing loyalty means to these men, how ungrateful they can be. But Zhou is quicker than him and turns around, landing a punch right onto on of the men's nose.
At that I'm ready to charge forward but a hand covers mine on the sword and stops me -Don't go. What use can it be? Going there and using your rank or your powers to scared them away won't do you any good, it will only make them lose even more trust in you-
Qin Luo's voice comes into my ears and calms me down immediately -Sadly, you're right... But I just want to help them, they don't have to bear the hate that should be directed to me only- he shakes his head and drags me away -You need to be patient, just observe and don't act if you want the men to still trust you in the future... But if you really plan on being a deserter and work alone, be my guest-
At that, my once tight grips loosens... Still afraid that I won't make it all on my own -Nevermind, let's go-.
As the fight is about to erupt, a strong hand stops the punch from one of the bad mouthers. It envelopes the man's fingers and presses enough to threaten him... His green eyes, looking into his soul.
-What is this? A fight among men of the same army? Should I report it?- he smirks -You're a man of Wu! Stay out of this-
-Out of... What, excatly?- the squints his eyes and the other man gets flustered -We're just talking- replies the man nervous
-Oh yeah I heard that all, you were mocking your superiors and even called them idiots... Along with starting a crowd to ridicule and attack some fellows of yours, not a really good report it would be... Especially if we take into account about how my General has a peculiar "affection" toward your Army-
The man starts sweating, afraid of the consequences once facing a stronger opponent than him -Y y you... You don't like that woman either, so why are you defending her?!-
Dong Hu tilts his head -Who said I don't? She's a worthy soldier in my opinion, I don't like her nor hate her...- he shrugs his shoulders -Her only flaw, if we can call such pure impartiality a flaw, is that she doesn't care who's in front of her. She only cares about ending the war and save the people, all these chit chats are as much as an obstacle as an enemy to her... Stirring strife between the ranks and exposing us to even more damage, we can all agree to that.
If she saw us as obstacles for peace, she would stile us all... Surely I wouldn't want to provoke her if I were any less strong than I am. But do tell me, are you up for the challenge if it came down to facing her? Became to me this... Is pretty much an obstacle- he slightly bends forward
The man takes a step back, revaluating his options... How the man has put it really pictures him as the bad guy in this situation -It's... Just, us sharing our opinions... I'm not trying to cause distrust between the men- Dong Hu straightens up and his menacing expression turns into a smile -Yeah, I guess as much- he says and then leaves.
Xu Lei and Zhou looks at eachother with a puzzled expression but eventually decide to leave too, not wanting to cause any more trouble in her name.