I tie my belt tighter than usual, looking in the mirror of the tend with a twisted expression
-What's wrong?- looks at me Qin Luo worried
-I lost weight again- I sigh -Not much to compromise my strength but it's still noticable...-
Qin Luo cleanch his teeth worried -Let's just hope this war end soon. The commoners will end up being walking bones if this keep on going-
-I know...-
I sigh with him as the unsaid words linger in the air
"There's not enough food for everyone... The soldiers will get weaker and weaker...
Many men will die during this winter... Many innocent poor familes, children and elders..."
If even us, who are some of the people teared with more regards, can feel the muscles getting dryer and the skin thinner... Even more do the normal people
-Are you ready?- I change topic moving away my gaze from the tight belt
-Yes, and you?- he turns to face me as I only nod in response
-Lai'Er...- he reaches out, passing an arm over my shoulders
-Remember, we are into this together... Ask for help if you need, and if things get bad don't take it all on you-
-Mhn, it's not a too risky battle anyway today-
-Don't say that, every time we go out there it's a risk.
Every breath could be our last one and every word too... That's why we shall work together for the best outcome-
I look away... I know he's right but it's difficult to believe him, maybe it's my ego or maybe I'm selfish, but I find it really difficult to give out my work to others... Not when I can do it better than them
-Stop with that stare, I know what you are thinking-
-Come here- he chuckles, dragging me into his arms for a warm hug, I never noticed how good his skin smells...
Like a flowery candle burning by a table at night.
It's very shooting and relaxing, leading me to close my eyes and hug him back
-If we succeed, we succeed together...- He says stopping midway with a deep breath
-If we fail, we fail together- I finish the sentence for him with one last reassuring squeeze before parting
-Yeah... That's right, now let's get to our position and end this quickly-
I reach my squadron, waiting all lined, with my horse's reins in one hand and an helmet in the other.
I notice some of the men murmuring with worried faces
-Is something the metter?-
A few younger ones stare at me with dark expressions, while the others go silent
-Uhm Miss...- approach the youngest, my "assistant" -The men were just talking about today's battle... We heard some voices and we got worried but I'm sure Miss will lead us amazingly-
-Which kind of voices?-
-Uhm...- he looks around twisting his hands -Just rumors Miss-
-Don't worry, I won't punish anyone for having overheard on the General's tend- I smile at the now blushing man
-I I It's not like that...! We... Uhm... The rumors are about a... Trap?-
"I knew where this was going" I take a breath with closed eyes
-Soldiers... Listen closely- I rise my voice trying to be heard by all the men
-Today's Battle is indeed an unsecure one but fear not, we will come out Victorious-
-Excuse my rudeness, but how?- ask a man on the second row -It's quite obvious where we are going and what's about to happen-
-Oh really? Then tell me... Where are we going?- I ask leaning the back of my hand over my hip
-What...? To a Valley, everyone knows that...?- he asks confused
-Who ever told you so? Surely not me- I wear my helmet before mounting the horse -And it's me who make the rules now, Ah!-
I depart starting to ride as a few men looks at eachother with wide open mouths
-Is she doing it again...?-
-That woman is crazy-
-She's amazing! Let's go!-
We reach the Armada, along with Qin Luo, as the last squadrons.. Earning a quick scolding stare from our General.
We end up being in the back of the whole group, exactly as we planned, finally departing.
While marching my assistant approaches me with his horse
-Miss... So... Uhm... What are we actually gonna do out there?-
-Take a different path, If I can call it that-
-To where? Attack those trying to trap us?-
My eyes quickly fall on Qin Luo, riding with his chin risen a few meters from us
-That won't be our role in this battle... We will destroy the enemy provisory base and wipe away any possibility for them to stand up again after this battle-
-But we don't know where it is... We don't, right...?- he asks uncertain of the answer
-I do-
-But...! Then why didn't you said so to the Generals?!-
-Would that have made any difference? I'm sure you know how much unwanted I am in this Armada...
And even if I were to be listened to, moving all these men to their base would have been useless since most of the enemies Troupes are out on the battlefield and need to be taken care of...
A good battle is never done by either full attack or defense, remember this for the future-
-That's... True, you are right Miss- he sighs looking around him
-By the way... Sorry if I'm intruding and if it's not the right time, but I wanted to ask since a while now... That man... The other Liutenant, are you really close?-
I look at him with the tail of my eye, rising an eyebrow -Get to the point, Nan-
-I came to understand you planned this together right...? And that time you didn't made return he was extremely anxious, plus you both seems very close so I was wondering if maybe... Uhm...- he bites on his bottom lips, not wanting to spoke those words out loud
I chuckle at his blushing face -No, nothing, don't worry you can speak freely with me... I'm here for the war and you are all my comrades, he just happens to be a friend of my brother-
-Oh... I see, I I'm sorry Miss- He studders
-I'm not going to act irrationally, if this is what you are wondering... I'm extremely focused and impartial-
-Oh no! I wasn't doubting you Miss!-
I feel Qin Luo's gaze on us, looking confused and I shrug my shoulders smiling
And the marching proceed...