Wilkins felt his armor's radar scan reach 5 kilometers, rendering a simulated 3D image of the surrounding terrain that could switch between terrain and planar modes. Far exceeding the basic two-dimensional phased array systems. In combat, they could utilize early warning network nodes for 50 kilometer radius high definition 3D scans. Their commanders could even access orbital satellites for real-time views of the entire planet.
Of course, to avoid reliance on the early warning systems, each squad carried specialized signal enhancers operated by communications technicians. Thus, they usually could ensure 20 kilometers of 3D scans - enough to meet the dispersed small-scale conflict characteristics of modern ground warfare.
Hearing Nova's news, Rex's face turned pale. He quickly tried to contact headquarters, but communications were interrupted by severe interference. Their space forces must have already fallen!
His rugged features were shrouded in a solemn atmosphere. "It looks like our space forces have collapsed. Let's get out of here quickly - once we leave this area we will regroup."
The team members' faces were ghastly. Faro said steadily, "Our long-range sensors were interfered with today. Wandering blindly, we may encounter enemy patrols. Once engaged and slowed down, we will have nowhere to escape."
Rex nodded, "Right, we'd better take advantage of the terrain here, first suppress the squad behind, then retreat to higher ground, resupply, and the odds will be much better."
"Understood!" Nova, Wilkins and Faro reacted intelligently, determined to enhance their equipment.
Rex checked the 3D image - nine red dots, just half a mile away. "Perfect. This canyon stretches two hundred miles and we will defend far away, we must eliminate those nine threats."
Astra's face was pale, "Eliminate them? How to eliminate?"
"They must be eliminated," Wilkins said mildly...
As they reached the edge of the canyon, Faro craned his neck to look down. The wind-blown canyon dropped nearly a thousand feet, the rocky ground covered with serrated mineral pinnacles. Falling would undoubtedly mean certain death.
He glanced across, pointing: "Look, that cliff looks steady."
They sprinted along the edge, then suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the exposed ground. At the cliff's edge, they leapt vigorously in.
The armor's jetpacks could propel them 130 feet. Still not enough to reach the far end, but at the apex of each jump, they raised their left fists and twisted. Steel grappling hooks and spikes shot out from under the housing below their wrists, dragging cables that embedded into the opposite cliff, quickly pulling them up to the top.
A quick survey showed their optimal professional positions. Weapons were swiftly aimed at the distant edge.
As the pursuing squad reached the opposite edge, Nova's optics dispatched seven ghastly biomechanical abominations - their flesh severely charred from nuclear explosions.
"Take cover!" Rex roared. "Get your nukes ready!"
Wilkins hid behind a large boulder, sneaking a peek at the enemy. His gaze fell on the Stalkers. If they wanted to retake the ground, they'd have to take out their brutal firepower first.
However, the Stalkers had already spotted the heavy sniper and mercilessly hosed his position with lasers and mass drivers, pinning him down.
At least the rift prevented the biomechs from coming over, pacing uneasily on the distant rock shelf.
A barrage of attacks provoked Rex, prompting him to take a heavy cylindrical device from his waist pack. He shoved it into the barrel of his energon gun, yelling "Heads down! Nuke incoming!"
They carried six portable nuclear devices. At high ground, the enemy was too close for comfort to launch an attack. Now Rex could aim the nuke into the canyon itself to kill them!
He crouched behind a crevice, slowing his breath. Suddenly he burst from cover, sighting a massive boulder less than two hundred yards from the edge. He squeezed the trigger.
As the warhead left the barrel, a volley of mass driver rounds slammed violently into his chest, throwing him backward, leaving two black pockmarks on his armor. Fortunately, despite the sudden eruption, the armor kept him alive, and he rolled desperately into a gully.
Four hundred yards away, a fierce explosion erupted mushroom-like into the sky, the shockwave and fireball blasting outward. Stalkers and three injured biomechs were flung from the cliff, impaled on the serrated rocks below.
The rest of the enemy was at the edge. They rolled but nearly fell over, somehow still combat effective despite being turned to wrecks by the flames.
Wilkins witnessed it all from his gully. As the blasts subsided, he rushed out yelling "Two more nukes!"
The others needed no prompting, seeing the effect of the weapons. Three launchers were equipped with nuclear-shaped devices, two arcing toward the rock shelf, the other fired into the smoking canyon.
After three thunderous explosions, they peered cautiously at the rocks. The entire enemy squad had been blasted into the smoking canyon.
The four biomechs already there were now horrifically injured, barely clinging to life. Then the close-range nuclear blasts finished them off.
"Nukes locked and loaded!" Rex bellowed again. His ordinance was spent, but Nova and Astra each had one left. They swiftly readied as the shockwaves passed, rising together firing in unison.
One crippled Stalker remained - missing a leg but somehow still combat ready. It tilted on the rocky ground, missile pods opening. Three shells erupted, streaking along the cliff's edge past them.
Astra had just emerged from cover, facing the barrage, when one of the speeding rounds struck her. She let out an agonized shriek as the missile severed her leg. Then cryofuel spurted from her thigh, instantly freezing her into an ice sculpture before the ensuing explosion blew her armor to fragments.
"Astra!" her comrades cried in anguish, witnessing the lovely soldier's sacrifice. They burst from cover, hurling bombs into the smoking canyon.
The previous nukes had destroyed the serrated rocks, allowing the second wave of enemies to survive. Though ravaged by the nuclear blasts, the Stalkers were still combat ready, launching three more missiles - not aimed at the squad, but at the cliff behind them!
With three explosions, the entire cliff collapsed into a ramp. Then, a relatively unscathed biomech leapt over the rift, charging straight up the slope towards them!
The squad desperately hurled bombs but the biomech dodged them. Meanwhile, Wilkins completely ignored the creature, his sights set only on the Stalker below reloading. Two hypersonic bullets passed through its missile ports, detonating the ammunition. A fireball mushroomed upward, roasting the creatures below.
"Get down!" Rex yelled. They threw themselves to the ground as flames tumbled into the canyon, emitting a deafening roar. Then with a thunderous boom, the charred beast rolled nearby, its ghastly injuries still not slowing its relentless advance...
The creature rolled and leapt with astonishing speed, claws swinging at Faro. Just getting to his feet, the claws swept out. He desperately threw himself aside, but underestimated the ferocity of the battered biomech.
Mere five meters away, he was raked. Faro's armor shredded like paper, his body torn open.
"No!" Rex and Wilkins yelled furiously, eyes ablaze. They charged, discarding useless guns for palm-sized carbon nanostaves, but the creature was even more threatening up close.
Below, the Stalker completed reloading, missile racks swinging wide. Wilkins ignored it, focused on the horror before them.
They circled the biomech, staves vibrating six million times a second to stimulate the creature's internals. Even so, they barely injured the biomech. Their staves plunged less than thirty centimeters into the creature's flesh. Painful but not serious wounds.
Seeing the futility, Rex yelled "Not good! Nova - bombs ready!"