It was the middle of the night.
Tonight's weather was colder than it has ever been..
Elsie! Elsie! Elsie! A strange voice called, how is this possible, so many thoughts ran through my head.
I mean,who could be calling me at this ungodly hour.
Well,I should probably go and check,it had to be important..
But wait, what if it was the lion's strike! I decided to wait for a while...
After so much uncertainty, I went outside the court..
It was indeed very dark.. I thought. Just like Seth had predicted.
The voice called again and again. I became a bit nervous.
I had forgotten my dagger in a hurry. Oh,Shit! I cursed,I had to act brave,I had committed all my strength to the invincible knights for 8 years now and I have been physically mentally and psychologically trained and this wouldn't be much of a big deal..
I started to look for a weapon or at least anything to help me fight whatever beast was after me..
I could have easily called out for Seth with my solver watch buh I needed to prove her wrong this time that I was capable enough.Seth has always thought I was weak because I have been defeated in a lot of battles I led in the past. We have had countless disagreements about this issue and it's safe to say we despise each other greatly.
I found a lupara on a bare stone, someone must have dropped it there. I picked it up swiftly and this time, the voice became clearer..
I finally saw a shadow, then I saw his back structure, the person had a very long hair,wore a crisp pinstripe well-fiited suit,it was pure navy blue with different patterns..
This time the person turned and looked at me.
It was a man..
An attractive, stunning and elegant looking man.
And I couldn't get my eyes off him.