It had been a year since had Selena has reincarnated. Everything seems to be going quickly well. Selena's father found a suitable teacher to teach her swordsmanship and One of Armin's books that he had written became quite popular amongst the children. Currently Selena is eight years old now. Her life had been so peaceful that she almost forgot that she could still die in the near future.
It is quite early in the morning Selena had just woken up when Armin came running into her room with a big smile on his face calling out her name.
Armin: Selena! Selena! Wake up lets go and have breakfast the butler said that the breakfast is ready.
Selena had just woken up so she is still half asleep and in her night gown.
Selena: Ok Armin but first I have to change my clothes so you can go have breakfast first.
Armin: Ok sister see you later.
(Armin walks out of the room)
Selena thinks to herself: Armin has been smiling a lot more recently. He is completely different from my past life where he never smiled and always looked unhappy. I hope he keeps smiling like this and always stays happy.
As Selena thought this she suddenly felt that someone was beside her on the bed. It was Ren who was sleeping peacefully on the bed . Selena looked at Ren with annoyance despite having bought a separate couch for him to sleep on he continues to say that the couch is too uncomfortable and gets into her bed every night.
Still being angry and annoyed Selena kicks Ren off the bed while saying "get up you lazy dragon I already told you that you can't get into my bed just like that "
(Ren falls on the ground)
Ren: Ouch! You know princess for a little girl you have quite a strong kick.
Selena: It is your own fault that I kick you like that and could you please stop calling me princess and get out of the room I have to get changed.
Ren says in a tired yet teasing voice: oh please princess. I'm a four thousand year old dragon. You think your little body would be attractive to me.
Selena replied in a threatening tone her fists clenched feeling a bit insulted but also flustered: leave right now before I cut your head off.
Ren raises his hands up in mock surrender: Alright. Alright. I'm leaving
As Ren goes out of the room Selena thinks to herself that at first she thought that Ren might be a little respectable but as she was forced to live with him she realised that he was only a lazy dragon who is either eating or sleeping all day and is quite annoying
Selena got out of bed and went to her closet to pick out an outfit for the day it was quite hot outside so she chose a white dress which had light fabric. After changing she went out of the room where Ren had been waiting for her.
Ren being his usual self started to tease Selena: finally done changing my princess~.
Selena: be quite and don't talk to me when there's a chance that others can hear us.
Ren: ok grumpy~
After having breakfast with Armin the two of them go to the library where Armin quickly grabs the novel he had been reading when Selena stops him and hands him a book on politics.
Armin quickly started to pout in protest: but Selenaaa. These books are boring and you are going to become the next duke anyways. So why do I have to learn these things.
Selena: No excuses. Even if you aren't going to be a duke you will still have responsibilities as a member of this family. You can read your novels all you want after you study a little.
Armin replied with a pout: ok fine.
(Armin went and sat at chair and started reading the book)
Selena sighed Armin may be cute but he was still a child who was going to be stubborn but she will have to deal with it.
Ren: he's quite the pouty one. I'm surprised you haven't beaten him up yet after the way you treat me.
Selena mumbles out a quiet response: be quiet. And does talk to me when other people are around.
Selena went and picked out a book for herself to read since she now had to study more as the next duke. She went and sat across from Armin completely focused on her book.
Soon enough an hour had passed as they read the book Armin was starting to look tired of reading the same thing about politics and royal manners.
Armin said with a whine: Selena! Can't I read my novel now. I already read half of this book.
Selena: sigh. Alright. alright. You can go read your novel now.
Armin says excitedly: thanks Selena.
(Armin runs off the to get his novel from the book shalf.)
After a few minutes Armin returns with his novel and begins to read it happily. As Selena watches in satisfaction as her brother is now growing up much healthier physically and mentally.
After a while Selena's maid Anna knocks at the library door before entering inside. She had brought snacks for the two kids to eat while they read. After placing the snacks on the table Infront of them Anna gave Selena all the letters she had received from other noble ladies her age all inviting her to tea parties. Selena looked through the letters she had been avoiding going out too much since she was still figuring out how to be a better version of herself and wanted to make a good impression on the public but now she thinks that that it might be time to join some public events. Selena looks through the letter putting all the ones that she does not find interesting enough on the table. One of the rejected letters catches Armin's attention as he picks up the letter and reads it.
Armin: Selena! Do you wanna go to this party? The Allen twins are hosting it. Weren't they your friends?
Selena: well yes I suppose they were.
Armin: so let's go to this one. It will be fun.
Selena thinks to herself: well if both the twins are hosting it then boys will also be there. Maybe it would be best if I took Armin with me. He should meet kids his age.
Selena smiles softly: alright we can go to this party then. When is it held.
Armin says in a excited voice: it's in three days.
Selena: alright we will githere in three days.
(Selena turns to Anna)
Selena: Anna could you prepare suitable outfits for us to wear to the tea party.
Anna: yes my lady.(Anna left shortly after to start preparing the outfits of the two children.
After three days Selena and Armin went to the Allen estate Selena is wearing a red dress which had a flower pattern on them and Armin is wearing a white suit with a blue flower attached to the coat which complements his eyes)
As the two reached the estate a butler greated them and took them to the large garden where the tea party was being held.
Armin held onto Selena's hand feeling nervous as he had never been Infront so many people before.
Selena smiled softly at Armin and caressed his hand reassuringly.
Selena: you don't need to worry. I will stay by your side till you make friends with a few kids here.
Armin looked up at Selena feeling a bit reassured and nodded slowly.
Armin: right! I'll do my best to make friends here.
Armin said with a determined expression. When one of the twins that had invited Armin and Selena to the tea party approached them. It was the girl, Aubrey Allen. She smiled sweetly trying to get on Selena's good side.
Aubrey: lady Selena, it is a great honour for me that you could attend my small tea party. Why don't you come and sit with me and a few other ladies.
Selena forced herself to smile not believing Aubrey's little nice act for a second as she already know from her previous life what a snake Aubrey could be.
Selena: I appreciate your offer lady Aubrey but I'm afraid I would not be able acompany you today as I'm actually here to keep an eye on my younger brother since it is his first time attending a party.
Aubrey: oh! Well that is quite a shame. In any case please do inform me if you need something. I should be leaving now to attend to my other guests.
Aubrey bowed politely and left gritting her teeth as she left thinking to herself how she had just missed a chance to make friends with a person from the Duke's family.
After Aubrey left Selena sighed from relief as she didn't want to get involved with Aubrey in her second life as well.
Selena suddenly noticed Armin looking at her with a curious expression
Armin: sister! Do you not like lady Aubrey for some reason?
Selena felt slightly embarrassed as Armin could tell so easily that she didn't like someone but tried to compose herself and nodded.
Selena: well... yes she may seem nice on the surface but she isn't actually that nice so I prefer not to get involved with her and neither should you.
Armin smiled trusting his sister's judgement.
Armin: alright. I won't get involved with her too much.
After making sure that Armin had some other kids his age to play with at the party Selena went to explore the estate. Despite it being quite a large place Selena know it quite well. As she often came here in her previous life.
As Selena was walking along the hallway she came across the greenhouse and decided to enter.
The entire place was filled with many different and beautiful plants. The walls being made of fragile glass and a beautiful fountain in the middle of the guardian.
Selena couldn't help but get excited this place was just as beautiful as she once remembered in the large estate filled with judging and two-faced people this greenhouse was somehow the only place that made her feel calm.
While Selena was lost in her thoughts about her past she heard the voice of a little girl.
Selena went closer to the source of the sound and saw a little girl around her age watering some plants and singing to herself.
At first Selena though that the girl was a common servant as she was wearing quite ordinary clothes but she quickly discarded the thought as the girl looked too pretty and well mannered to be a servant
Upon closer inspection she noticed that the girl had the flag of the Allen family on her clothes and had eyes that shined like green diamonds which was only possible if the girl was a direct descendant of the family.
Not even the twins, Aubrey or Felix had such eyes as they were children of a concubine.
Selena spent a few seconds thinking about who the girl could be but then suddenly she remembered.
This was Rosalind Allen, the only direct descendant of the Allen family and.... the girl Selena and the twins had bullied so much in her past life that the girl committed suicide at the age of sixteen.
Selena froze, her legs shaking and her heart beat quickening.
'why! Why am I meeting her again? What if I accidentally kill her again? What if I can't change my future after all?'
Selena thought it looked like she was having a panic attack.
"Is someone there?" Rosalind called out hearing a noise and went closer to the source of the sound finding a panicking and scared Selena there.
"Amm...miss are you alright?" Rosalind said reaching out her hand to hold Selena's trembling hand.
"Yes everything's alright. But... it would be nice to have some water." Selena said with a shaky smile she was afraid to accident make the same mistakes as in her previous life.
"Of course I will being right away. You should sit down for now." Rosalind said guiding Selena to a chair.
Rosalind brings a cup of water to Selena which Selena slowly drinks her body still a bit shaky.
"Thank you. You are quite a kind person." Selena said regaining her composure. "May I ask... what are you doing in the green house lady Rosalind? Are you not supposed to be at the tea party?
"oh no. My siblings wouldn't want me to be there so....I rather stay here." Rosalind said a sad smile on her face.
"I suppose you wouldn't mind showing me around this beautiful green house then. Would you?" Selena said hoping to lighten the mood and also have a good relationship with Rosalind in this life.
"Huh? You.... would like me to show you around the green house?" Rosalind said a bit surprised that a noble woman of Selena's status would be interested in planting.
"Yes. Well that is if it's not too much trouble." Selena said getting up from the chair.
"Ahhh. Mind telling me why you want to hangout with a complete loser?" Ren said he was floating close to Selena and had been quietly watching the whole situation while remaining invisible to everyone else.
"Non of your business. Now be quiet." Selena said back through telepathy.
"Alright, alright I won't bother the little princess anymore." Ren said his tone a mixture of sarcasm and teasing.
"N-no. It's not trouble at all." Rosalind said her eyes shining with excitement.
Rosalind started to show Selena around the green house showing her various flowers and plants.
"I notice that most of these plants you grow here are used for medicines or drugs." Selena said as they strolled through the green house.
"Oh yes I like to learn about medicines and how different poisons can be cured." Rosalind replied shyly.
"Well that is quite an interesting hobby. Not something most ladies are interested in-" Selena paused freezing in her tracks as her eyes widening in shock as they became fixed on a specific planet with a unique sea green coloured flower. "How.... how did you...grow that plant" Selena mumbled her eyes never leaving the plant.
" grandfather gave me the seeds of that plant before he passed away. He know a lot about plants as well so he taught me how to take care of it in a warm environment like this."
Selena's gaze shifted to Rosalind in shock and surprises. Not being able to believe that a simple girl was about to grow a plant that is basically almost extinct because of how hard it is to grow. The plant only grew in extreme cold and even if someone could grow it in a hot environment like this they would need a large amount of magic in their body and a high talent in earth magic.
"C-could you should make.... how you grew this planet." Selena said a slight tremble in her voice.
This wasn't an ordinary plant. This plant was the cure to a deadly virus in her past life. The only problem was that no one knew how to grow it properly. If Rosalind could grow it this could save the lives of many people.
"Yes. I would be honoured to." Rosalind said plucking out the seed from one of the sea green flowers and placing it within her hands clutching it within her fist gently as she mumbled a spell under her breath a magical green glow appearing around her.
When the glow disappeared she opened her fist and showed the seed which had now turned into a small plant to Selena.
"Now all that needs to be done is to take care of it properly and it will grow within a few months." Rosalind said smiling brightly.
"You.... you grow the plant with magic?" Selena said her mouth slightly opened.
"You keep them alive by feeding them you magic daily?" Selena continued to say glancing around the green house now noticing how many rare plants and flowers actually were in the green house.
"Yes. My magic aptitude is earth. So I can use it to grow plants" Rosalind said tilting her head slightly to the same not understanding why Selena seemed surprised.
"But.... still with all the plants here.... the magic concentration in your body would have to be very high." Selena said shocked at how easily Rosalind was undermining her own work. Even the royal mage didn't have this much magic and even if he did it would be hard to control it.
"Oh it's not a big deal. At most my talent would be average at best" Rosalind said humbly.
Selena went quiet for a second just looking at Rosalind. "No..." Selena mumbled her voice low.
"No. You aren't average. You are a brilliant gardener and you have a lot of knowledge on medicinal plants. You can be a great scientist one day. Don't let other people get to you. They only say you are average or useless because.... because they are jealous of you." Selena said a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she remembered how she had bullied Rosalind to the point of suaside in her past life.
"Lady.... lady Selena...." Rosalind mumbled her eyes a bit wide after hearing Selena's words as she moved closer to comfort her. She wrapped her in a comforting embrace as Selena cried for a few minutes.
After Selena slowly stopped crying she wiped away her own tears and pulled away from Rosalind's embrace slowly.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to break down like that." Selena said a light blush on her cheeks out of embarrassment.
"It's alright. I'm happy I could help" Rosalind said smiling happily as she could be helpful.
"Lady would you like to use the green house at my mansion to grow the flower and plant... the green house there is basically being wasted."
"Really? You would want me to work in your green house?" Rosalind said her eyes practically lighting up.
"Yes of course. you have a great talent for gardening." Selena said hoping to get a large supply of the sea green flowers made before the virus spreads but.... more importantly give Rosalind a safe place she can escape to without fearing her two siblings.
"Yes I would be honoured to work on your green house."