Chapter 739 - The Power of a King ⑤

As Isis floated up and Iris, who had taken some distance away, faced

each other, they heard the start signal from Alice.

[Well then, Isis-san, please start with Elementary Magic.]

[…Unnn… Well then… Ice Ball.]

Nodding to Alice's words, Isis summoned a small magic circle on her

fingertip and brandished it. Thereupon, a fist-sized block of ice came

towards Iris, but it was easily blocked by her barrier.

(This power is unthinkable for an elementary-level magic… but it's not

powerful enough to make me feel threatened. But even though it's

elementary-level magic, that activation speed is something I need to

keep in mind.)

The impact of Elementary Magic wasn't that astoundingly powerful, as

Iris was composed enough to think about things.

[Well then, Isis-san…"Please increase the number".]

[…Unnn… is "around 10,000″… alright?]


Before Iris could be surprised by the words she heard, a huge number

of magic circles appeared around Isis. And when Isis waved her finger, a

rain of fist-sized ice blocks fell on Iris.

(Good grief, I've always been surprised with everything today huh. Even

though it's just Elementary Magic, for her to easily fire 10,000 shots…

Perhaps, Parallel Activation by split-thinking with a brain enhanced by

magic power… The current me is limited to only about a hundred

simultaneous activations. I could clearly feel our difference even in

parts like this.)

The sheer number of them is a threat, but it doesn't make them more

powerful. Iris' protective barrier, deployed as a sphere around her,

prevented all the ice blocks from hitting her.

Even so, Isis was only using Elementary Magic… This is just the


[Well then, next, please use Intermediate Magic.]

[…Unnn… Freeze Lance.]

After raising the strength of her magic by a level, a 1m long ice spear

was released from Isis' hand.

(As I thought, her activation speed remains the same, and the power of

her magic is definitely higher than what it should be… However, it isn't

strong enough for me to evade it.)

If she just poured a little more magic power into her barrier and

strengthened it, she could block the ice spear without any problem.

However, Iris's expression was serious… as if she had a bad feeling

about something.

A feeling she had experienced many times when she was an

adventurer… as if she was having a bad premonition…

[Well then… Please increase the number.]

[…Unnn… I guess I'll do the same this time too… to ten thousand.]

[I knew it…]

There is a clear level difference between the difficulty of Elementary

Magic Parallel Activation and Intermediate Magic Parallel Activation.

Normally, one would think that a person wouldn't be able to cast the

same amount of Intermediate Magic as the Elementary Magic… but yes,

that's only if ten thousand simultaneous shots were Isis' limit…

Ten thousand is a tremendous number. But even after firing such a

number, Iris felt that Isis was going easy on her. And it was exactly as

she thought.

The ice spears raining down on her were blocked by the barrier into

which a considerable amount of her magic power was poured into.

There was a big difference in the pressure Iris felt from receiving

elementary and Intermediate Magic, as there was some sweat on her


[Well then, next… please use Advanced Magic.]

[…Cocytus Lance.]

The situation wouldn't wait for her to ponder. A large magic circle

floated in Isis' hand, and a huge ice spear, several times larger than the

previous one, appeared.

It isn't an AOE spell that was made sure that Iris could easily receive,

but a single-target spell… However, the pressure she felt is

incomparable to what she had felt before.

The huge spear was released at a speed that was incredibly faster than

Isis' Intermediate Magic, struck Iris' barrier.

[Kuhh… Gununu…]

Even though her barrier was pushed down a bit by the spear's power,

Iris splendidly blocked it… that single spear.

[…Please increase the number.]

[…Well then… Another… ten thousand.]

[ ! ? ]

Thereupon, Iris' field of vision was filled with ice. As the spears rained

down with a thunderous roar as loud as a bombardment, Iris

desperately poured her magic power into her barrier to withstand the

barrage of cold spears.

The pressure was so strong that if she relaxed even a bit, she would be

blown away… but still, Iris was able to endure it.

[…Next, please… use High Ancient Magic.]

[…Is that alright?]

[…Please use it.]

[…Alright… Blue Star.]

Isis hesitated, looking at the wounds all over Iris' body… but hearing

Alice's strong response, she nodded before raising one hand to the sky.

And from the air… a blue star made of ice descended. Seeing the magic

as wondrous as shooting stars… a scenery that induces despair unto the

onlookers, Iris held up her ἀποκάλυψις.

Iris had been an adventurer for a long time before her death, and she

wasn't lacking in combat experience at all. Standing before such a spell,

her intuition she gained from that experience told her… that this spell

"is impossible to block".

[In that case! I'll just crush it to pieces!!! Swallow! Tyrannical Beast!


It's impossible to block, and even if she tries to evade it, she doesn't

know how far the effect of this magic reaches. Then, her only option is

to intercept it… A if in response to Iris' cry, a black flash of light

ascended to the skies and shot through the star.

Thereupon, a chilling voice sounded in Iris' ears.

[…Please increase the number.]

[…Unnn… Alright.]

A rain of stars falling from the sky… If one just looks at it, it may have

been a beautiful scene straight out of fantasy. However, for the person

who would be at the receiving end of such stars, it would be a

downpour of cruel violence.

Her tired knees feel like they're going to collapse. Her heart felt like it's

going to break faster than she realized. As she grew increasingly

dispirited before the sight in front of her… a ferocious smile appeared

on Iris' lips.

[Ahh, this is impossible. ἀποκάλυψις can't be fired continuously in a

short time… so "the me right now" has no way to resist this.]

As she muttered this, she glanced at Alice in the distance, and she was

just happily smiling at her.

[In that case, now! I could just grow up to be able to do that at this

moment! Don't you think so, Tyrannical Beast within my heart!? This

wouldn't be our end!!!]

As if in response to ther voice, ἀποκάλυψις unleashed a tremendous

flash of light. The Heart Tool, as its name suggest, is a weapon from

one's heart, and ἀποκάλυψις is Iris' heart itself… If Iris' heart breaks,

her Heart Tool would be as useless as a wooden stick, but with

explosive emotions, her Heart Tool will respond to her will to the


Responding to Iris' beseech filled with her determination to absolutely

crush the rain of stars, ἀποκάλυψις amplified Iris' magic power far

beyond her previous limit.

[Swallow it all! Beast of Tyranny———— γίγας ἀποκάλυψις!!!]

(T/N: Giga Apocalypse)

The black light… The roar of the Tyrannical Beast swallowed up the


After a round of exchanges, it was decided that Iris-san would take a

short break before the actual mock battle. After glancing at the tired

Iris-san sitting on the ground, Alice spoke to Isis-san.

[Isis-san, what do you think about Iris?]

[…I think… she can become very strong… She has great potential… and

a strong heart.]

[I see, I see…]

After hearing Isis-san's evaluation, Alice nodded with a somewhat

satisfied expression on her face. Seeing this, a question arose in my


In the first place, why did Alice plan this mock battle between Isis-san

and Iris-san? If she wanted Iris-san to experience a high-dimensional

battle, couldn't she just fight Iris-san herself?

It seems to me that Alice, who, needless to say, is a smart person, has

some other purpose in taking the trouble to create this opportunity

where she fights Isis-san.

[What do you think then, Iris? The mock battle is yet to start, but how

strong do you think Isis-san is?]

[I was honestly amazed. She isn't just depending on the power she was

born with, it's as if she's like a polished blade… Vexing it might be, at

this point, I feel like she was completely superior to me.]


After nodding while listening to Iris-san's words of praise for Isis-san,

Alice spoke with a light smile.

[Now then, I have a suggestion. Iris, listen while you recover… Ahh, I'm

just telling this in advance, but this is really just a suggestion. You can

just continue this topic if both sides agree.]

[…That's an awfully pompous way of speaking. What is it?]

[Isis-san… What do you think of "having Iris as your subordinate"?]

[…Eh?… E- Ehhh?]

I was frankly surprised by her suggestion. Rather, it seems that Isis-san

is more surprised than the others, and with a dumbfounded expression

on her face, her glance switches between Alice and Iris-san over and

over again.

Meanwhile, Iris-san had a serious expression on her face with her hand

on her chin, as if she was thinking about it. Since she knows Alice well,

she might have sensed her intention.

[…I see, it might be inconvenient for me if I just stay like this?]

[Yes, that's right. You can get by at the moment, but now that Iris has a

body that allows you to move freely, your range of activities will become

wider. And considering that you will become stronger in the future… As

expected, I can't keep the information about you under the wraps. Iris,

whose body is based on mine, can be counted as a Demon. Free countlevel, High-ranking Demons are really rare. The countries in the Human

Realm will want to hire you, even if you have steep conditions, and in

the future, the number of Demons who would want to be under Iris'

command will definitely dramatically increase.]

[…That's why you took the initiative to have me become Isis-dono's


[That's right. Of course, you will have to accompany Isis-san to the

events she participates in, but I think you would have more freedom

than when you become involved with the people I mentioned just now.

Also, even if Iris becomes stronger in the future, I'm sure that you

would still be more interested in magic-oriented techniques, so I think

it would be effective to study under Isis-san, who possesses mountains

of grimoires.]


Now that she mentioned it, I don't remember any Count-rank Demons

who weren't part of a group. Not to mention the Six Kings'

subordinates, even Illness-san is serving Lilia-san, a former princess

with close ties to the kingdom.

Even Kuro's family, in the eyes of the public, were probably considered

as the Underworld King's subordinates… In the future, if Iris-san

becomes stronger and becomes more well known, there may be people

who would think about worshipping her and making her the Seventh


[…Hey, Alice. Is there any chance that Iris-san could eventually become

the Seventh King?]

[I'm not saying that she couldn't, but it's more like she's completely

unsuited for her.]

[Yeah, I understand that too. I'm more like a supporter, I'm not really

suited to being the top dog.]

[I see.]

Putting aside whether it's suited for her or not, it seems like Iris-san

herself doesn't want to be one.

As we were talking about this, Isis-san, with an anxious expression on

her face, approached Alice.

[…Ummm… Shalltear?… Would it… really be alright?… What about

becoming Shalltear's subordinate…]

[Eh? Iris, becoming my subordinate? Definitely don't wanna, that's

giving me goosebumps.]

[No way, just the thought of becoming Alice's subordinate gives me the


When Isis-san suggested making Iris-san Alice's subordinate, Alice and

Iris-san both looked really repulsed almost at the same time.

It's just a guess, but I think it was because they had been partners for so

long that they couldn't see each other aside from being their equal.

That's why it's unthinkable for either of them to consider the other as

to be on top of the other.

[…B- But… I…]

[Yes, that's right. To be clear, the you back then "isn't capable of taking

someone under your wing". No, perhaps, I should say that you weren't

mentally equipped to do so… If you're still the same Isis-san whose

heart and atmosphere were as cold as ice, the same Isis-san who is

always tense and intimidates all the people around you, I wouldn't have

suggested such a thing.]

Hearing her words, I remembered the first time I met Isis-san. Isis-san's

eyes back then were very cold… as if she had given up on many things.

And as Chronois-san said, she doesn't listen well to others and if her

opinion clashes with others, she pushes them through with force… even

if what she wishes for wasn't something she could acquire.

Experiencing such a thing many times and having no composure within

her heart, it may just be as Alice said, the atmosphere around Isis-san

would probably always be tense and intimidating.

However, that's just in the past. Both Isis-san's expression and

atmosphere have softened to an extent that I can't imagine from when I

first encountered her. It was to an extent that it makes me think that if it

weren't for her magic power of death, she would have been friends with

so many people…

[…However, that changed when you met Kaito-san… I think that the

current Isis-san, whose heart has gained composure, will be able to

handle having a subordinate. And the fact that you have no other

subordinates is also a good thing for Iris, who is a powerful person who

just came out of nowhere.]

[…Uuuu, ahhh… I- I… If that's the case… I'm happy… but… wouldn't

Iris… find it… unpleasant?]

[Well, I guess this does depend on Iris… What do you think?]

Isis-san, with an expression of mixed anxiety and anticipation, turned

to Iris-san, and when Alice asked her such a question… Iris-san was

silent for a while, before she mumbled to herself.

[…Come to think of it, I've been an adventurer for a long time, and I

thought I'd experienced a lot of things… but I've never experienced

working for anyone before. Since I'm making a fresh start in life, doing

something different from back then… might be interesting.]

After saying those words, Iris-san stood up and stood before Isis-san.

[…It's not that I'm not developing any respect for you, and I also think

that you have a very likable personality. There is also a part of me that

feels that becoming your subordinate isn't a bad idea.]

[…U- Unnn.]

[However, I can't make up my mind in doing that just yet. Therefore, I

would like to ask you a favor.]

[…A favor?]

[If I am to be your subordinate, I would like to know your strength as a

King. Isis-dono probably intended on going easy on me in the mock

battle too… but "I want you to fight with all your might". I want you to

show me the full power of the King you are.]

[…Alright… I'll fight you… seriously.]

After deciding to hold off on giving an answer for now, Iris-san asked

Isis-san would fight with all her might. And with a serious expression

on her face, Isis-san nodded.

Looking at the two of them, it's just a hunch but… I felt as if some kind

of bond had been created between them, and it seemed to suggest the

future that was about to come.