Chereads / I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning But The World At Peace / Chapter 645 - "The Clown Who Deceives the World"

Chapter 645 - "The Clown Who Deceives the World"

In just a few minutes of time, Alice's friends who were revived by

Αναμνήσεις were overwhelming the Gods.

Chronois is being cornered by the cooperation of Iris and Noel. Life

regenerated herself over and over again while being attacked by Adele,

who reached an amount of firepower thanks to Leon, stalling time for


Even so, there was still power in their eyes. After five minutes, which

seemed too short for some while extremely long for others, Alice's

comrades seemed to have realized something and retreated, lining up

behind Alice.

[…Preparations… Complete.]

[Preparations? What the heck are you planning now…]

Hearing Chronois ask this with a dubious expression on her face, Alice

only deeply smiled at her before she gently smiled at those who had

been temporarily revived by Αναμνήσεις.

[Everyone, thank you very much. It was great to see you again.]

[Unnn. I'm glad I could help you, Big Sister. Do your best, okay?]

[Yes, Master. If you need our help, please don't hesitate to call us again.

My blazing loyalty will always be with you.]

[Now that I think about it, it was a spectacular move to take our bodies

into the Ἑκατόγχειρες. It was only because the residue of our souls was

still inside the Ἑκατόγχειρες that we were able to help here with our

memories from before we died… Well, that aside, I hope that the next

time I'll be able to relax when you call me next time, not just in a fight.]

Very happy to hear Alice's words, Noel, Adele and Leon… Alice's

comrades replied before disappearing.

After witnessing their disappearance, Iris also returned to Alice's body,

while Alice faced the Gods once again.

[…I know about it, you know? That defeating the Gods here will not

"unlock this space"… Aren't I right?]

[ [ ! ? ] ]

Yes, this space isn't only a battlefield created by Shallow Vernal, but also

a prison. Even if the Gods were defeated, they wouldn't be released

from this space.

Because they were thinking that there was no way for the HumanDemon Allied Forces from this space… the power did not disappear

from their eyes, even when the Gods were pushed to the corner.

If one were to describe it, it would be the Gods' final Joker… but Alice

had seen through that.

[…E- Even if you know it, that doesn't mean you can do anything about

it! This space was created by Shallow Vernal-sama herself! In other

words, this space itself is a world! Destroying this space is…]

[Impossible for me, is it? It's possible for me though.]

[W- What do you mean…]

[I told you, didn't I? This would be a checkmate… My Ἑκατόγχειρες has

a certain restriction. It doesn't matter how many bonds I weaved, "I

can't use the power of someone who's far stronger than me"… Now

then, what did I say again? "I've met all of the requirements now"… is

what I said!]

[ ! ? Ah… Ahhhh… That is… impossible… This magic power is…]

As soon as Alice held her hand over the shining sphere… the space was

enveloped in darkness, and golden eyes emerged from within a jetblack being. Chronois, Life, and even the rest of the Gods knew about

this magic power.

In the battle between the Demon Realm and the God Realm 20,000

years ago… It was the magic power of the monster that once punched

Shallow Vernal away.

"You still haven't forgotten about it, right… Kuro-san's power?"

Yes, everything is just a stepping stone for this. She used Ἑκατόγχειρες's

Ultimate Battle Form in order to grow to a state where she could use

Kuromueina's power… The time following that was a period of

adjustment for her to gain control over Kuromueina's immense power.

And now, everything is ready. The being of darkness turned into a fist…

and shattered the space.

In front of the Human-Demon Allied Forces that had begun escaping

towards the broken space, the Gods slumped down on the ground.

[…What are you doing now? You still want to continue?]

[…No, Shallow Vernal has told us that once you lot have reached that

place from the God Realm, it is our defeat and we shouldn't do anything

more. It's… our defeat.]

[Is that so… Well then, since you aren't going to do anything anyway,

why don't we have all Gods come and witness it together? Watch how

this battle ends…]

[We have failed the duties Shallow Vernal-sama assigned to us, and we

have no face to show to her anymore… If that's what you, the victor,

wants, then I'll go along with it for now. However, can I ask you a

question, Phantasmal King?]

[What is it?]

As Chronois accepted defeat, Life also accepted defeat… and began

treating the members of Human-Demon Allied Forces who are unable

to move due to the repercussions of the Critical Point of Fate.

She acknowledges the victor, the Human-Demon Allied Forces, had the

right to advance.

And in the short time it took to finish her treatment to the others,

Chronois asked Alice.

[…How much of everything have you predicted?]

[Predicted? Hmmm, that's a bit wrong… It's not that I predicted it, "I

just guided Shallow Vernal-sama's thoughts so that the situation would

develop this way", you know?]


[Shallow Vernal-sama is an amazing person, but she's not unrivaled in

every way. Especially when it comes to the mental side… After all, this

would actually have been difficult if she had kept on strengthening the

Gods. So, I tried not to let that happen. I had a meeting to assume the

extent of reinforcement that the Gods would have, based on the

premise that Shallow Vernal-sama was peeping at my mind. In addition

to making her think that "I'm preparing for the strengthening that she

will do", I also guided her thoughts to a "basis where she would

strengthen you Gods". Thinking about stuff like "If the Gods are around

this strong, it would be hard" and stuff like that~~]

After pausing for a moment, Alice slowly began telling the whole story.

[Shallow Vernal-sama does not incorporate the mental aspects into her

strategies. She doesn't prepare mental strategies, like preparing 200

powerful beings against the 100 of your opponent and making them

feel despair, or any of such plans that would overpower her opponent.

On top of that, she didn't even take into account uncertainties like

growth in battle or anything like that. In Shallow Vernal-sama's eyes,

she would be just an outsider in this battle… and being an outsider, she

didn't want to accidentally rip apart this chess board she prepared.]


[Thus, if I show Shallow Vernal-sama that the basic strength of our side

would be 100… she would fight us with 101. If you apply such thought

into this battle, the +1 would be the power of Judgment given to the

Supreme Gods, and this supposedly inescapable space. Thus, all I had to

do was hypothesize what that +1 and prepare the counter-measure for

it. In that sense, this was a rather easy fight.]

[…You have surpassed… Shallow Vernal's thoughts huh…]

In front of the dumbfoundedly muttering Chronois, Alice takes a mask

out of nowhere and puts it on.

[…Shallow Vernal-sama is a great God. She truly is the Gods of the

world. However, I'm the clown who deceives the world. Well, how can a

God who is just beginning to understand emotions beat me in a contest

of deception… She's still 100,000 years too early to think about

defeating me.]

After saying that, Alice turned her gaze to the center of the God Realm…

the Sanctuary.

(Though I say that, it's only for this battle outside of her own

chessboard. It probably "doesn't matter for Shallow Vernal-sama

whether we win or lose in this battle"… The question is whether or not

we would be able to intervene in Kaito-san's fight, who is probably

doing everything he can on his side… Haahhh… This is tough. There are

too many uncertainties here… To some extent, I guess I should prepare

to play things as they come huh…)

One of the battles has been settled. However, the chessboard they're

fighting in is in a different place… because the real battlefield isn't
