Chapter 636 - "Unequal"

Shallow Vernal repeatedly creates and destroys, shifting between

dimensions without pause. Even though it would be difficult for her to

completely defeat Kuromueina in this way, it would be enough for her

to buy time.

As she was repeating her one-sided attack, she saw a faint flash of light,

to which she turned her head away from its trajectory.

The flash of light grazed Shallow Vernal's cheeks and left a small

scratch, but of course, it healed instantly. However, Shallow Vernal

stopped moving, inwardly astonished.

The damage from the current strike is negligible… But the fact that "a

strike was sent her way" was astonishing.

Shallow Vernal had been attacking from a place Kuromueina shouldn't

be able to attack all along. That's the reason why she was unable to

make a counterattack before… At least, from the capabalities of the

Kuromueina that she knows of, this shouldn't have been possible.

But in reality, such a counterattack came. That's why Shallow Vernal

stopped moving. Immediately afterwards, Kuromueina teleported in

front of her, striking her with her fist.

As several dimensions collapsed in the aftermath of her strike,

Kuromueina slightly smiled.

[I finally found you, Shiro!]

[…I guess you really won't just let me get away.]

The reason why Kuromueina was able to get to where Shallow Vernal is

is because of her inherent ability "Prologue" which she activated.

If one had to describe it, the true essence of that power… is "generating

possibilities". The moment she uses her power would become the

Prologue, and from that point forward, the story can change in any way

she wants. Just as how the future is filled with infinite possibilities.

Until a few moments ago, it was impossible for Kuromueina to instantly

teleport between worlds and dimensions. However, Kuromueina can

now do such a feat.

"The power to change the impossible into the possible"… That is the

Prologue: The Beginning of the Story. The power she possessed because

she had raised many baby birds, standing at the beginning of many

people's stories.

With this power, Kuromueina gained the ability of instantaneous

teleportation, allowing her to arrive at Shallow Vernal's side. In this

situation, the advantage would be held by Kuromueina, who has better

direct combat abilities.

However, even if that's so, she was unable to truly defeat Shallow

Vernal. With the two powers Shallow Vernal held, Epilogue and The

Last Story, truly defeating her was out of the question to begin with.

Even if Kuromueina used her power of Prologue makes it possible for

her to block the unblockable Epilogue…

Kuromueina would only end up as "a being who made it possible to to

block the Epilogue"… Her power… rather than fighting against it, it

wouldn't even be able to compare with it.

Not a single person or thing can resist their end. No matter what means

they use, no matter what ability they have… Unless all stories end, the

end for the being called Shallow Vernal wouldn't arrive.

But now, at this time, that out-of-the-question factor holds no


The Epilogue is now in Kuromueina, and Shallow Vernal has no

intention of taking it back. Kuromueina's current goal is also to stop

Shallow Vernal, not to defeat her.

If that is the case, then it is possible for Kuromueina to win the battle.

And thus, the scales of this battle are tipped in Kuromueina's direction.


[Wha… Shiro… You…]



However, even if Kuromueina gains victory over Shallow Vernal…



That doesn't necessarily mean that "it would lead to her saving Kaito".

…Kuromueina had been wrong about something this whole time. She

had been wrong about the time when Shallow Vernal had predicted her

defeat in advance…

Agreeing to fight against Kuromueina, knowing that "even if she won

the battle against her, she wouldn't be able to save Kaito", Shallow

Vernal knew that she would need to "use her own body as a pawn to

buy herself time"…

Yes, the very fact that Kuromueina agreed to this fight… was all "just as

Shallow Vernal planned".

When I arrived in front of the university's gate with Alyssa, I saw a

familiar figure, looking like she just arrived as well.

[Oya? If it isn't "Iris-san", what a coincidence~~]

[…Kaito… Alyssa… Good morning.]

[Good morning, Iris-san.]

(T/N: The "I" on Alice's best friend Iris' name is pronounced like the

letter E, while this Iris is pronounced as "Ai"-ris.)

She is Iris Leavitt-san, and as can be clearly seen from her name, she is

an exchange student. She is an incredibly beautiful woman with snowwhite hair and ruby red eyes.

(T/N: / Airisu Reafiido)

However, she has a record of not fitting in well with her surroundings

due to her reserved personality.

Alyssa and I got to know her because we were seated right next to each

other in our first lecture at the university, and since then, we've become

good friends and are currently belonging in the same laboratory.

[Ahh, that's right. Here, Iris-san, I also brought you a souvenir.]

[…Thank you… What's this?]

[It's a carved wooden statue that can be found in most tourist spots.]

[…Really?… Errr… I'll take good care of it.]

After Alyssa handed over a wooden statue that was probably modeled

after some kind of animal, Iris-san thanked her and nodded her head,

accepting it.

As I looked at this scene filled with smiles, I felt my head ache again.


[…Kaito? A- Are you alright?]

[Y- Yes, I'm sorry. My head's aching a bit…]

[W- We need to call an ambulance…]

[Ah, no, it's already abating, so it's alright!]

[…Really?… Don't push… yourself too hard, okay?]

Not only is Iris-san a really kind person, she is also quite the worrier.

When I cut my finger on my notebook once before, I remember how she

became flustered and tried calling an ambulance.

Well, I'm happy that she worries about me that much but…

[But, Kaito-san. Seriously, are you alright? How about you go absent for

the day and take some rest? If you worry about your attendance, I can

manage it with one of my Journalist Secret Techniques, "Perfect Vocal

Cords Mimicry".]

[No, I'm really alright. Rather than that, I want to ask what kind of

superhuman you think journalists are.]

I'm sure she's worried about me, but it's just like Alyssa to always

include her jokes at least once… Well, in her case, what was scary is that

the things she's saying were something she could really do…

As I was wondering what these sudden headaches I've been having, I

headed to the university with Alyssa and Iris.

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