Fourth Day of the Six Kings Festival. It's currently 5:00 am… and I have
about four hours before I meet up with Dr. Vier and Neun-san.
Waking up early in the morning, I used my Teleportation magic tool to
return back to Lilia-san's house. The reason was…
[Come now, Bell. Don't move… Lynn, thanks for the help.]
Yes, it was to bring my pets, Bell and Lynn, to the Six Kings Festival. This
is because pets are allowed on the fourth day of the Six Kings Festival.
The festival was hosted by Magnawell-san and it was apparently about
"Interacting with Monsters".
That's why I came back to pick them up, and while I'm at it, I came early
to brush Bell's fur.
While I was at the Six Kings Festival, I asked the servants I was close
with to take care of Bell and Lynn. So, they're obviously brushing them
every day, but I still want to do it myself.
The key to brushing Bell well is to use several brushes needed for each
area and to thoroughly wash his whole body.
First, use a coarse brush to remove the dirt from between his bristles,
and then wash his entire body. Use a shampoo for monsters that
contain a special blend of several ingredients, and wash thoroughly,
down to the smallest detail, so that it would be silky smooth when it
Then, after drying his fur with a wind-generating magic tool, I used a
fine brush to arrange everything. The important thing here is to brush
his fur when they're slightly damp, not when it's completely dry.
Otherwise, strange curls would keep popping out.
Bell seemed to love my brushing, as he looked very comfortable,
making spoiled purrs, which was very cute.
Perhaps because he is a Behemoth, one of the most powerful Highranking monsters in the world, Bell has a lot of pride. Even though he is
friendly to the people in the mansion, partly because I tell him so, but
the only ones I've seen him act spoiled around Sieg-san and I.
[…Alright, finished! Well then, I'm gonna dry you off now, so sit still.]
As I was thinking about random things, I finished brushing Bell and let
his whole body completely dry off. Bell's silky fur is something that I'm
secretly proud of.
I wonder if there are any hair mask made for monsters? If there is, I'd
certainly like to have them… I would like to add some finishing touches
on Bell's fur, to give them a bit more shine. I would also like a finer
brush, so that I can brush his fur for the third time, giving his fur a more
beautiful finish than they are now.
I really feel like when it comes to Bell's fur, there's still room for
[Well then, let's go to the Six Kings Festival.]
[Unnn? Wait, Lynn? What's the matter?]
[Kyuii! Kyukuiii!]
As I finished brushing and was about to lead them to the Six Kings
Festival, Lynn suddenly snuck into my clothes.
Lynn then wriggled around in my clothes, before only her head out
from my chest, looking satisfied.
She's more pampered than usual… I guess she was lonely because I was
only taking care of Bell.
Not pulling Lynn out of my clothes, which she had completely crawled
into, I gave her a pat on her head with a smile before activating my
Teleportation Magic tool.
When I arrived at the festival venue, I could see people with their pets
here and there.
It was now 7:00 am, and we still had about two hours before meeting
up with Dr. Vier and Neun-san.
As I was thinking that it might be a good idea to take a stroll around the
area since Bell and Lynn were curiously looking around, I suddenly
heard a familiar voice.
[Oya? If it isn't Miyama-sama. Good morning.]
[Chris-san? Good morning.]
Looking back towards the direction of the voice, I saw Chris-san,
dressed in a man's suit. She looked like a crossdressing beauty just as
usual, though at a quick glance, one might mistake her as a normal,
slender, prince-like young man.
Behind Chris-san, there was a black horse… and it was about twice as
big compared to usual horses.
[…Is that horse (?) your pet, Chris-san?]
[Yes, I enjoy riding horses, and this is my favorite horse, Nirva… a
monster of the Grateful Horse species.]
Chris-san lightly introduced her favorite horse, then turned to Bell, who
was with me, and smiled.
[Miyama-sama has a White Dragon and a Behemoth… Both of which are
High-ranking Demons, aren't they? As expected of Miyama-sama. I think
I've seen this Behemoth with you before… but isn't his fur more
magnificent than back then? He looks lovely.]
[Isn't he!!!?]
[Eh? Wha!? M- Miyama-sama!?]
As expected of an Emperor, it seems like Chris-san has a keen eye for
great things.
[Please look here, isn't he silky smooth? I've been brushing him with a
lot of care, you know!?]
[Y- You're right… U- Ummm, you're too close… You surprised me a bit…]
[Look here, his fur around this area really curls up a bit, so I need a
special brush to get them nice and neat!]
[Hyahh!? W- Why are you touching my shoulder!? P- Please wait for a
moment… Well, I did speak to you with an ulterior motive in mind but…
this was so unexpected…]
[Isn't his horns beautiful too? With Bell's horns being black, dirt would
really stand out from it. So, I make sure to wipe them at least twice…]
[…Ummm, are you listening to me? I'm the type who is rather
susceptible to surprise attacks… so this feels very embarrassing…]
[…I'm also very particular with the shampoo I'm using…]
[…You're not listening huh. Yes, I understand… I'll make sure not to
Miyama-sama about your pets… I'll thoroughly remember that. Wait,
like I said, your face is too close!]
I feel so happy that she praised Bell, my pride and joy, that I talked
about him and Lynn to Chris-san for over an hour.
Dear Mom, Dad————- I felt really glad to hear someone praise my
cute pet, making me feel very enthusiastic. I've never had a pet back in
my previous world, but if I'd known that they're so cute————– I
wish I had kept one sooner.